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The Hope Chest

Inside of my hope chest are stored my old dreams,
hopes for the future and what might have beens. 
Each year's golden milestone, a memory to mark,
a bright glowing candle when lit in the dark.

In old souveneirs and sweet memories of you,
the nostalgia of yesterday, the old and the new.
In love letters fastened with ribbons and bows,
in the Valentine card with the single red rose.

As I finger through satin and Nottingham lace, 
tears mingle with smiles in a happier place.
From wedding day finery to out of date hose,
and yesterday's perfume to tickle the nose.

My old teddy bear, your gold watch and chain,
the rosehips we'd picked in an old country lane.
The first baby shoes, the bangles they wore,
and a card to my wife, "To the one I adore!"

Old records and tapes and old photographs,
 Christmas with children, the tears and the laughs.
Bangles and baubles and old dress up clothes,
programs and posters from yesterday's shows.

The greatest of treasures, were saved in that chest,
each wrapped in a memory of old happiness. 
Each item a milestone, a memory to save.
and a lifetime of hope, from the cradle to grave.

© August 2004 - Carole A. M. Johnson

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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