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                                                  THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE


                                                                                        GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF


                                                                                                      CAROLE A.M. JOHNSON
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                                                                                                                  PART 21


Early Court Rolls.

Mickleton Manor. 




P.355 - (clvi.) 
MEKYLTON. Curia xxij Nov., 5 Hen. 6 [1426]
P' virid suce'-----------Pres' est p' Forest' D'ni de Mekylton quod .... Joh'es Langstaff - 1d.....succ' virid bosc'.
[ It is presented by the Forester of the Lord of Mickleton that John Langstaff and others cut green wood in the Lord's woods, and that the said John is amerced one penny.] 

Lune. att' p' virid' succ' -----------Pres' est eciam qd .... Thom's Langstaff, 1d. Ric'us Langstaff - 1d...... succ' virid' bosc'. 

Attach' infa camp' de Mekylton ----------- Pres' est eciam qd ....... Ric'us Langstaff - iiij d. tenuit vnum equum ib'm. 

Cattall' infa' Forest' Dni sine corn.----------- Pres' est eciam qd ...... Joh'es Langton - xvi d. best infa Forest p. 

excap' ... Ric'us Langton xii d. p' viij best' ib'm.... Ric'us Langstaff p. xxx best' ib'm, Thomas Langstaff jun' p' xii best' ib'm. 
[ John Langton and others are fined for having beasts is escaped in to the Lord's woods.] 

Dimiss'.-----------Ad hanc cur' venit Xpiana Atkynson, etc., p' pl'm Joh'is Langstaff. 
[ A lease to Christiana Atkynson on the security [per plegium] of John Langstaffe.] 



MEKELTON ----------------Curia tenta ibidem xxmo die Januarij ao Regni Regis Henr' VI. post conquestum undecimo [1432-3]. 

P' virid' succ'. ----------------Joh' Langstafe. id. 

P' trans' in campo de Mikelton---------------Th' Langstafe, iid. p' iiij catt. 
[ Thos. Longstafe is fined twopence for trespass (transgressio) of the four head of cattle in Mickleton Field.] 


P.356 - (clvii.)

Appendix XI. - Early Court Rolls.

Tenant' de Loone.------------ Ric' Langstafe, iid. Th' Langstafe, iid. p' virid' succ'. 

Dimiss'.------------- Matilda Burcy, Will' & Joh' Burcy, filii sui, venerunt hic in cur' & ceperunt de D'no tenuram quam Robt' Burcy prius tenuit, etc., pleg' Will' Snayth & Joh' Langstaf. 

Jurat' de Loone. --------------Comp'tu' est, p' Ric'um Langstafe & socios suos juratores qui dicunt p' sacramentum, etc. 

Mikelton. -----------------Comp'tu' est, etc., quod Ric' Langstaff, id. tenuit j best' in Campo D'ni de Mikelton. 



MIKELTON. Cur' tent' ib'm xviij die Jan. ao r.r. Henr' sexti....xiiijo [1435-6]. 

Virid' succ'. -----------id. Joh'es Langstaffe. 
P' fallen wode.-------vd. Joh'es Langstaffe p' fallen wode. 
Jurat'.----------------- Joh'es Langstaff [ and thirteen others]. 

Affer'.---------------- Joh'es Langstaff [ and two others]. 

Loone virid' succ'.----id. Thom's Langstaffe, id. Ric' Langstaffe. 

Jurat' de Loone.------id. Thom's Langstaffe, id. Ric' Langstaffe [and thirteen others]. 

Affer'.------------------- Thom's Langstaff [ and two others]. 
Attach' Forest'. Ric' Langstaffe p' xx vacc' capt' in Forest'. Idem Ric'us xiid. p' xxx catt' capt' ib'm. Idem Ric'us p' ij eq' capt' ib'm. 

[ This Roll produced in the Chancery suit, Wm. Bowes Esq., v. Chas. earle of Carlisle. Not dated.] 




Another court, date gone [ but see date below]. 

--------de Mekylton qd ------ Joh'es Langstaff ------succ' vir' bosc'. 
-------- id. Ric'us Langstaff habuit iiijxx o' [=oves] inter Hargill & Wymonddirgill. 

Vered'c'm de Holwyksyde. Jur' de Holwyksyde dic' super sac'm suum quod aqua ib'm voc' Rowtandbek exed' extra rectum cursum inter terras Ric'i Langstaff & terras Ric'i Lond in defectu eorundem & h ent diem ponere in rect' cursu' & emender cita p'x' cur' pea vtriusque eor' vjs viijd. 



