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An iceberg loomingl, in the morning light,
The memorial to Titanic's fateful night,
Glacial splendour in the ice cold ocean,
Seven iceberg warnings! They had no notion!

She was the glory of the White Star Line,
Unsinkable! The greatest liner, of all time,
Four great funnels, wide and tall,
Nine decks, a swimming pool, room for a ball.

A magnificent lady of gigantic proportion,
Her maiden voyage, devoid of all caution,
Too late when they saw the danger ahead,
Disbelief on their faces, "Unsinkable!" they said.


Not enough lifeboats, not enough filled,
So many lives lost, so many killed,
The band played on with heroic care,
For the hero, the heroin, for everyone there,

The Carpathia answered their SOS call
They came for survivors, one quarter was all,
Lady or gentleman, servant or friend,
That unsinkable giant did sail to their end.


© 2000 Carole A. M. Johnson

None But The Lonely Heart - And The Band Played On. - Tchaikovsky Salonisti- None But The lonely Heart And The Band Played On. (Music Played on the Titanic.
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I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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