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                                                        THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE





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                                                                                                 PART 17

P.313 - (cxiii.) - APPENDIX VII.

Miscellaneous Wills at Somerset House 

1569. Nuncupative Will of Thomas Longstaffe, late of Westminster, deceased. All his goods to Raph Typeshawe, his neighbour, to use and behalf of his two sisters of Windsor.
Witnesses: John Rose, Thomas Rigatt, Henry Robinson.
Proved at Court of Dean and Chapter of Westminster 10 November 1569 by executor named.

1617-18, February 16. Will of James Langstaffe of Broxstead, co. Essex, husbandman. To be buried in the churchyard of Broxstead. To my son John Langstaffe, all my wearing apparel; to my daughter Joane Lockin, 10s., to be paid within two years after the death of Cicilie, my wife; to my daughter Anne Wright 10s., payable as above; to my daughter Grace Langstaffe, the tenement wherein I now dwell, with orchard and garden, charged with payment of £4 to my son John. Executrix and residuary legatee, my said daughter Grace. 
[Signed] James Langstaffe.
Witnesses: John Chadwicke, John Collyn, the mark of George Gull.
Proved at Dunmowe (Archdeaconry of Middlesex.) 20 March 1617- 18.

1625-6, January 10. Will of Michael Langstaffe of Hartwith, co. York, yeoman.
To be buried in the churchyard of Kirkeby Malzerd, neare unto my former wife; Ellen my wife shall have moiety of my dwelling house for her life, over and above her dower in my lands; to Nicholas Langstaffe, my eldest brother, a full third part of all my lands etc., in Hartwith, charged with the payment of £100 to my brother Anthony Langstaffe, the same lands to remain to the said Anthony in default of payment of the sum; to my brother William Langstaffe, £20; to my sister Anne Langstaffe, £10; t6o Rosamund, wife of Stephen Deane, 20s. for a ring, and 20s. to each of their children; to Francis and Mary Scaife, children of John Scaife of Braistie Woodes, 20s. apiece, to be received by Sampson Lupton, the younger, for their uses, till they be 21 or marry; to my godson Samual Hardcastle 6s.8d; to my godson William Gill 6s. 8d; to my man James 20s; to my man Richard and my maid 10s. apiece. Executor and residuary legatee, my

P.314 - (cxiv.) - Appendix VII- Wills.

brother Nicholas, To Ellin my wife £3 6s 8d; to John Wadsworth of Halifax 40s; I will that Francis Wreakes shall have a year’s time gratis for his money, after his money be due.
[Signed] Michael Langstaffe.
Witnesses: Edward Wells, Francis Wreakes, Galfrid Adamson.
Probate act not registered. (Peculiar Court of Masham, co. York.)
[See Inquistion post mortem, 1627, pp. 12, 13, and Chancery Bill 1642, page 14, supra; also Masham will of Anthony, 1670, and administration of William, 1689. For Wreakes (?) see Masham will of Thomas Longstrothe, 1617.]
1655. November 20. William Scaife and Alice Langstaffe married. [Heighington]
Also Chancery affidavit, Ripon, co. York, dated 30, October 1660, in suit William Langstaffe v. Thomas Hanley. Christopher Yeates and John Skirfe, declare that William Langstaffe, six years ago or thereabouts, did convey certain lands and tenements in Hartwith and Dacre to the defendant, with a defeasance to pay £100 at a certain day. The complainant has tendered the £100 and “use thereupon due,” not withstanding which the defendant keeps possesion of the premises and has reped corn to the value of £16, and hay and grass to the value of £10, and has cut down oak trees to the value of £24. (Term Michaelmas, 1660, No. 172.)

1633 Administration of the goods of Walter Longstaff of Lathbury. (Reference in Index, but this Act Book of the Archdeaconry of Buckingham is now missing.)

1670 August 27. Will of Anthony Langstaffe of Fearby. To my daughter Ann one cow and one great chist, one table and half of my hempe and flax; to my daughter Dorothy a cupboard, etc.; to my son Thomas 40s., to my son John 40s. and a woolen web between them. All my children shall have houseroom or lodging (as long as they continue unmarried) within my house in the low end. To my 4 said children all my part of the bees, equally among them. Executor and residuary legatee, my son William Langstaffe. To my son Thomas my sorrell foal. To my son’s Thomas and John my implements.
Anthony Langstaffe (his mark).
Witness: Robert Exelby.
Probate Act not registered. (Peculiar Court of Masham, co. York.)
[See Masham Administration of William, 1689.]
[Masham and Fearby are close together , some twelve miles south of Richmond; Kirkby Malzerd is four miles further south; Hartwith and Dacre, yet eight miles further.]

