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                                                          THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE

                                                                                                GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF
                                                                                                         CAROLE A.M. JOHNSON
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                                                                                                                       PART 16

P.305 - (cv.)                                                                                                Appendix VI.



1637, July 10, ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Thomas Longstrawe, late of St. Olave’s, Southwark, co. Surrey, granted to Elizabeth Longstrawe, relict.
INVENTORY sworn at £20 0s. 6d.
[See administration of Francis, 1690.]
1639, October 24, WILL of John Langstraffe, in the employment of Hon. East India Company.
To William Hall wearing apparel, to Samuel Tattle wearing apparel, the rest to be sold at the mast; to John Prowd, master of the ship I am in, £5 and my rapier; to Mr John Clapcoate, William Danvers, Thomas Smith, Miles Fisher, 22s. apiece for rings; to Steven Roberd my “Semycurcull.” 
“All the parties being in the ship where I now am.” To my cousin Anne Smith, living in Ratcliff, 20s.. To the poor of Stepney £3. Executrix, Mrs Elizabeth Muncke, and £5 legacy to her. Residuary legatee, my father James Langstraffe in the parish of Staindroppe, Bishoprick of Derram. If he be then dead, the residue to be divided between James Langstraffe and my sisters Margaret and Katherine Langstraffe. 
Overseers: Mr . John Prowd and Mr. John Clapcoate.
[Signed] John Langstraffe.
Witnesses: William Danvers, William Lee, Nicholas Barggam.
Proved 3 August 1640 by the executrix named.
[See Richmond will of Ralph Langstaff of Langthorne, 1626; also York will of James Langstaff of Cleatlam, 1744.]

Stepney Parish Register.

1635 June 17 Richard Smith of Ratcliffe, shoemaker, and Ann Langstaffe, maid, married.
1648 July 27 John Blyth of Bishopsgate, silkweaver, and Lucie Longstraffe of Ratcliffe high way, maid, married.

P.306 - (cvi.)- Appendix VI. - Wills.

1637. Ancient Rent. James Langstraffe of Shotton, £1 10s. 0d.
1637-8 Jan. 31 Anne Langstraffe of Shotton, buried.
1641 Nov. 28 Edward Hunter and Margt. Lanzaffe, married.
1649 Dec. 20 Martin Bell & Katherine Langstraffe of Shotton, married.
1650-51 Jan. 30 Isable Langstraffe of Shotton, buried.
1653 July 9 Anne dau. of James Langstraff of Shotton, bapt.
1655 July 8 James Langstraffe of Shotton, buried.
1656-7 Jan. 31 Isable dau. of James Langstraffe of Shotton, born Jan. 24, bapt.
1658-9 Feb. 27 Mary [?Margaret] dau. of James & Mary Langstraffe, born Feb. 24, bapt.
1662-3 Jan. 26 John y’ son of James Langtraffe of Raby, bapt.
1665 Apr. 10 Mary dau. of James Langstraffe of Shotton, bapt.
1667 Mar. 26 James Langstaffe of Shotton, buried.
1684 Oct. 8 Margaret dau. of James Langstaffe, buried.
1685-6 Feb. 14 Robert s. of James and Mary Langstaffe of Cleatlam, buried.
1717 Nov. 5 James Langstaffe of Cleatlam, buried.
1785 Nov. 20 Thomas s. of Thomas & Barbary Langstaff of Cleatlam, bapt.

Raby Manor Court Rolls. (See also pp. 8, 9.)
1654 Sept. 27 James Langstaffe, a juror.

Gainford Parish Register.
1728 May 29 Robert Langstaff of Cleatlam, buried.
1742 Sept 12 Mary Langstaff of Cleatlam, buried.
1750 Nov. 9 Henry s. of Wm. Langstaff of Gainford, buried. 
1750 Nov. 25 James Langstaff of Cleatlam, buried. [He voted as a freeholder 1732.]

Monumental Inscriptions in Gainford Churchyard.
Here lies the body of Robart, Son of James and Mary Langstaff of Cleatlam, who departed this life May 7th, aged 43, Anno Dom. 1728. 
[ On the other side.] Here lies the Body of Mary, wife of Mathias Shaw who departed this life, October the 27th 1766 aged 7? years. Also the Body of the above Mathias Shaw, who departed this life the 4th of March 1781, aged 85 years.
Here lieth the Body of Robert son of James and Mary Longstaff of Cleatlam, who depareted this life May ye 29th 1728, aged 43. Also ye Body of Mary, the wife of James Longstaff, who departed this life September the 12th, 1741, aged 84. Also ye Body of James Longstaff, who departed this life November ye 25th, 1750, aged 98.

