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                                                             THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE

                                                                                        GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF

                                                                                                   CAROLE A.M. JOHNSON
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                                                                                                        WILLS AT LINCOLN

P. 341 - (cxlii.)

1557, May 15. Will of William Longstaffe of East Halton in the county of Lincoln. In the Name of God, Amen, the xvth day off May in the yere of or Lord God 1557, I, William Longstaff of est Halton, in the Countye of Lyncolne, of good remembraunce, do or dayne & make this my last Will & Testament in manr & forme folowynge: fyrst I bequethe my Soolle into the handes of Allmyghtie God, or blessed lady Saint marie, & all the co'panye of heven And my body to be beriede wher it shall please God to apoynte it. It'm I bequeath to Alice longstaffe my doughter xli. It'm to everyone of my god chylder iiijd. It'm to the hye altar for forgotten tythes xijd. It'm to Dorothe Lydyat a lame. It'm to Henry Savage one yowe & a lambe. It'm I bequeath to my brother Syr John iij kye yf it chaunce my Wyffe to marye or by any means go de [? or] depte frome hym. It'm to John Hathway my man a cote & a gerkyn. It' m to my brother Sr John a fyllye wch I bought off mastris Bayliss. It 'm to my sister Margaret a yowe lambe. It'm to my syster Annis a yowe lambe. The rest of my goode unbequethed, my dette, legacies and funeralle p'formed, I gyve to Isabell my wyffe and Edward my sonne, whom I make my executors. And yf it forton my son Edward to dy before he com to lawfull age to order and occupy his portyon then I will that his part shall remayne to hiss th s the yster Alys. And yf it forton my sonne Edward to dye befoe he com to lawfull age to order and occupy his portyon then I will that his part shall remayne to his syster Alis. And yf it fortune the said Alis to dye before she come to lawffull age to order and occupy her p'te then I will that her parte or portion shall remayne to her brother Edward yf he be alyve, & yf they both departe before they come to lawfull age then I will that their p'te shall remayne to the next of my kynne, wch is my brother Ser John, etc. 
Wittnes: John Fayrbarne, Thomas Lavrycke.
Proved at Lincoln 23 June 1557 by Edward the son.
[1557, Book I., fo. 163. A duplicate of this will is registered in vol. for 1556-7, fo. 51.]
Johannes Longestaff, chantry priest of Somerby in the deanery of Yarburgh, co. Lincoln. Value £4 less tithe. Date uncertain, but the valuation made in accordance a statute of 26 Henry VIII. ( 1534-5). ("Valor Ecclesiasticus, " vol. iv. )
John Longstaff, clerk, presented by John Booth, Esqe., of East Halton, to the vicarage of East Halton, co. Lincoln, vacant by resignation, was admitted 15 October 3 and 4 Phillip and Mary [1556.] 
(Bishop's Registers, Lincoln.)


P. 342 - (cxliii.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln.

1557, July 7. John Longstaff, chaplain, presented by Roland Swinbourne, S.T.D., Warden of Clare Hall, Cambridge, and the Fellows of the same College or Hall, to the vicarage of Wrawby, on the death of Thomas Stones, last vicar. ( Bishop's Registers, Lincoln.)
In the Middle Ages, and long after, a priest was addressed as "Sir." It occurs often in Shakespeare. 
[ See p. 6, supra. 
East Halton, Somerby, and Wrawby are all in the northern part of the country, within a 6 mile radius of Kirmington.] 



? 1642 .......... Will of James Longstaffe of Horsington, co. Lincoln. To be buried at Horsington. Owing to my brother Arthur Longstaffe in Horsington, £8. I make my wife full and sole ex'trix . Daughter Annas one little quee. Daughter Sarah one redd cowe and one two yeare red quee and one black calf. To my son John Artra three children 10s. Daughter Mary Allen 1s. Daughter Matt. Artra 1s. Owing to mee from my sonne James £1 8s. I give to my son James 8s.
[ Testator signs by mark.]
Witnesses: Robert X Johnson, Robert X. Dennis.
No date of probate, but placed under year 1642. 
[ Horsington is about the middle of the country; Hainton is 10 miles to the north.]


Horsington Parish Register.

1585 May 15 .... Jeames son of Arthur Longstaffe, christened.
1611 July 20 .... James son of James Longstaffe, bap.
1617 Sep. 26 .... Ann dau. of James Longstafe, bap.
1620 Nov. 16 .... Mary dau. of James Longstaffe, christened.
1624 April 17 .... Ann wife of James Longstaffe, buried.
1625 and 1630 ...... James Longstaffe, churchwarden.
1626 Nov. 19 .... Thomas son & Sarah dau. of James Longstaffe, christened.
1637 May 9 .... John Artery & Martha Longstaff, married.
1640 June 23 .... James Longstaff & Mary Dynnis, married.
1641-2 Mar. 11 .... James Longstaff, sen., buried.
1642 Aug. 21 .... Ann dau. of James Longstaff, buried.
1642-3 Feb. 25 .... James son of James Longstaff & Mary his wife, bap.
1643 Nov. 10 .... James son of James Longstaff, buried.
1644-5 Feb. 16 .... Mary dau. of James Longstaff & Mary his wife, bap.
1646-7 Mar. 14 .... James son of James Longstaff & Mary his wife, bap.
1649 Oct. 6 .... Ann dau. of James Longstaff & Mary his wife, bap.
1651-2 Mar. 14 .... Luce dau. of James Longstaff & Mary his wife, bap.
1655 May 6 .... Thomas son of James Longstaff & Mary his wife, bap.
1655 June 9 .... Thomas and of James Longstaff, buried.
1656 Nov. 23 .... Martha dau. of James Longstaff & and Mary his wife, bap.
1660 April 20 .... Margret dau. of James Longstaff & and Mary his wife, bap.
1664 Oct. 17 .... Mary wife of James Longstaff, buried.
1671 Dec. 25 .... James Longstaff, buried.
1671-2 Jan. 29 .... Margaret dau. of James Longstaff, buried.
P.343 - (cxliv.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

Horsington Parish Register.

