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                                                       THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE


                                                                  GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF


                                                                                                    CAROLE A.M. JOHNSON
                                                                                                          COPYRIGHT 2001
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P. 491- (ccxciii.) Appendix XVI.

                                                                                   Later Court Rolls


1647, May 3. 23 Car. I. Dorothy Langstaffe wife of William Langstaffe, dau. and h. of Peter Wilson, decd, was admitted and took of the Lord the office of Parcator Anglice Pinder [pounder of stray cattle] of North Auckland, with all the profits and commodities appertaining to the same office which the aforesaid Peter, her late father, had of right whilst he lived. [See pedigree No. 2.]

1652, May 5. Admittance of Dorothea widow of William Langstaffe, daughter and heiress of Peter Wilson, deceased, to a cottage and garden in Auckland upon her being admitted to the office of pinder in North Auckland.

1661, June 11. 13 Car. II. Came Robert Gowland and Dorothy his wife and Ralph Gowland their son, who took of the Lord the office of Pinder of Bishop Auckland in which Dorothy Langstaffe therein had right, and they were admitted tenants.

1715, Oct. 28. Surrender from George Mason to Thomas Langstaffe and Maria his wife of a cottage, late in the tenure of George Robinson and now in the tenure of the aforesaid Thomas Langstaff, with a garden, etc., in Bondgate in Auckland.

1742-3, Jan. 29. Surrender from Thomas Langstaff and Mary his wife of land in Auckland, mortgaged by them to Thomas Oyston for £40.

1751, June 2. Four surrenders of land in Newton Gap to George Langstaff as
trustee for Jane Sanderson.


1664, April 21. Surrender to William Langstaffe of two cottages in West
Auckland. .

1674, Sep. 23. 26 Car. II. Surrender from William Langstaff to Robert Henderson of 4 parts of a cottage with garden, etc., in West Auckland, in the possession

P. 492- (ccxciv.) Appendix XVI. - Later Court Rolls

of William Meaburne, under-tenant. Subject to a mortgage for £10 to Henderson, to be repaid 26 Sep. 1682 [1st mortgage].

1675, Oct. 1. 27 Car. I. Subject surrender from William Longstaff and William Ward to Robert Henderaon of above, continuing the mortgage.

1675, May. 27 Car. I. Surrender from William Langstaff to Maria Bailes of premises in West Auckland.

1640, Apr. 21. 16 Car. 1. West Auckland. Surrender from John Simpson to William Langstaffe of one cottage, etc. At same Court on same day another cottage was surrendered by William Stevenson to said William Longstaffe, and he demised the second cottage to Isabella Stevenson for her life.

1682, Apr. 13. - 34 Car. II. Evenwood. Surrender from Jane Dunn, widow, William Langstaffe, and Alicia his wife to Richard Coltman of a cottage, etc., late held by George Lawe. The same day Richard Coltman surrendered the same to William Langstaffeand Alice his wife. By a defeasance it was agreed that the said Jane Dunn, mother of the said Alice Langstaffe, should have the little parlour, parcel of the above surrendered cottage on the east end thereof adjoining with "Nicholas Shield, for her life without payment. [See pedigree No. 2.]

1682, Sep. 28. 34 Car. II. West Auckland. Surrender from William Langstaffe and Alice his wife to Sarah Hodshon of a cottage in West Auckland, in the tenure of the said William. Mortgage for £16, to be repaid in 1685 [2nd mortgage].

1690-1, Jan. 5. 2 Wm. and Mary. Surrender from Sarah Hodgson, spinster, to Maria Ward, spinster, of one cottage, etc., late in the possession of William Langstaffe upon condition that if the said William Langstaffe of West Auckland do pay unto Maria Ward"the sum of £33 5s., being the sum now paid by Maria Ward to Sarah Hodgson, due principal and interest upon a mortgage by William Langstaffe and Alice hie wife unto the said Sarah Hodshon, dated 28 Sept., 34 Car. II. [1682], then this surrender to be void.

1691, May 7. 3 Wm. and Mary. Evenwood. Surrender from Robert Henderson to William Langstqffe of one cottage, etc., in West Auckland, now in the possession of Thomas Baxter.

On the same day William Lanqstaffe resurrenders the same premises to Maria Ward.

1781, July 18. Surrender from John Todd to, George Langstaff of Butterknowle,

gent., of premises at West Auckland, subject to a mortgage for £40.

1782, Sep. 7. Surrender to John Longstaff of Witton le Wear, Butcher, of

20a. Or, 32p. of land, part of Raby- Fell.


1794, Dec. 10. Surrender from John Todd of Cockfield, gent., to George Langstaff (IV.) of the same, gent., eldest s. and h. and exor of George Langstaff (III.) of Butterknowle, gent., deceased, of premises in West Auckland to William Adamson.

P. 493- (ccxcv.) Appendix XVI. - Later Court Rolls


1658, Apr. 24. Surrender from John Hodgson and Elizabeth his wife to William Langstaffe of moiety of a garth and house, etc., called Eastgate Sheile, and moiety of half an acre of land (late the Lord's Waiste) adjoining Gatecoat on the South, in Lynesack. A mortgage to William Langstaffe for £30, which was to be paid in Whit-week, 1661.

