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The Unicorn

The Unicorn can change her shape to tall or very small,
A horse to suit a fairy, whether small or human tall. 
The Unicorn, like Pegasus, is a carrier for a king, 
Or transport for the fairies, minus the feathered wing.
No human king would qualify for these enchanting rights, 
Unless perhaps, King Arthur of the round table knights.

The Unicorn is dazzling, as white as driven snow, 
Her flowing mane and swishing tail, hint a sky blue glow. 
She boasts a horn so beautiful, of golden tinted hue.
Few have seen this wonderous beast, less believe it true,
She is mentioned in the bible, folklaw and fairytales,
A creature pure and fiery, yet her gentleness prevails.

The Unicorn will shed her horn in times of dire need,
To serve the sick or injured, her horn will help, indeed.
Powdered horn of Unicorn, is a soothing, healing balm,
Unless you harbour evil, the Unicorn will do no harm.
Fair maiden, just may tame her, if her innocence be pure,
If innocence be tainted, then great pain she will endure.


Copyright August 2004
Carole A.M. Johnson

This Background Features Encaustic Artistry Of Cynthia Adams, who has given me sole right to use and publish her artwork to my website. Her artwork is copyright and as such, may not be used on other websites without my consent and that of the author.  The Unicorn in Cynthia 's  beautiful landscape is my own work.

A Carole's Cottage/Tall Trees Background 

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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