1572 Dec. 6 .... Aymis dau. of Arthur Longstaffe, chris.
1574-5 Jan. 16 .... Thomas son of Arthur Longstaffe, chris.
1576 Dec. 16 .... Robt. son of Arthur Longstaffe, chris.
1579-80 Mar. 14 .... Jasper son of Arthur Longstaffe, chris.
1582 July 5 .... Mary dau. of Arthur Longstaffe, chris.
1583 Dec. 22 .... Arthur son of Arthur Longstaffe, chris.
1588-9 Feb. 2 .... William son of Arthur Longstaffe, chris.
1589 Aug. 21 .... Luce Longstaffe, buried.
1589 Aug. 25 .... Thomas Longstaffe, buried.
1597 Jul. 4 .... John Richardson & Longstaffe, married.
1611 "last of March " ....Margret the wife of Arthur Longstaffe, buried.
1611 June 4 .... Arthur Longstaffe & Joyse Sharp, married.
1611 Oct. 8 .... Arthur Longstaffe & Jane Taylor, married. 
1612 Sep. 27 .... Josias son of Arthur Longstaf, bap.
1614 June 19 .... Anne dau. of Arthur Longstaffe, bap.
1615 June 15 .... Elsabeth dau. of Arthur Loongstaff the elder, bap.
1616 Sep. 20 .... Joyes wife of Arthure Longstaffe the younger, buried. 
1616-17 Feb. 11 .... Arthure Longstaff the younger & Marie Walkerly, married.
1617-18 Mar. 22 .... Arthur son of Arthur Longstafe the younger, bap.
1618 May 9 .... Arthure son of Arthure Longstaffe was buryed.
1618-19 Mar. 14 .... Elizabeth dau. of Arthure Longstaff, christ.
1619 Mar. 29 .... Mary wife Arthur Longstaffe ye younger, buried.
1619-20 Jan. 5 .... Arthur Longstaffe ye Elder, buried.
1621 April 5 .... Arthur Longstaff & Robert Dennys, churchwardens.
1621 July 3 .... Arthur Longstaffe & Ann Browne, married.
1622 April 22 .... William son of Arthur Longstaffe, christ.
1625 July 22 .... Christopher son of Arthur Longstaffe, christ.
1625-6 Feb. 22 .... William son of Arthur Longstaffe, buried.
1627, 1628, 1629, 1631, 1632 .... Arthur Longstaffe, churchwarden.

P.344 - (cxlv.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

1620 May 4 .... Alice dau. of Arthur Longstaffe, christ.
1629-30 Jan.24 .... Thomas son of Arthur Longstaffe, christ.
1630 June 8 .... Thos. Longstaffe, buried.
1631 July 10 .... Mary dau. of Arthur Longstaffe, bap.
1631 July 12 .... Ann wife of Arthure Longstaffe, buried.
1631 Nov. 30 .... Christopher Hille & Elizabeth Longstaff, married.
1632 June 1 .... Mary dau. of Arthure Longstaffe, buried.
1633 Mar. 29 .... Elizabeth the wife of X'p'o Hill & Ann his dau., both buried.
1633 July 2 .... Robert Jonson & Martha Longstaff, married.
1633 Nov. 14 .... Josias Longstaff & Ann Burkes, married. [In Marriage Bond Joshua, see APPENDIX I., p. iv.] 
1636 May 10 .... Christopher Lambe & Ann Longstaff, married. 
1639 May 14 .... Richard Cheales & Elizabeth Longstaffe, married.
1643 June 8 .... Robert Greene & Sarah Longstaff, married.
1646 June 2 .... Christopher Longstaffe & Dorothy Dymock, married.
1646 Nov. 17 .... Henry Pearpoynt & Alce Longstaff, married.
1646-7 Mar. 14 .... Arthure son of Christopher Longstaff & Dorothy his wife, bap.
1648 Nov. 12 .... Fayth dau. of Christopher Longstaff and Dorothie his wife, bap.
1649 April 2 .... Arthure Longstaff and was buried.
1650 Jul. 10 .... John son of X'p'o Longstaff and Dorothy his wife, bap.
1650 Jul. 20 .... John Longstaff, buried.
1651 Nov. 13 .... Christopher son of X'p'o Longstaff and Dorothie his wife, bap.
1652-3 Mar. 20 .... Susana dau. of Christopher Longstaff and Dorothie his wife, bap.
1653 Mar. 25 .... Fayth Longstaff, buried.
1653-4 Jan. 8 .... Alce Longstaff, buried.
1655-6 Feb. 3 .... John son of Christopher Longstaff & Dorothy his wife, bap.
1659 Sep. 8 .... Mary dau. of Christopher Longstaff & Dorothy his wife, bap.
1660 Sep. 23 .... Edward to son of Christopher Longstaff & Dorothy his wife, bap.
1660-1 Feb. 6 .... Christopher Longstaff, buried.
1662 June 30 .... Edward son of Christopher Longstaff, bap. [?Buried. It is entered among the burials.]
1693 Dec. 4 .... Dorothy Longstaff, widow, buried.
1696 Nov. 6 .... John Eblewhite & Mary Longstaff, married.
1698-9 Mar. 5 .... Elizabeth dau. of John Eblewhite & Mary his wife, bap.
1701 Oct. 12 .... John son of John Eblewhite, yeoman, & Mary his wife, born Sep. 14., bap. Oct. 12.
1703 Feb. 27 .... Isabel dau. of John Eblewhite & Mary his wife, bap.
1719 April 10 .... Thomas Longstaff, buried.
1719-20 Feb.10 .... Miriam Longstaff, widow, buried.
Vp align="center"> Churchwardens Account Book, Horsington.

