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At times you can feel so Unwanted,

You feel unloved and in the way,

You seem to take up too much space

In someone’s life one day,

Perhap’s they do not mean to hurt you,

They have a life to live,

Unwittingly, they break your heart,

There seems no love to give.


At times you can feel so unneeded,

Your usefulness is nil,

They haven’t got the time for you

And you think they never will.

Perhaps tomorrow may be different

But deep within in your heart,

You think your usefulness outlived,

Of their life you have no part.


They try to tell you, it is not true,

But now the seeds are sown,

Gone is the time when you were close,

Your love has been outgrown,

They want to do their own thing,

Where there is no place for you,

They have cut the apron strings,

To this unwanted point of view.


                                                          Carole A.M. Johnson

                                                              c. August 2000

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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