COTHERSTON Cur' ib'm tent' xxjmo die mens Novembr anno regni regis Henr' sexti post conq' vicesimo quinto [1446], 

P.357 - (clviii.)

Appendix XI. - Early Court Rolls.

MEKYLTON. Curia prima Henrici D'ni Fitzhugh ib'm tent' in die S'c'i Andree Ap'li anno r.r. Henr' VI. xxxj mo [1452, Nov. 30]. 

M'.----------------id. Emma nup' vx' id. Joh'is Langestaf, Jacob' Langstaf [and others], succ' virid' bosc'. 

M'.----------------id. Th' Langstaf, id. Ric' Langstaff, id. Th. Langstaf jun' [and others], succ' virid' bosc'. 

Jur' de Mykelton.---Jacob' Langstaf [and eleven others]. 

Jur' de Lone.--------Ric'us Langstaf [and fourteen others]. 

Lone, M'.------------Pr'est p' Rob' Dent & Will' Dent Forest' q'd ....viijd. Ric'us Langstaf h'uit infra Forest' xx bbest' & xl ov' .... Th' Langestaf viij catall' ib'm. 



MYKELTON. Cur' Henr' D'ni ffitzhugh ib'm tent' xxixo die mens' Mai .... 
jd. Emma nup' ux' Joh'is Langstaf, id. Jacob' Langstaf, succ' virid' bosc' i'oip'i[= ideo ipsi in misericordia]. 

Mykelton Jur'.-------- Jacob' Langstaf' [and eleven others]. 

Lone Jur'.------------- Ric'us Langstaf' [ and eleven others]. 

Lone. ----------------- Pr'est p' .....fforester' q'd....Ric'us Langstaf p' xl ov' infra fforest'. 



Cutherston & Hunderthwate in com' Ebor'.------- Cur' Antonii Huddylston armigri. tent' ib'm vo die Augusti anno regni. Edwardi Dei gr'a, etc., t'cio [?1549 (3 Edw. VI.)]. 

Hubd'thwate. --------------Tenant' ad volunt' D'ni' sec'd'm consuetud' Manerii. Joh'es Langstaffe, Relicta Wi Langstaffe. 

Manerium de Cowderston in com' Ebor'------ Curia Baronis Anthonij Hudleston ar' tent' ib'm die Jovis viz, nono die Sept. a r' D'ne Elizabethe a r' D'ne Elizabethe dei gra,' etc. [Year not given, but the ninth of September fell on a Thursday in the following years of her reign, viz.:1563, 1560, 1574, 1585, 1591, 1596.] 

Michaell Langstaff [ a juror]. Jur dicunt et present' quod .... 

iiijs. iiijd. Will's Longstaffe et Joh'es. Robinson fec' affraiament' inter se contra, 


P.358 - (clix.)

Appendix XI. - Early Court Rolls. 



[ The rolls commence 1659, Kitley Hill, Scarr House, and Langthwaite are within the manor; Reeth and Grinton are at the mouth of the dale; Healaugh is in Swaledale close by. See PEDIGREE No. 29.] 
1685, October 22. View of Frankpledge. Among the resiants Will'm Langstaff of Langthwaite. 

1689, October 14. Court Leet, etc. Will'm Langstaff presented for depasturing the common, and find 6s. 8d. 
1690-1696 . Will'm Longstaffe, a juror. 

1736. Transcript of Arkengarthdale Parish Register for this year:- 
1736 June 12. Mary dau. of Thos Longstafe, bap. 
1736 July 4. William son of William Longstafe, bap. 

1741 . Will of Charles Emmerson of Tottergill House, yeoman. Gives to his brother-in-law Rd. Hird, Simon Langstaff, and Geo. Alderson 1s. each. 

1742 . Court Book. Tenants of Arkengarthdale; Thomas Langstaffe ( Default); Martha Langstaffe ( Dead). 
1742 April 15. Martha Longstaff, buried. [ Parish Register.] 

1742. Will of Robert Hall of Langthwaite, yeoman, Gives to his son Cuthbert Hall a house wherein Thomas Longstaff now dwells. 

1744. Will of Mary Hird of Riggend, widow. Gives to her daughter Ann Longstaff, "the worst of two featherbeds in my house, with two blankets and a black rugg." 
bomb 1735 June 23 Thomas Langstaffe & Ann Hird, married once. [ Parish Register.] 