1684 Mar. 31 .... James Longstaff, constable.
1685 Aprill the ye 20th upon Easter Monday, constable, Arthure Longstaffe.
1689 April 1 .... Constable, Thomas Longstaffe. Collector for the Poor, Jaspar Longstaffe.
1692 ............. James Longstaff, constable.
1693 April 18 .... Due from James Longstafe constable, to the town, 13s. 9d. This was gratified and got strayt.
P.345 - (cxlvi.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

1695 .... Due to the town from James Longstafe, 18s. 3d.
James Longstafe Disburst at the visitation last year 15s. 4d. 
Due to the town from Jaspar Longstafe, constable, the 13th of April , £0 6s. 6d.
James Longstaff, churchwarden for the year 1694. [ signs by mark].
Jaspar Longstafe, constable for the year 1695.
1700 .... Thomas Longstafe, constable for the year 1700.
1701 .... Thomas Longstafe dew to him at the Recking day, 00. 06. 00.
1708 .... James Longstaffe, overseer for the poor; when he passed his accounts in 1709 the town owes him 2s. 7d.
1710 .... Jaspar Longstaff, constable. 
" Jaspar Longstaf kinsfolk gave up his accounts and owed 0. 0. 0. " 
Jaspar Longstaf returned to John Wilson 0. 1. 6.
1713 .... John Longstaff, churchwarden.
1718 .... John Longstaff, constable.
Jaspar Longstaff has given up account and the town owes him 0. 2d.
1719 .... John Longstaff owes the sum of 05s 08d.
1730 .... John Longstaff, constable.



1659, April 28 . Will of Thomas Longstaffe of Houlton Beckerin, co. Lincoln, husbandman. To be buried in the parish church or churchyard " wherein I am inhabited." To Thomas Longstaffe my eldest son my cottage house at Horsington after the death of my wife, also £10 when he shall be 21 ; to John Langstaffe my 2d son £25 when 21 ; to Jaspar Longstaff my youngest son £20 when 21. Residuary legatee and exx, my wife Katherine Longstaffe. 

The mark of Thomas Longstaffe.

Witnesses: John Swallow, Francis Samson, the mark of John Tindall.
Proved at P.C.C. 18 July 1660 by Katherine Longstaffe, relict and executrix named 
[ Printed here for convenience. Holton Beckering is 9 miles north-west of Horsington, and about 5 miles from Hainton; Whapload and Weston are close to Spalding in the south of the county.]



Lincolnshire Quaker Register

1684 3 mo. 11 .... Solomon Turpin & Jane Longstaffe of Whopload, married at Thomas Mather's House in Whopload.
1686 2 mo. 26 .... James son of Jesper & Alse Longstaff of the Spalding & Wainfleet monthly meeting, born. 
1690 7 mo. 20 .... Joseph Longstaff of Wesson, buried at Spalding.
[ These are the only Longstaff entries in the Lincoln to Quaker Registers. But in Besse's "Sufferings of the Quakers ," vol i., p. 358, we find :-
Co. Lincoln, anno 1686. At Quarter Sessions at Spalding, on the 14th of the month, called January, Isaac Langstaff [ with others ] was committed to Prison upon Presentments for Absence from their Parish Church.]



1687, August 15. Will of Arthur Langstaff of Horsington in the county of Lincoln, ffarmer. To my daughter Mary Longstaff £10. Son John Longstaff one cottage house, etc., in Horsington, and five cottage houses at Haltham. Daughter Elizabeth Longstaff £10; kinsman Henerie Parpoynt 10s.; kinsman George Parpoynt 5s.; kinsman

P.346 - (cxlvii.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

Arthur Parpoynt 5s.; aunt Alice Parpoynt, widow, 5s. a yeare. Residue of goods to wife Elizabeth, sole ex'trix. I desire my brother Joseph Brownlow and my brother Christopher Longstaffe to assist my ex'trix. 
Proved at Lincoln 30 April 1688 by Elizabeth Longstaff the sole ex'trix.
[ Haltham and is 5 miles south-east of Horsington.]



1700-1, February 27. Administration of the goods of James Longstaff of Horsington , co. Lincoln, granted to Ann Longstaff, widow, the relict of deceased. Sureties: Anthony Boulton of Edlington and William Barnfather.

Horsington Parish Register.

