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                                         Time Lines.


Who is that aged person, whoever can she be?
Who is that old lady who is staring back at me?
She seems to know me well, but she is new to me,
Suddenly I noticed her, whoever can she be?


Passing by this morning, I saw her standing there,
I saw an older lady, she didn’t seem to care,
Then I heard her say to me, do not be a fool,
Face up to reality, time can be so cruel.


I knew the face, I knew it well, an image of grandmother,
The face was so accusing, when it said she was another,
I was young, she was old, so why should I care,
She can wear those wrinkles, I can stand and stare.


Take another look she said, you and I are one,
You may be young at heart, my dear, but years keep rolling on,
I did not wish to know that face, which she claimed was me,
Inside I am still seventeen, so however can this be.


I hate that mirror on the wall, why is it so cruel,
It does not need tell the truth, but I’m nobody’s fool,
No one wants to face the fact, but it will not go away,
Because we each are getting older, but wiser day by day.


The years fly by so quickly, I know that she is me,
Ever young, when young at heart, the mind is just age free.
Eternal youth inside is mine, as I face each old age line,
With silver hair, and time to spare, maturing like fine wine.


I can hear my mother singing, a sweet and lovely sound,
Hear the beauty in her voice, echoing all around,
I did not see her age, I saw only her sweet face,
 Realise she is young too, that age is no disgrace.


Always she was beautiful, I did not see her change,
I see every stage at once, from every single range, 
I can see her very  young, I can see her very old,
With the beauty of an angel and a heart of pure gold.


I know it doesn’t matter to those who love and care,
They do not see the time lines, nor do they stand and stare,
They can see your every aspect, and every yesterday,
For they have seen  true beauty so it cannot fly away.

                          Copyright Carole Johnson
                                 September 2000

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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