[The two stones lie close together on the north side of the churchyard.] 
Here lieth the body of Henry, the son of William and Mary Langstaff, who departed this life, November ye 7 Anno Dom. 1750, aged 27 years.
[The parishes of Staindrop and Gainford adjoin; Shotton and Raby are in the former, Cleatlam in the latter, though it is considerably nearer to Staindrop Church.]

P.307 - (cvii.) - Appendix VI. - Wills.

1651-2 February 13. WILL of Margery Langstraff of Raby, co. Durham. [Printed p. xviii, supra.] 

1652 May 14. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Michael Langstraffe, late of Mickleton, co. York, granted to his son, William Langstaffe. [ See p. lxiii, supra.] 

1653-4, February 20 . ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Richard Langstaff, late of St. Helen’s Auckland, co. Durham, deceased, granted to Richard Palladay, principal creditor. 
[See Pedigree No.2.] 

1659 April 28. WILL of Thomas Longstaffe of Houlton, Beckerin, co Lincoln, husbandman. To be buried in the parish church or churchyard “wherein I am inhabited.” To Thomas Longstaffe, my eldest son, my cottage house at Horsington, after the death of my wife, also £10 when he shall be 21; to John Longstaffe my 2nd son, £25 when 21; to Jasper Longstaffe my youngest son, £20 when 21. Residuary legatee and executor, my wife, Katherine Longstaffe. 
The mark of Thomas Longstaffe. 
Witnesses: John Swallow, Francis Samson, the mark of John Tindall. 

Proved 18 July 1660 by Katherine Longstaffe, relict and executrix named.
1681 June 6. WILL of Robert Langstraffe of the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, co. Surrey, Citizen and leather seller of London. To Elizabeth Langstraffe, dau. of my son Robert Langstraffe, decd. £5, to be paid to her when 21 or on marriage; to her mother Elizabeth Langstraffe, widow, £5; to any other of my near relations that can lawfully claim any right of, or into my estate, 12d. apiece. I desire my wife to contine to maintain my brother Ralphe Langstraffe, who is deaf and dumb. Residuary legatee and executrix, my wife Alice Langstraffe 
The mark and seal of Robert Langstraffe. 
Witnesses: Robert Goodale, Nicholas Erfort, John Watts, sen’. 
Proved 25 October 1686 by Alice Langstraffe, relict and executrix named. 

1689 May 4. Will of John Longstaffe of London. mariner. Being bound forth on a voyage to sea, I appoint my sisters Margaret and Dorothy Longstaffe, my attorneys, executrices and joint universal legatees. 
The mark of John Longstaffe. 
Witnesses; Joan Wills, Sam Wills, jun. 
Proved 23 July 1691 by Margaret Russells, wife of Adam Russels, and Dorothy Bradshipp, wife Robert Bradship, the executrixes named. 

1690 September 5. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Francis Longstaffe, late of St Olave’s Southwark, co. Surrey, but deceased on board the ship, “New Berkeley Castle, ” granted to Elizabeth Langstraffe, his widow! 
[See Administration of Thomas, 1637.] 

P.308 - (cviii.) - Appendix VI. - Wills. 

1693, October 24. WILL of Thomas Langstaffe of the city of Rochester, co. Kent, chirurgeon, [Printed p. 1xxiv, supra.] 

1722 August 22. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Thomas Longstaffe, late of the parish of St. Clement Danes, co. Middlesex, deceased, granted to Elizabeth Longstaffe, his widow. [See WILL of Francis, 1771.] 

1734 December 10. WILL of Richard Langstaff of the parish of St. James’s, Duke’s Place, London, last maker. To my nephew Charles, son of my late brother John Langstaff, decd. and Thomas, son of my late brother Thomas Langstaff, decd., one shilling apiece. 
Residuary legatee and executrix, my wife Sarah Langstaff. 
[Signed] Richard Langstaff. 
Witnesses: Wm. Smith, in Shoemaker Row, near Aldgate, Thomas Lander, in Furnivall’s Inn, London. 
Proved 8, August 1739 by Sarah Langstaff, relict of deceased. 
[See Surrey will of Elizabeth, 1730; also will of Sarah, 1739.] 