1693 Oct. 8 .... Mary dau. of James Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1694 Sep. 4 .... Mary dau. of James Longstaff & Ann his wife was buried.
1695 Nov. 2 .... Anne dau. of James Longstaff & Anne his wife, bap.
1696 April 2 .... Anne dau. of James Longstaff & Anne his wife, buried.
1699 June 18 .... Thomas s. of James Longstaff & Anne his wife was buried.
1700-1 Feb. 8 .... James Longstaff, buried.
1719, December 26. Will of Edward Longstaff of Horsington, co. Lincoln. To son James Longstaff £40, and to have meat, drink, and education till he become 20 years of age. James Longstaff and John Longstaff to be trustees for him. Wife [ not named] sole ex'trix.
[ See next will, also that of Henry, 1733 .]


Horsington Parish Register. 

1719 July 4 .... James son of Edward Longstaff & Katherine his wife, bap.
1719-20 Mar. 10 .... Edward Longstaff, buried.



1719-20, March 16. Will of John Longstaff of Horsington in the county of Lincoln. To son James Longstaff £30; brother James Longstaff £1 1s.; brother Thomas Longstaff £5; kinsman James Longstaff, the son of Edward Longstaff, £5. Wife[ not named] sole ex'trix.
James Longstaff and Henry Longstaff, my brothers and Edward Flinton, my whole and sole trustees. Proved at Lincoln 25 April 1720 by the ex'trix.
[ See will of Edward, 1719, and of Henry, 1733 .]


Horsington Parish Register.

1719-20 Mar. 20 .... John Longstaff, buried.
1730 May - .... Hellen dau. of John and Hellen Longstaff, bap

Waddingsworth Parish Register.

1727 Nov. 7 .... Ellen dau. of John & Ellen Longstaff, born October 10, bap.

Wispington Parish Register.

1729 Oct. 7 .... Ellen Longstaffe of Horsington, buried.

P.347 - (cxlviii.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

1722, December 27. Will of Christopher Longstaff of Wispington in the county of Lincoln. To son-in- law John Maddison and Elizabeth his wife, my daughter, each of them half a guinea. Son-in-law Richard Twelves and my dau'r Ann his wife, each of them half a guinea. Son-in-law Robert Thystlewhate and Jane his wife, my dau'r, each of them half a guinea. Eldest Son John Longstaffe and Elinor his wife, each of them half a guinea. Son-in-law Edmund Wingadd and Margaret my dau'r, his wife, each of them half a gu'a. To my maiden dau. Susannah Longstaffe £20. Residue of goods to my wife Ann Longstaffe and my youngest son Christopher Longstaff, ex'ors. 
Witnesses: Richard Stephenson, Robert Fowler.
No probate [ 1723 volume].
[ Wispington is about 2 miles north-east of Horsington. See next will, also that of Henry, 1733 .]

John Fowler of Wispington, gent., by his will dated 29 September 1717 and proved in the Bishop of London's Court 23 October 1719, after naming sons Richard Fowler, Robert Fowler, John Fowler, Thomas Fowler, and their wives and children, also his son-in-law Edward Codd and his children ,also his sister Grace Galdicutt, goes on to say: " Item I give unto my son in law Edward Codd and his children Christopher Longstaff sixty pounds, and to my said son Longstaff and Ann his wife all my lands at Minting in the said co. of Lincoln . . . . with the remainder as regards one moiety and to my grandson Christopher Longstaff, the son of the above named Christopher my son . . . . and as regards the other moiety, to the survivor of my said son Christopher Longstaff or the said Ann his wife and his or her heirs, etc. Item I give unto my said grandson Christopher Longstaff forty pounds, to be paid to him at his age of one and twenty years with interest . . . . and I give it to my other grandchildren John, and Mary, and Susanna Longstaff fifty pounds apiece when of age . . . .” he leaves other lands in the counties of Warwick and Lincoln to his son Edward Fowler and his children.
Witnesses: Ann X Stephenson of Barleywalk 1, William Robson, Jo Lacells.
[Minting ajoins Wispington in the North-west.]


Wispington Parish Register

1688-9 March 19 .... Elizabeth dau. of Christopher Longstaff & Anne his wife, bap.
1690 Aug. 4 .... Ann dau. of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1691-2 Mar. 10 .... Jane dau. of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1693 Sep. 16 .... John son of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1693 Nov. 8 .... John son of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, buried.
1694 Oct. 23 .... John son of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1696 April 4 .... Christopher son of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1697 May 9 .... Mary dau. of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1697 May 29 .... Mary dau. of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, buried.
1698 July 3 .... Margaret dau. of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap. 
1699 July 24 .... Mary dau. of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1700 Dec. 2 .... Susanna dau. of Christopher Longstaff and Ann his wife, bap.
1703 Aug. 23 .... Christopher son of Christopher Longstaff & Ann his wife, bap.
1720 Mar. 4 .... Mary Longstaff, buried.
1723 Aug. 15 .... Christopher Longstaff, senior, buried.
1723 Sep. 5 .... Ann Longstaff, widow of the said Christopher, buried.