1671. Administration of the goods of Richard Longstaffe. Missing. (Archdeaconary of Middlesex.) 

1689, July. Administration of the goods of Robert Langstaff. (Commissary Court of London. In Index but not in Act Book.)

1689 September 30. Administration of the goods of William Langstaffe of Fearby, granted to Elizabeth Langstaffe of Fearby, co. York, widow of decd. Anthony Langstaffe of the same place, a bondsman.
The mark of Eliz: Langstaffe. (Signed) Anthony Langstaffe.

P.315 - (cxv.) - Appendix VII - Wills.

INVENTORY prised 23 September 1689 by Mark Plewes, Edward Wilkinson, Arthur Horseman., and Christopher Walker. The goods consist of kine, corn etc.and furniture. Value £51 5s. 0d. 
Debts owing by decd. to widow Theakston, Anthony Longstaffe, Christt. Walker, James Williamson, John Peck , and Umfray Blackborne. Debts were owed to him by John Symondson and Thomas Thwaites. 
(Peculiar Court of Masham.) [See Masham will of Anthony, 1670.]

1696, October 4. Nuncupative Will of Joseph Langstaffe , late belonging to H.M.S. “Monmouth” but in the parish of Chatham, widower, decd., lying then sick in the dwelling house where he had lodged for many years. 
“I have no friend in the world to leave what I have to, and I therefore give all my pay and wages to my landlord Robert Sturdy.” 
Witnesses: John Smith and Thomas Mitchell, messmates of decd., who sign by mark.
Administration granted 16, October 1696 by the Consistory Court of Rochester to said Robert Sturdy.
[N.B.- The Administration Act refers to the deceased as a bachelor.]

1705, May 28. Will of John Longstaffe, surgeon of the parish of Bishop’s Hatfield, co. Hertford. To my wife Margaret £50, my silver tankard, etc.; to my niece Sarah Longstaff, widow of my nephew John Longstaff, decd., my house in the High Street, Hatfield, in which the said John lived; with remainder to Thomas Longstaff, eldest son of my said nephew and his heirs. If he die without heirs or before the age of 21, then to his brother William, second son of said John; and in default again to my nephew William Longstaff. To the said brother’s Thomas and William £50 apiece; to Margaret Longstaff, their sister, £50, when of age or on marriage. If they all die before the age of 21 years, the £150 to be devided among the children of my nephews William and James Longstaff. To my nephews William Longstaff , Taylour, and James Longstaff, Butcher, £120 each, whom I appoint executors and residuary legatees. Overseer, the Rev. Thomas Fuller, Rector of Bishop’s Hatfield. 
[Signed] John Longstaffe. [Sealed] 
Witnesses: Tho. Bridgeman, Sarah Ludford, the mark of Thomas Field.
Proved at Bishop’s Hatfield (Archdeaconry of Huntingdon.) 16 June 1711, by the executors named.
[See Huntingdon wills of Margaret , 1712-13, and Francis, 1748, and administration of James, 1713, and of Sarah, 1720.]

1712-13, January 22. Will of Margaret Longstaffe, widow and relict of John Langstaffe, late of Bishop’s Hatfield, co. Hartford., Barber, Surgeon. To my cousins Thomas and Margarett Crofts, children of my kinsman Thomas Crofts of London, Upholster of london, £20 apiece to apprentice them out; to my cousin Mary Crofts, widow, a ring; to my cousin Elizabeth Longstaffe, daughter of William Longstaffe, apparel, and stuff in her father’s hands, a watch and 40s.; to Mr Thomas Arthur, the long Buckshorn handled knife and fork. Executrix, my kinswoman, Sarah Longstaffe, widow.
The mark of Margarett Longstaffe. [Sealed]
Witnesses: John Johnson (his mark), G. Gittos, Tho. Arthur.
Proved at Northmyms (Archdeaconry of Huntingdon) 11 August 1713, by the executrix named.
[See Huntingdon will of John, 1705, and of Francis, 1748, and administration of Sarah, 1720.)

P.316 - (cxvi.) - Appendix VII - Wills.

1713, Setember 26. Administration of the goods of James Longstaffe of Bishop’s Hatfield, granted to Sarah Longstaffe, the relict. (Archdeaconry of Huntingdon.)
[See Huntingdon will of John, 1705.]

1714, October 11. Administration of the goods of William Langstaffe, late of St. James, Westminster, deceased, renounced by Elizabeth Langstaffe, his widow. (Archdeaconry of Middlesex.)

1720, October 14. Administration of the goods of Sarash Longstaffe of Bishop’s Hatfield, granted to John Longstaffe (relationship not stated). (Archdeaconry of Huntingdon.) [See Huntingdon will of Margaret, 1712-13, and administration of James, 1713.]