1746. Will of Richard Hird of Holling Intack. Gives to his brother-in-law of Simon Langstaffe and Phillis his wife 1s., and to his nephews Simon and Richard Langstaff and his nieces Elizabeth, Phillis, Ann, and Mary Longstaff 2 guineas each.


P.359 - (clx.)

Appendix XI. - Early Court Rolls.

1755. Court Book. among tenants Christopher Langstaffe ( excused). 
1772 . Will of Jonathan Kipling of Scarhouse. Gives to his grandchildren Hannah and William Langstaf 1s. each. 


Arkengarthdale Parish Register.

1766 Aug. 3 William Longstaff = Margaret Kypling. 
1767 Feb. 1 Hannah dau. of Wm. Longstaff, bap. 
1768 Oct. 3 William son of William Longstaff, bap. 
[ See PEDIGREE No. 29 .] 

1766. James Longstaff presented for tracing hares and fined....2s. 6d. 
.. .. .. John Longstaff for the like 1760........................................2s. 6d. 
1785. John Longstaff for burning ling upon the common............2s. 6d. 
1787. James Longstaff for absence from Court.................................3d. 
.. .. .. Abel Longstaffe for the like.....................................................3d. 

1788. Isaac Peacock sells his estate to Thomas Longstaff. 

1789. John Idle sellers to Thomas Longstaff. 

1790. Will of John Chalder of High Green. Devises to daughter Ruth Chalder the House at High Green occupied by Abel Longstaff. 


Arkengarthdale Parish Register.

1752 Mar. 29. Abel son of Thomas Longstaff, bap. 
1775 Mar. 17. Abel son of Abel Longstaff, bap. 
1780 Jan. 30. Ann daughter of Abel Longstaff, from Row in Swaledale, bap. 
1781 Dec. 23. Molly dau. of Abel Longstaffe, bap. 
1781 Dec. 30. Abel son of William Longstaffe, from Row in Swaledale, bap. 
1782 Aug. 23. Abel Longstaff, infant, buried. 
1783 Aug. 24. Peggy dau. of Abel Longstaff, bap. 
1786 April 27. Thomas son of Abel Longstaff, bap. 
1789 Feb. 17. Hannah dau. of Abel Longstaff, bap. 
1791 Oct. 9. James son of Abel Longstaff, bap. 
1794 May 18. Robert son of Abel Longstaff, bap. 
1796 Sep. 26. John son of Abel Longstaff, bap. 
1804 Feb. 6. John Longstaff = Margaret Chalder. 
1808 Oct. 20. Addison Longstaff = Elizabeth Chalder. 
[ See PEDIGREE No. 45 .] 
1791 . Thomas Longstaff a juror. 
1794 . Thomas Longstaff is dead; his administrators fined for encroachment, 2s. 6d. 

1794, March 10 . Thos. Longstaff of Scarhouse. Bond and act. Administration granted to Hannah Longstaff, widow. 
[Entered Index, but crossed out.] [See also (? a second )administration 4 June 1794, p. cxxxi.]


P.360 - (clxi.)

Appendix XI. - Early Court Rolls.

1790, February 4 . Thomas Longstaff a witness to will of Mary Alderson of Lock House. 

Arkengarthdale Parish Register.

1765 Sep. 16. Thomas Longstaff = Hannah Frost. 
1794 Jan. 10. Thomas Longstaff, buried. 


Renewal-book of Leases.

Scarhouse. Original lessee Isaac Peacock; lease for 500 years dated 11 November 1765 . 

1787, December 26 . Isaac Peacock sold his tenements to Thomas Longstaff, who was admitted tenant at Scarhouse 19 May 
1791 . 

1794, February 8 . Thomas Longstaff died intestate. 
Administration granted to Sir John Lawson, Bart., of Brough, who sold all deceased's estate at Rigg to Geo. Alderson, jun., 9 June 1796 . [ See p. cxxxi.] 

1804 . Court Book. John Longstaff bailiff. 