P.348 - (cxlix.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

1723-4, February 18. Will of Christopher Longstaffe of Wispington in the county of Lincoln, singleman. To eldest sister Elizabeth Maddison, the wife of John Maddison,£20; sister Ann Twelves, wife of Richard Twelves, £20; sister Jane Thistlewhate, wife of Robert Thistlewhate, £20; sister Margaret Wingad, wife of Edmund Wingad, £20; maiden sister Susannah Longstaffe £20; Residue of goods to my loving brother John Longstaffe, ex'or.
Witnesses: Richard Stephenson, Robert Fowler.
Proved at Lincoln 10 March 1723 by the ex'or.
[ See preceding will.]
1723-4 Feb. 23. Christopher Longstaff, junior, bur. [ Wispington Parish Register.]
1730, November 27 . Administration of the goods of Thomas Longstaffe of Lincoln, grazier. Daughter Ann Longstaff £150, to be paid six months after my decease into the hands of Mr. James Longstaff of Hagnaby, senior, and Mr. Richard Twells of Thimbleby, whom I appoint trustees for my dau. Ann Longstaff, but it my dau. Ann Longstaff die under 21, then I will that sd money be equally divided amongst the children both of my brothers James Longstaff and Thomas Longstaff, both of Hagnaby, and likewise to James Longstaff the son of Edward Longstaff of the said parish, and equall dividend wth the other children of James Longstaff and Thomas Longstaff. To my mother Ann Tibbet of Hagnaby £2; Thomas son of Thomas Longstaff of Hagnaby £5; Christopher Longstaff, son of John Longstaff of Marham-le-Fen, £5; brother William Twells of Thimbleby £5. Wife Susanna Longstaff sole ex'trix.
Witnesses: Richard Wright, Elizabeth Maddison.
Proved at Lincoln 6 October 1740 by the ex'trix.
[Thimbleby is three miles south-east, Waddingsworth a mile west of Wispington; Mareham-le-Fen is eight miles from Wispington, but only four from Hagnaby.]


Wispington Parish Register.

1724-5 Jan. 21 .... Ann dau. of Henry and Susan Longstaff, born 22 of Dec. 1724, bap.
1733-4 Jan. 10 .... Henry Longstaff, buried. 


Waddingsworth Parish Register.

1737 April 21 .... Daniel Fowler of Booknall = Mrs Susan Longstaff of Wispington
1743 Oct. 13 .... Christopher Longstaff, buried.



1737, November 15. Will of James Longstaff, senr, of Hagnaby in the county of Lincoln, yeoman. To son John Longstaff £50, also were little silver cup and the clock. Dau'r Ann Kirkham £20. Dau'r Mary fflecher £20; Pat the Dau'r Elizabeth Longstaff £100, to be put out at interest until she attains 21. Son James Longstaff one close of pasture in Stickford. Son Thomas Longstaff one close call Wilkinson's close in Stickford. Residue to son Thomas, sole ex'or. I doe appoint Richard Chester of Toynton St. Peter's, James Longstaff of Hagnaby, and Christopher ffletcher of Scamblesby wine I'm August , trustees. " If my son at Thomas Longstaff shd die without heirs of his body, my will is that my grand-

P.349 - (cl.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

child James Longstaff, the son of James Longstaff, I give him Wilkinson's close in Stickford." If my son Thomas Longstaff should die without issue I give to my son John Longstaff one close called Wilkinson's Low Close in Stickford, and if my son John Longstaff die without male issue I give the said close to my son James Longstaff and his heirs forever.
Witnesses: Thomas Cross, Mathew Swindal , Ann Alsop.
Proved at Lincoln 14 March 1738 by the ex'or.
[ Hagnaby is 11 miles east-south-east of Horsington; Stickford is 2 miles south of Toynton St. Peter's four miles east of Hagnaby; Scamblesby be is 10 miles to the north. See preceding will.]



1753, January 13 . Administration of the goods of Thomas Longstaffe of West Keal, co. Lincoln, granted to Mary Longstaff, the relict of deceased. Sureties: Thomas Longstaffe of Ashby, near Spilsby, grazier, and James Longstaff of Spilsby, butcher.
[ West Keal adjoins Hagnaby. See will of Thomas, 1772, and adm'on and of James, 1783.]


Spilsby Parish Register

1761 April 20 James Longstaffe of Spilsby, bachelor = Prudence Mawer of Spilsby, widow.
1776 April 28 Mr. James Longstaff, aged 58, buried.
1801 Nov. 19 Mrs. Prudence Longstaff, buried.



1753, February 15. Will of Mary Longstaff of West Keal in the county of Lincoln. To grandson John Garland £2, to be paid to him at 21. Residue of goods to my son Edward Longstaff, my son James Longstaff, and my daughter Mary Longstaff, ex’ors.
Witnesses: Ann Dover, Ann Bouth, Ralph Kirkham.
Proved 7, February 1754 by Edward Longstaff, one of the ex’ors.
[See preceding will, and for Kirkham will of James, 1737.
1744 Nov. 15. John Garland = Anne Longstaff, single persons.
[Halton Holegate Parish Register.]

1760, January 21. Will of Edward Longstaff of West Keal in the county of Lincoln, grazier. To brother James Longstaff one silver cup . I direct my ex'trix shall maintain and educate my nephew John Garland who now lives with me, and I give to him £20 to be paid into the hands of my brother James Longstaff. Residue of goods to wife Sarah Longstaff, ex'trix. Witnesses: Robert Chapman and John Longstaff.
Proved at Lincoln 2 March 1767 by the ex'trix.
[ See preceding will.]