1723, September 16. Administration of the goods of Henry Longstaffe, late of Stepney, co. Middlesex, but deceased on board the merchant ship, “The Northampton,” granted to James Farmer, chief creditor, Elizabet Landstaffe, widow of decd., having renounced. (Commissary Court of London Act Book.)
? 1713, August 1. Henry Langstaffe of West Auckland, yeoman, = Elizabeth Sedgwick of Staindrop, spinster. [Durham Cathedral.]

1799, December 8. Administration of the goods of John Langstaffe, late of St. James, Westminster, decd., granted to Elizabeth, his widow. (Archdeaconry of Middlesex.)

1730, July 2. Will of Elizabeth Langstraffe of the parish of Stoke near Guildford, co. Surrey, widow.
To be interred in my mother’s grave in the Chancel of the church of Shalford. To my niece Elizabeth Austen, daughter of Edward Austen, , late of St. Clement Danes, co. Midd’x, Goldsmith, decd., all my messuage, etc, in Stoke, where I now dwell; to my daughter Elizabeth Pinkney, an annuity of £10 for life; to George Pinkney, her son, £200, and a silver cup and cover, marked with the letters R.E.L. Executrix and residuary legatee, the said Elizabeth Austen.
[Signed] Eliz. Langstraf.
[Sealed with a lozenge bearing a chevron between three [?] .... (birds).]
Witnesses: James May, Phillip Woolley, Jo. Steere.
Proved at Court of Archdeaconry of Surrey 17 February 1731-2 by Elizabeth Austen, spinster, the executrix named.
[See P.C.C. wills of Richard, 1734, and Sarah, 1739.]

1739, September 5. Aministration of the goods of John Langstaff, late of Christchurch, Middlesex, granted to Frances Langstaffe his widow. (Commissary Court of London.)
___________ 1742 June 2. Administration of the goods of Henry Longstaff, late belonging to the transport ship “John and Elizabeth” in the West Indies, deceased, granted to Anne Jacobina Longstaff, his widow. (Commissary Court of London Act Book.)

P.317 - (cxvii.) - Appendix VII - Wills.

1748, September 28. Will of Frances Longstaff of Bishop’s Hatfield, co. Hertford.
Whatsoever is mine after my decease I desire (after Mr. John Searancke, my executor, is or shall be paid for Beer, etc., that is due to him) may be given to William Carver, afoot soldier under the command of captain Lind and in Col. Chomly’s Regiment of Foot. I likewise desire that Ann Dunn may have two Camlett Gownds.
The mark of Frances Longstaffe. [Sealed.]
Witnesses: Benjn. Rolfe, Sam Bascil, Wm. Howard.
Proved at North Myms, Archdeaconry of Huntingdon, 30, September 1748, by the executor named. 
[See Huntingdon wills of John, 1705, and Margarett, 1712-13.]

1748, October 29. Will of Edward Langstaffe of the parish of St. Giles in the Fields, co. Middlesex, apothecary. All my messuages and lands and effects, real and personal, to my loving friend, Mr. Edward Hodgson, and I make him sole executor. 
[Signed] Edwd Langstaffe.
Witnesses: John Jones, John Waters, drawt, White Hart, Holborn, Cha. Scott.
Proved at Commissary Court of London 21 October 1749 by the executor named.

1755 April 7. Administration of the goods of Charles Longstaff of Lavendon, co. Bucks, granted to Elizabeth Longstaff, widow of decd.
Bond of same date by said Elizabeth, Josiah Simcoe, button maker, and John Parrish, all of Lavendon. 
[Signed] Elizabeth Longstaff, Josiah Simcoe, John Parris.
(Archdeaconry of Buckingham.) [See P.C.C. will of Richard, 1734.]

1759, January 27. Nuncupative Will of Charles Langstaff, late of the parrish of Standon, co. Hertford, decd, made at his dwelling house in Standon. To my servant Dinah Chappel £5; all the rest of my goods I give to my wife Ursula Langstaff.
Witnessed by Miles Dixon, Minister, Henry Trott, Churchwarden, and Richard Moore, innholder, who signed their statement of the same 2 February 1759, declaring that the deceased died on the said 27th of January.
Administration granted 18 April 1759 to Ursula Langstaff the widow. (Archdeaconry of Middlesex, Essex, and Herts.)

1765, October 7. Administration of the goods of Luke Longstaff of Little Brickhill, Archdeaconry of Bucks., granted to Edward Langstaff, son of deceased, of Rhode, co. North’ton, yeoman.
Bond of same date by said Edward Longstaff, William Mills of Hanslop, co. Bucks, victualler, and Samuel Thompson of Stony Stratford, St. Giles, in said co., labourer.
The mark of Edward Longstaff, Wm. Mills, Samuel Thompson.
Estate sworn under £20. (Archdeaconry of Buckingham.)


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