1706, Sep. 23 [? May 4j. 5 Anne. Admittance of Elianora Parkin and Hannah Parkin, sisters of Jane Parkin, deceased, and Margaret Langstaffe daughter of Elizabeth Langstaffe, deceased, lately called Elizabeth Parkin, another sister, coheirs of the afore said Jane, to 4 parts of one messuage with meadow and pasture adjoining, called West-gate Coate in Lynesack, which Jane Parkin had in right, to hold as regards two-thirds to the said Elianora and Hannah and as regards one-third to the said Margaret.

[George Langstraffe of Staindrop = Elizabeth Perkin of Hamsterley, 26 Nov. 1704.]
Staindrop, co. D.

1727, Oct. 27. 1 Geo. I. Surrender from John Langstaffe and Elizabeth his wife of the west part of a house in Wolsingham.

1729, Aug. 24. 3 Geo. I. Surrender from George Langstaffe to his daughter Margaret Langstaffe, spinster, and Thomas Weams of a four parts of a meadow and pasture with a dwelling house called Westgate Coat in Lynesack.


1806, May 2. Surrender to Michael Longstaff of Bishop Auckland, cooper.


1702, March 8. 2 Anne. Surrender to John Langstaffe of a messuage and close in Carlton as trustee for Benjamin Forster until the marriage of the latter with Sarah Langstaffe, spinster. [See pedigree No. 26.]

1708, Dec. 17. 7 Anne. Surrender to John Longstaffe, Junr, of [?] Blackhead, co. York, and Sarah Forster, widow of Benjamin Forster, deceased [? and to John Thompson], of messuages and lands in Carlton from William Heron, who survived Robert Hartburn, deceased, under trusts of Benjamin Forster's will.


1634, Oct. 10. 10 Car. I. Blackwell. Surrender from Richard Cornforth to Elizabeth Langstafe of four acres of land, part of Blackwell moqr, belonging to a cottage held by said Richard.

. . 
1652, Oct. 8. Bondgate. Surrender from John Goundry to Thomas Langstaff

of part of a messuage and garth adjoining tenement of Ralph Chipchase, the portion
formerly surrendered to William Helcoats excepted.



P. 494- (ccxcvi.) Appendix XVI. - Later Court Rolls

1654-5, Feb. 6. Bondgate. Surrender from John Langstaff the elder of Blackwell to Roger Langstaffe and Richard Langstaffe his son of half a cottage and garth adjoining John Crawford's, which he holds in right of his wife. To the uses of the said Roger Langstaff his son and Richard his grandson. [See PEDIGREE No. 52.]

1659, May 16. Blackwell. Surrender from Anthony Walker to Elizabeth Langstaff of two acres of land and moiety of cottage, called Harrington Place, on Blackwell Moor.

1662, April 17. 14 Car. II. Blackwell. Came John Crawforth and his wife and took a moiety of a cottage in which Roger Langstaffe,who survived Richard his son, had right.

1665, May 22. 17 Car. II. Bondgate. John Dunn surrendered to Thomas Langstaffe a house late in possession of Elioner Metcalf and a kitchen in possession of Alin Clawson, spinster, and stables, etc.

1665, May 23. 17 Car. II. Bondgate. Surrender to George Langstaffe of a tenement.

1670, Sep. 14. 22 Car. II. Darlington. Came Maria Chipchase, wife of Ralph, and took a parcel, etc., now in the possession of Thomas Longstaff.

1670, Sep. 17. 22 Car. II. Blackwell. Surrender from John Langstaffe to ffrances Langstaffe, Jane Place, widow, and Susanna Place, sisters of the said Jane Place, of part of a cottage and garden.

1672, May 10. 24 Car. II. Came John Dunn and took a house, etc., in which Thomas Langstaff had right, to hold to Dunn and Dorothy his wife for their lives.

1686. Apr. 9. 2 Jac. II. Admittance of Thomas Langstaffe, junior, and Margaret his wife, and Elizabeth, wife of John Tindall, cousins [? daughters] and heirs of William Helcott, deceased, to a cottage late in possession of Thomasine Burdon, which the said William Helcott had whilst he lived. The said Margaret and Elizabeth to have the same on condition that Thomasine Burdon may occupy the same during her life without any recompense, etc. [See PEDIGREE No. 51.]

1687. Apr. 20. 3 Jac. II. Bondgate. Thomas Langstaffe surrendered to John Langstaffe one house lately erected at the back of the house of Thomas Langstaffe, father of the aforesaid John.

1690, Apr. 16. 2 Wm. and Mary. Bondgate. Admittance of Thomas Langstaffe, son and heir of Thomas, to moietv of a cottage late in the possession of Jane Tindell.

1697, May 12. 9 Wm. III. Bondgate. Admittance of John Langstaff, son and heir of Thomas, deceased, to half a cottage now in the possession of Jane Tindell.