1762 March 2. Will of John Longstaf of Conesby in the county of Lincoln, yeoman. To Mary Haird £2; Jonathan Hard £2; B.C. Hard £2. Residue of good to John Ward, ex'or.
[ Coneysby is in the extreme north of the county, but Coningsby is some 8 miles south of Wispington.]

P.350 - (cli.) 

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

1763, October 3. Administration of the goods of John Longstaff of Bolingbroke, co. Lincoln, granted to Thomas Longstaffe of Ashby, the brother of decd. Sureties: Cuthbert Blythe of Stickney, grazier, and Thomas Blythe of Spilsby, baker.
[ See will of Thomas, 1772, and of Ann, 1773, and administration of Thomas, 1753 . Bolingbroke adjoins West Keal.]



1763 November 26. Will of John Longstaff of Stainfield in the county of Lincoln. Daughter Ann Brooks, the wife of William Brooks, £3. Thomas and Ann Brooks, the children of the foresaid Ann and William Brooks, 10s. each. Daughter Ealener Hilton, the wife of James Hilton, £2 10s. To the three children of Ealener Hilton and James Hilton 10s. each. Residue of goods to my dau'r Mary Longstaff, sole ex'trix.

[ Testator signs by mark.]

Witnesses: Thomas Paske, Sarah Hopkinson.
Proved at Lincoln 9 December 1763 by the ex'trix.
[ Stainfield is 6 miles west of Wispington.]



1772, February 28. Will of Thomas Longstaffe of Ashby in the county of Lincoln, grazier. Wife Ann Longstaff and annuity of £20 for her life issuing out of my lands in Stickford. I give my cottage in Stickney unto my said wife and Cuthbert Blythe of Stickney, grazier, and John Blythe of Spilsby, butcher, for and during the life of George Blythe, Michael Blythe, and James Blythe, sons of my said wife by her former husband Cuthbert Blythe, decd, and after the decease of my wife to my sons Thomas Longstaff and Henry Longstaff. I bequeath and to my said wife, Cuthbert Blythe, and John Blythe £300 upon trust for and towards the maintenance of the said George Blythe, Michael Blythe, and James Blythe for their respective lines, and then upon trust for my son's Thomas Longstaff, Henry Longstaff, and James Longstaff. Residue of goods to my sons Thomas Longstaff and Henry Longstaff equally, ex'ors.
Witnesses: George Blythe, Cutber Haddock, Jno. Longstaff.
Proved at Lincoln 17 December 1772 by the ex'ors.
[ Ashby is two miles east, Stickney seven miles south-west of Spilsby.]



1773 October 9. Will of Ann Longstaff of Ashby in the county of Lincoln, widow. I give £100 to my cousins Willingham Franklin of Spilsby, co. Lincoln, mercer, and John Longstaff of Toynton All Saints, grazier, upon trust to my son James Blythe during his life, and after his decease for my sons George Blythe and Michael Blythe for their lives, with remainder for my children and grandchildren as hereinafter mentioned: my grandchildren Mary, Samuel, John, and Thomas Gill; my grandchildren Ann, John, and Samuel Blythe, children of my son John Blythe; my son John Blythe and Ann his wife; my grandchildren Ann Blythe and William Blythe, children of my late son William Blythe, deceased; their mother Sarah Blythe, widow; granddau'r Martha Blythe; my grandchildren Thomas, Cuthbart, and William Blythe, sons of my son Cuthbart Blythe; my son Henry Longstaff. Residue to my sons James, George, and Michael Blythe. Henry Longstaff sole ex'or.
Witnesses: David Taylor, Mary Grantham.
Proved at Lincoln 20 November 1775 by Henry Longstaff the sole ex'or.
[ Willingham Franklin ( son of John Franklin of Sibsey, co. Lincoln, died 1762, by his wife Mary Hall), the representatives of an old family of "franklins" or freeholders, sold his deeply mortgaged estate and set up in business. His second son

P.351 - (clii.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

Sir Willingham Franklin, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Madras, died of cholera 1824 . His third son James was a Major in the Indian Army and F.R.S. He was to have been knighted for services in the Pindaree war, but died first. His fourth son John, born at Spilsby 16 April 1786, became Rear Admiral Sir John Franklin, K.H. the, the celebrated Arctic explorer.
It is believed the Ann Longstaff was a Miss Hall of the same family as the explorers grandmother.
Toynton All Saints adjoins Toynton St. Peter; both are close to Hagnaby and West Keal.



1780, December 14. Will of Thomas Longstaff of Spilsby in the county of Lincoln, gentleman. All my real and personal estate to my brother Henry Longstaff, and I appoint him sole ex'or.
Witnesses: Thomas Barker, Lawrence Barker, W. Marshall.
Proved at Lincoln 3 January 1781 by Henry Longstaff sole ex'or.


Spilsby Parish Register. 