1636, October 11. - Wm. Dickson to remove an encroachment.
1640, August 26. - Raby. Geo. Langstaff mentioned.
. 1654, September 27. - James Langstaffe a juror.
1674 October 3. - George Langstaffe a juror.
1677 ( twice) and 1681 - Thomas Langstaff a juror.
1684, October 20. - Raby. Thos. Langstraffe a juror.
1697, October 22. - Pains: Raby. Thos. Langstaffe.
1702-4. - Anthony Dixon mentioned three times.
1705, October 26. - Thomas Langstaffe a juror.
1710, October 27. - Raby. Pain that no way be made through George Langstaff's field.
1713, October 23. - George Dixon of Coldacres mentioned.
1715, 1716, 1720, 1721, 1724. - George Langstaff a juror.
1716, October 26. - Pains: Raby. George Langstaffe.
1721, October 20. - Raby. Pain as to no road through Geo. Dixon's Marwood Carn.
1727 October 14. - Raby. Reference to George Langstaff's watercourse.
1729, October 24. - Raby. Pain that George Langstaff scour a hedge and reference to his close.
1729, October 24. - Staindrop. Pain as to George Langstaff's ground.
1730, October 23. - George Langstaff a juror. 1746, October 24. - A pain that no one make a way through George Dixon's Broomlands Close and Capland and paddock. 


P.361 - (clxii.)

Appendix XI. - Early Court Rolls. 



1706. At the Manor Court, held at Barnard Castle 29 November, the following record was entered in a Fine Book:- " Cleansing ye Shambles.-Seuerall Complaints Comeing before us yt ye Butchers haue nott Cleaned there shambles to the annoyance of the Neighbourhood, we therefore ye Jurors doe lay paine yt each of them shall from henceforth Cleane and Carry away the filth and Dirt thereof once a month at ye least or fforfeitt to ye lord of this Mannor for there Neglect 1s.every month." 
Signed by Abr. Hilton, Steward, and thirteen jurors, Ab. Lankstaf being one of the latter. 



Halmote Books of the Episcopal Manors, co. Durham. 



Circa 1486 . Halmote at Wolsyngham 9 Nov., 4th year of Bishop John [ Shirwood].* (No.18, fol. 59b.) 
Stanhop:- Of John Forster, for an assault made upon William Langstaff against the peace. xxd. 

Circa 1488. Halmote at Wolsyngham 27 November, 6th year of Bishop John [Shirwood]. (No. 18, fol. 90.) 
Stanehopp: Of Edward Langstaff, for an assault made upon William Rawe against the peace. xxd. Circa 1489. Halmote at Wolsyngham 9 July, 6th year of Bishop John [Shirwood]. ( No.18, fol. 104b.) 
Stanhope :- Of Edward Langstaff, for an assault upon Robert Richardson against the peace. xxd. 

Circa 1491. Halmote at Wolsyngham 29 March, 9th year of Bishop John [Shirwood]. (No.18, fol. 158.) 
Stanehop:- Of Edward Langstaff, for one ungelded horse upon the common pasture against the ordinance. vjd. 

Circa 1494. Halmote at Wolsyngham 12 February, 1st year Bishop Richard the[Foxe].+ (No. 19, fol. 46b.) 
Bysshopley:- Of William Langstaff, for felling two lentisks [mastick-trees]. vjd. 

Circa 1496. Halmote at Wolsyngham 14 October, 3rd year of Bishop Richard [Foxe]. (No. 19, fol. 74.) 
Stanehop:- Of Richard Collyngwod, for an assault made upon Edward Langstaff and his head broken and blood drawn. iijs. iiijd. 

* Bishop Shirwood, A.D. 1483-93. + Bishop Foxe, A.D. 1494-1501.


P.362 - (clxiii.)

Appendix XI. - Early Court Rolls.

The jurors present that George Billop of Stanehop ..... Edward Langstaff [and others ] do not attend to do suit for the lands and tenements which they hold of the lord. ( No. 19, fol. 133b.)
Circa 1498 . Halmote held at Wolsyngham. 4 July, 5th year of Bishop Richard [Foxe].
Stanehop 1 : Of Edward Langstaff, for licence to sue Thomas Grenswed in a plea of debt. vjd. 

Circa 15111 . Halmote held at Wolsingham 30 April, 11th year of Bishop Thomas [Ruthall].* (No. 21, fol. 491.).
Lynasake: From Henry Langstrother, for breaking arrest made by the bailiff. xxd. 

1595 . Halmote at Wolsingham 13 October, "30" [should be 37 ] Elizabeth. (No. 25, fol. 174b.].
Bishopley: To this court comes Thomas Langstafe, and takes of the lord a messuage and 17 acres of land, part of the whole tenure namely, 55 acres, with the appurtenances, in which Roger Braidley, having a right therein, here in full court before the steward surrendered the same into the lord's hands to the use of the said Thomas, To have to him and his heirs, paying as before was find. And he does fealty, etc. [Fine} vjs. viijd. 