1713-4, Jan. 9. 12 Anne. Cockerton. Surrender from William Lodge and
Maria his wife to John Langstaffe of a cottage, etc., in Cockerton abutting on houses
of William Pattison and Margaret Langstaffe.



P. 495- (ccxcvii.) Appendix XVI. - Later Court Rolls



Exact and perfect Rental in Bishop Auckland of all such tenants :—
Dixon, Peter ... ... ... 5s. rent.

Langstaff, Jane ... ... ... 2s. „

Thomas Langstaff and Margery his wife, by Copy of Court Roll dated 12 October, 9 James I. [1611] took a tenement with the appurtenances by the surrender of Bryan Wright.

borough of auckland.

Those several persons hereafter named hold by Copy and pay the several rents hereinafter mentioned:—

Langstaffe, John, Senr ... ... ... 1d.

Langstaffe, John, Junr ... ... ...

Langstaffe Thomas ... ... ... 3d.

1764, Nov. 3. On the division of Staindrop Moor or Common there was allotted to Elizabeth Langstaff of Staindrop, widow, in right of her freehold land and tenements in Staindrop having right of common, 2a. 3r. 26p.

1769, Feb. 20. Bedburns. George Langstaffe surrendered to Thomas Newby of Barningham, on trust, the 51 acres of land purchased 1760, Feb. 28 [see p. 100].

1827, July 28. George Dixon of Cockfield & George Longstaff of Shildon,
ex'ors of the late Joseph Studholme, late of Shincliff, gent., who died 1 Feb. 1816;
release mortgage of £500.

[Joseph was grandson of Ralph Dixon of Henknowle. George Dixon was probably George III. and nephew of Joseph Studholme. See notes to pedigree No. 9.]

Abstract of two documents lent in February 1883 by Mr. Ralph Nelson to
Mr. John Proud, Solicitor, of Bishop Auckland, and by the latter to the writer. [See
(1) Date, 7 Jan. 1769 (9th Geo. 3rd). Copy of Lease of parcel of ground called Daygill in Evenwood.

Richard Bp. of Durham to George Langstaff

of Stubb Gill in the township of Lynesack & Softley in parish of St. Andrew Auckland, co. Durham, yeoman. " Granted & to farm letten.

" Parcel of ground formerly the Lord's Waste called Daygill otherwise Fletcher
Hill containing by estimation four acres of land .... within the Barony of Evenwood
.... formerly in the Tenure of John Sedgwick .... afterwards in the Tenure of
William Thompson .... and late in the Tenure of Nathaniel Pewterer.

" And all that parcel of ground containing 6 acres .... bounded by the said .... Day Gill otherwise Fletcher Hill to the East and North; by lands of John Thompson

P. 496- (ccxcviii.) Appendix XVI. - Later Court Rolls

to the West; by Swapefoot Lane to the South And .... one Rood bounded by Swape-foot Lane to East & South, by Daygill, etc., to West, and by ancient enclosed grounds late belonging to Samuel Graves & Elizabeth his wife, & since to said S. G. only, to the north.

" Said 2 last named parcels were allotted on division of Common or Moor in manor of Evenwood Chapelry of St. Helen Auckland to Daygill or Fletcher Hill And all Houses, Barns, Byers on same, all wood & minerals with rights to cut or work same, etc., etc., reserved by lessor.

Term 21 years.


Daygill ... ... ... ... 1s. 4d..

6 acres ... ... ... ... 2s. 0d.

1 rood ... ... ... ... 0s. Id.

"At feasts of Purification B.V.M., Pentecost, Lammas, & St. Martin the Bishop in winter by even & equal portions without abatement."

The above seems to have been used later as a draft for a new lease, viz.:—

Date, 8 Jany., 16 Geo. 3, 1776.

John Bp. of Durham


John Wade of Headlam, co. Durham, yeoman & George Longstaff of Butterknowle in co. Durham, yeoman J Mutatis mutandis—but conditions the same.

(2) Date, 18 March, 37th Geo. 3rd, 1797. Shute Bp. of Durham to John Wade of Headlam, co. Durham, yeoman & George Langstqff of Cockfield, said co., yeoman.. " To farm letten etc. ....Parcel of ground .... at Stubb Gill in township of Lynesack & Softley, co. Durham.

Bounded by  River Gaunless on South;

The Baron Dyke .... boundary of the Waste of Evenwood on East;

A footway & land allotted on division of Hamsterley Common in year 1760 to Mary Armory & since sold to George Langstaff on North ;

By part of lands allotted, etc., to Mary Hodgson & since sold to Christopher Johnson on West.

All buildings, etc., thereon. 
All woods & minerals with rights, etc., reserved.
Term 21 years. Rent. 3s. 7d. i.e. 2s. 0d. For 2

Is Id. portions.

" At feast of St. Martin Bishop in Winter, & Purif: B.V.M. Pentecost & Lammas by equal portions without statement. [Signed]shute dunelm" (in a poor hand).


























I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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