1773 Feb. 18 .... Thomas Longstaff of Ashby, bachelor = Grace Brackenbury the of Spilsby, spinster.
1778 Nov. 17 .... Susannah dau. of Mr. Thomas Longstaff and Grace his wife, bap.
1783 July 26 .... Mr. William Marshall of Spilsby, bachelor = Mrs Grace Longstaff of Spilsby, widow.
1789 Mar. 17 .... Charles Robert to son of Mr. Wm. and Grace Marshall, bap.
[ Grace was a daughter of Carr Brackenbury of Panton Hall, co. Lincoln, bap. at Panton 4 January 1755 ( she had a brother Robert Carr who lived at Raithby Hall near Spilsby), and married (1) Thomas, son of Thomas Longstaff (will 1772) of Ashby; (2)WM. Marshall of East Theddlethorpe Hall , co. Lincoln. J.P., D.L., by whom he had a daughter Anna Maria, who married the Rev. John Myddelton, Rector of Bucknall, co. Lincoln. Their son, the Rev. Thomas Myddelton of West Stockwith, co. Notts was father of William Martial Myddelton of St. Alban's. Grace died 10 May 1826, aet 71, and was buried at Irby-on-Humber. In the Parish Register of Raithby-cum-Mavis Enderby we find:-
1784 Nov. 3. Grace dau. of Wm. & Grace Marshall, bap.
This younger Grace married at Great Grimsby, 29 February 1808, Commander George Hewson, R.N., who distinguished himself at Trafalgar, and afterwards became Vice Admiral. He died at Topsham, co. Devon, in 1853.]



1781, February 17. Administration of the goods of John Longstaff of Roughton, co. Lincoln, yeoman, granted to Frances Longstaff, widow, the relict of deceased. 
Sureties: Charles Pilkington of Roughton, esquire and William Longstaff of Roughton.
[ See administration of Thomas, 1799.]
1755 July 20 .... John Longstaff of this p. singleman. & Frances Toyn of the p. of Edlington, spr. , mar. B. 
[Haltham-super-Bain Parish Register.]



1783, May 6. Administration of the goods of James Longstaff of Alford, co Lincoln, butcher, granted to Elizabeth Longstaff, widow of deceased. Sureties: Thomas Bradley, farmer, and William Wilkinson, carrier, of Alford. [ See will of Elizabeth, 1800 .]

P.352 - (cliii.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

1799, May 15. Administration of the goods of John Longstaff of Halton Holgate, co. Lincoln granted to Mary Longstaff of Halton Holgate. Sureties: William Taylor of Tothill, co. Lincoln, grazier, and Christopher Longstaff of Swineshead, co. Lincoln, mercer .
[ Halton Holegate adjoins Ashby; Swineshead is near Donington.
D. 24 December 1798, aged 23, after a long and painful illness, Mr. John Longstaff, of the Horncastle and Spilsby troop of the Yeomanry Cavalry. His remains were interred at Halton Holegate, Lincolnshire, on the 27th, with military honours.
("Gentlemen's Magazine" (1778), vol. lxviii., p. 1154.) 


Halton Holegate Parish Register.

1779 July 4 .... Christopher son of John & Mary Longstaff, bap.
1781 Sep. 25 .... Hannah dau. of John & Mary Longstaff, bap. 
1785 Jan. 6 .... Elizabeth dau. of John & Mary Longstaff, bap.
1786 Mar. 19 .... Mary dau. of John & Ann [?error for Mary] Longstaff, bap.
1787 July 4 .... Joseph son of John & Mary Longstaff, bap. 
1798 Dec. 29 .... Johnson of John & Mary Longstaff, buried.

[ James Longstaff occupied "Peartree piece" at Stickford from 1726-1759, when Samuel Longstaff took it, and in 1779 James Longstaff. See will of James, 1737 . 
In 1798 John Longstaff was overseer of Halton, and died the same year, " Mr. Longstaff 's affairs causing the Vestry to take Counsellor's opinion." 
Hannah Longstaff married William Ullathorne of Scarborough, formerly of Pocklington, co. York. She was the mother of William Bernard Ullathorne, R.C. Bishop of Birmingham, and later ( titular) Archbishop of Cabasa. In his autobiography he states that his mother was a cousin of Sir John Franklin. See will of Ann, 1773 .]



1799 December 26. Administration of the goods of Thomas Longstaff of Coningsby, co. Lincoln, farmer granted to Elizabeth Longstaff, widow, the relict of deceased. Sureties: William Longstaff of Roughton, co. Lincoln, farmer, and John Cottam of of Horncastle, co. Lincoln, farmer.
[ See will of John, 1762, and administration of John, 1781; also will of William, 1830 .]



1800, October 8 . Will of Elizabeth Longstaff of Alford in the county of Lincoln, widow. I give unto my son's Thomas and Henry one shilling. All the residue I bequeath to my daughter's Mary and Elizabeth, and I appoint them joint ex'trixes.
[ See administration of James, 1783, and will of Elizabeth, 1809 . Alford is seven miles north east of Spilsby.]



1809, October 20 . Will Elizabeth Longstaff of Alford in the county of Lincoln, spinster. To my dear sister Mary Longstaff all my ready money and other personal estate and effects, and I appoint turnsole ex'trix.
Witnesses: Titus Bourne, William Hodgson.
Proved Lincoln 19 June 1810 by Mary Longstaff the sole ex'trix.

