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  St. Giles Churchyard, Bowes, Yorkshire, England



Underneath the church wall, that is where you lay,
The inscription on your tombstone, was almost worn away,
Kneeling at your graveside, I said a silent prayer,
Two hundred years since your decease and now someone to care.
I thought of what your life had been, another world, another scene,
Were you rich, were you poor, did you live inside the law.
I thought about your children, I thought about your wife,
I thought about just everything, of how you lived your life.
I didn't see you lying there, among the weeds, your bones now bare,
I saw happiness and despair, I saw your lifetime written there,
I saw my family of long ago, recorded for the world to know.


Copyright 2000.
Carole A M Johnson

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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