1597. Halmote at Wolsingham 12 April, 39 Elizabeth. (No. 25, fol. 237.)
Bishopley: Thomas Langstaffe, collector. 

1604. Halmote at Wolsingham 17 April, 2 James 1. (No. 26, fol. 118.)
Bishopley: Roger Wall, Richard Mowbrey, Thomas Langstaffe, and Richard Dixon, jurors. 

1608. Halmote at Wolsingham 26 October, 6 James 1. (No. 26, fol. 249b.)
Bushopley: The jurors present Thomas Langstaffe because he demised his customary lands to Elizabeth Blacket for two years without license of the court. 

1610. Halmote at Wolsingham 7 June, 8 James 1. (No. 26. fol. 291b.)
Bushopley: First proclamation that the heirs or next of blood of Thomas Langstaffe come and fine for all the lands and tenements which the said Thomas had of right whilst living, under penalty of losing all right, etc.
To this court, comes Janet Langstaffe, widow, relict of Thomas Langstaffe, deceased, and takes of the lord a messuage and 17 acres of land, parcel of the whole tenure, viz., 55 acres of land, with the appurtenances, which the said Thomas, late her husband, had of right whilst living, To have to the said Janet in right of her widowhood, Paying therefore per annum as before was find, etc. [Fine] vjs. viijd. 

1610. Halmote at Wolsingham 17 October, 8 James 1 (No.26, fol. 305.)
Bushopley: Second proclamation that the heirs or next of blood of Thomas Langstaffe come and fine for all the lands and tenements which the said Thomas had of right whilst living, under penalty of losing right, etc.
1611. Halmote at Wolsingham, 10 April , 9 James 1. (No.26, fol. 319.)
Bushopley: Third proclamation that the heirs or next of blood of Thomas Longstaff come and fine for all the lands and tenements which the said Thomas held in right whilst living, under penalty of losing right, etc. 

1613. Halmote at Wolsingham 28 April, 11 James 1 . (No. 27, fol. 90 .).
Bushopley: Janet Langstaffe, collector.
* Bishop Ruthall, A.D. 1508-23


P.363 - (clxiv.)

Appendix XI. - Early Court Rolls. 



Circa 1504 . Evynwood. Court held 3 July, second year of the translation of William [Sever]* Bishop of Durham. (No. 20, fol. 50b.)
Lionel Langstrothe of the same [? Cokefield], for cutting wood within the lord's park ijd. 

1553 . Halmote at Evynwold 19 October, 24th year of Bishop Cuthbert [Tunstall].+.
The jurors present John Langstaff for not keeping up his hedge at Daaygill to the injury of his neighbors. He was amerced in the sum of viiid. 

1578 . Halmote at Evenwood 1 May, 20 Elizabeth..
John Langstaff, for assaulting John Gaynforth. iijs. iiijd. 

1608. Court Baron of Evenwood held there 29 Oct., 6 James 1 . (No. 26, fol. 253b.)
Killerbie: The jurors present Charles Langstaffe for making an assault upon Henry Hudsmaughe. iijs. iiijd. 

1659. Manor of Evenwood. At the court held 2 May, Thomas Hogeson complained that Margerit Langstaff, widow, owed him a debt of 6s. 8d. Margaret swore upon oath that she neither owed him that or any other sum of money. The plaintiff was non-suited. 



1603 . Halmote at Darlington 11 May.
Blackwell Township: Barnard Langstaffe was find 6d. for allowing his cow to trespass on the lands of William Robinson. 

1607 . Halmote at Darlington 23 May.
Blackwell: John Langstaffe was fined for cutting down underwood, belonging to the Lord of the Manor in Blackwell-holme, without license. 

1611 . Halmote at Darlington 19 April, 9 James 1.
Blackwell: John Langstaffe fined 12d. for trespass made upon the town green with one horse. 

1612 . Halmote at Darlington 20 May, 10 James 1.
Blackwell: Barnard Langstaff, George Pickering, and Richard Sober were fined 2d. each for not preparing the mill-dam-in all 6d.
Into the same court came John Langstaff, and took of the lord 1 cottage, 1 garden, etc., by demise of Robert Thorpe-rent 12d. yearly.



1617 the. Halmote at Auckland 19 June, 15 James 1 .
Thomas Longstaff had lands by demise from John Brabant, who held of Bishop James.


* Bishop Sever, A.D. 1503 -7. 
+ Bishop Tunstall, 1530-59. 


I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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