P.353 - (cliv.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

1830, August 10. Will of William Longstaff of Stixwould in the county of Lincoln, farmer and grazier. I give all my lands, etc. in Wildmore Fen, and the reversion of the messuages, lands, etc. in Roughton and Kirkby on Bain, devised to me by the will of Robert Parker, late of Roughton, farmer, unto my cousin William Longstaff of Dunsby, farmer, and his son John Longstaff of Donington by Boston, farmer, upon trust to sell for the use of my sons John and William - £ 200 apiece-and the residue for my other children, Robert, Abraham, Francis, Lydia, and Mary. I appoint the said William Longstaff and his son John Longstaff joint ex'ors.
Witnesses: John Jackson, Richd. Babington , Chas. Babington .
Proved at Lincoln 4 February 1831 by William Longstaff and John Longstaff the ex'ors.
[ Stixwould adjoins Horsington on the south-west; Roughton Kirkby Super Bain are a few miles to the south-east; Donington and Dunsby are in quite the south of the county; Haltham 
( see will of Arthur, 1687 ) adjoins Roughton to the south. See adm'on of John, 1781, and of Thomas, 1799 .] 


Roughton Parish Register 

1727 Nov. 5 .... Edward son of Jno. Longstaff, bap.
1731-2 Jan. 25 .... Alice dau. of John & Jane Longstaff, bap.
1740 April 3 .... Jane wife of John Longstaff, buried.
1742 Sep. 23 .... William Longstaff & Elizabeth Danby, married.
1743 May 27 .... John Longstaff, buried.
1745 Nov. 13 .... John son of Wm. Longstaff & Elizabeth his wife, bap.
1749-50 Mar. 12 .... Alice dau. of Wm. Longstaff & Elizabeth his wife, bap.
1757 Sep. 23 .... William Longstaff of Haltham, buried.
1757 Dec. 28 .... William son of Jno. Longstaff & Frances his wife, bap.
1762 July 29 .... Edward Longstaff & Elizabeth Butcher, both of Roughton p., married in the presence of John butcher & Wm Frith.
1766 June 6 .... John Longstaff & Rebeccah Taylor, spr., both of Roughton, married.
1766 June 13 .... Thomas son of Jno. Longstaff & Rebeckah of his wife, bap.
1767 Dec. 28 .... William son of Jno. Longstaff & Rebeckah his wife, bap. 
1771 Jan. 22 .... Thos. son of Edward Longstaff & Elizabeth his wife, bap.
1771 Feb. 11 .... Thomas Longstaff, an infant, buried.
1772 Dec. 8 .... Frances dau. of Edward Longstaff & Elizabeth his wife, bap.
1781 May 5 .... Eliz. Longstaff, widow, buried.
1786 June 6 .... Thomas Crow, of the p. of Hagworthingham, a widower, & Alice Longstaffe, of Roughton, spr., married.
1787 May 29 .... Frances Longstaff, widow, buried.
1792 Dec. 28 .... Elizabeth dau. of Wm. Longstaff & Lydia his wife, bap.
1794 Nov. 19 .... Frances dau. of Wm. & Lydia Longstaff, chris.
1796 Aug. 22 .... Lydia dau. of Wm. Longstaff & Lydia his wife, bap.
1797 Dec. 7 .... John son of Wm. Longstaff & Lydia his wife, chris.
1798 Oct. 14 .... Robert son of William & Lydia Longstaff, bap.
1800 May 11 .... William son of William & Lydia Longstaff, bap.
1801 Dec. 27 .... Thomas son of William & Lydia Longstaff, bap.
1802 May 4 .... Thomas son of William Longstaff, buried.
1803 Mar. 20 .... Mary dau. of Wm. & Lydia Longstaff, bap.
P.354 - (clv.)

Appendix X. - Wills at Lincoln. 

1804 July 15 .... Thomas son of Wm. & Lydia Longstaff, bap.
1806 Oct. 22 .... Abraham son of Wm. & Lydia Longstaff, bap.
1809 Dec. 28 .... Elizabeth dau. of William Longstaff, buried.
1810 Jan. 4 .... Thomas son of William Longstaff, buried.
1816 April 4 .... Lydia Longstaff of Roughton, aged 51 years, buried.
1830 Sep. 12 .... William Longstaff of Stixwould, aged 74 years, buried.
1835 Sep. 9 .... William Longstaff of Horncastle, infant, buried.
1844 July 31 .... Frances Longstaff of Horncastle, aged 49 years, buried.


Wispington Parish Register.

1788 Nov. 8 .... William Longstaff, of the p. of Roughton, & Lydia Camm, of this p., married. Lic. Witn.: Thos, Brooks, William Kirkby.
[ Lydia was a daughter of Robert Camm, churchwarden of Wispington 1779-1786 . He was buried 25 October 1796 .]



1854, September 19. Will of John Longstaff of Whapload, co. Lincoln, farmer. All to be divided between his two children Elizabeth Longstaff and William Longstaff. 
Appoints Mr. Robert Longstaff, farmer, of Stixwould, and Mr. Wm. Longstaff, auctioneer, of Horncastle, trustees.
Witnesses: Henry Hardy, William Kirkby, Michael Wood.
Proved Lincoln 18 May 1855.
[ Testator died 29 December 1854 . Whapload is the Spalding.]



St. Mary's Whittlesey Parish Register.
1662-3 Feb. 22 . William Legarde = Alice Langstroffe.



[ N.B. Susannah Longstaff ( see note to will of Thomas, page clii) married Rev. William Bawdwen, a widower. He was born 9 March 1762; married (1) Ann, daughter of William Shackleton of Wakefield, by whom he had ten children. By his second wife he had three daughters, Susannah, Fanny, and Judith. He was Curate of Frickly-cum-Clayton and Vicar of Hooton Pagnel, co. York; died at Hooton Pagnel 14 Sep 1816.]

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