1739 August 20. WILL of Sarah Langstaff of the parish of St. James’s , Duke’s Place, London, widow of Richard Langstaff, late of the same parish, last maker. To Richard Bishop, my half brother, who lives or lately did live near Guilford in Surrey, a master, £20; to Elizabeth Langstaff, widow of my late husband’s brother William Langstaff, late of Swallow Street, near Pickadilly, co. Middlesex, £20; to Thomas Langstaff, son of my late husband’s brother Thomas Langstaff, £10. Residuary legatee and executor, my worthy friend, Mr. George Jackson, of St. James’s, Duke’s Place, taylor. 
The mark of Sarah Langstaff. 
Witnesses: Tho. Lander, James Richardson. 
Proved 19 January 1743-4 by the executor named. 
[See Surrey will of Elizabeth, 1730; also will of Richard, 1734.] 

1739 December 18. Will of Thomas Langstaffe of Eastbourne, co. Sussex, gentleman. 
[Printed p. 1xxxviii, supra.] 

1743 October 31. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of John Langstaff, late belonging to M.M.S. “Rochester,” deceased, bachelor, granted to Thomas Rideout, attorney of John Langstaff, of Boulby, co York, father of the deceased. [See York will of George Langstaff of Bowlby, 1719.] 

1752 February 25. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Thomas Langstaff, late of the parish of St. Mary Le Bone, co Middx., deceased, granted to Ann Langstaff, his widow. 
[See will of Ann, 1758.] 

1713 Dec. 21 Thomas Longstaff of Darlington= Ann Boyd of Houghton - [Houghton-le-Spring.] 
1730 Oct. 11 Thomas Longstaff = Ann Beckworth. - [Escomb.] 
1735 June 23 Thomas Longstaff = Ann Hird. - [Arkengarthdale.] 

P.309 - (cix.) - Appendix VI. - Wills. 

1736 March 19. WILL of Thomas Longstaff, mariner, now belonging to H.M.S. “Captain.” Universal legatee and sole executrix, my beloved mother, Margaret Longstaff, of Sunderland, co. Durham. 
[Signed] Thoms. Longstaff.] 
Witnesses: Char. Cutford, Simon Antram, clerk, Fras. Jones. 
granted 22 November 1757, to Stephen Sutton, attorney of Margaret Longstaff, widow, the executrix named, then residing in the County Palatine of Durham. 

1758 February 11. WILL of Ann Langstaff, formerly of St. Marylebone, co. Middlesex, and late of East Retford, co. Nottingham, widow of Thomas Langstaff, late of the parish of St. Mar Le Bone, co. Midd’x, glasier. To my sister Sarah Stevenson [or Stenson], wife of John Stevenson [or Stephenson], for her life, my freehold messuages at Deptford, co. Kent, and if she survive her husband, an annuity of 40s; to my nieces Sarah and Ann, sisters of my nephew John Gilby, who are now married and whose names I do not recollect, £5 apiece, to my nephew William Blackelocke son of my late niece Mary Blackelock, my freehold estates at Duxford, co. Cambridge, with the remainder of my estates at Deptford, after the death of Sarah Stevenson [or Stephenson], with remainder to my said nephew and nieces, John, Sarah and ann, children of my brother William Gilby; to the said William Blackelock my interest in a leasehold at Paddington, co. Middlesex, my £300 three per cent. Bank Annuities, and the rest of my estate in trust for him till he is of age, in the hands of my friends Mr. Benjamin Allison of East Retford, apothecary, and Mr. Palmer of Compton Street, St Ann’s, Westminster, oilman, whom I make my executors, and give them £20 each. 
[Signed] Ann Langstaff. 
Witnesses: Eliz. Bayley, East Tattershell, Jno. Whitaker. 
Proved at P.C.C. 8 December 1758 by Joseph Palmer, with power reserved for a similar grant to Benjamin Allison. 
Also proved at York 2 March 1759. 
[See administration of Thomas, 1752.] 

1759 March 17. WILL of John Longstaff, belonging to H.M.S. “Montague.” 
Universal legatee and executor, my father John Longstaff of North Shields. 
[Signed] John Longstaff. 
Witnesses: Jno. Glover, Wm. Dachers, G Glover, jun., Herb..[sic] Sturgeon, carpenter. 
ADMINISTRATION of the goods of John Longstaff, otherwis Donason, formerly of H.M.S. “Montague,” but late of H.M.S. “Hussar,” bachelor, granted 17 November 1767 to Arthur John Plunkett, attorney of George Longstaff, father of the decd. (called by error in the will, John Longstaff). 

1770, October 15. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of William Longstaff, late master of the merchant ship “The Good Intent,” a widowere, granted to Hannah, wife of Henry Dickson, daughter of the deceased.

P.310 - (cx.) - Appendix VI. - Wills.

1771, June 22. Will of Francis Langstaffe of St. Clement Danes, co. Middlesex, distiller. The whole of my estate in trust to my brother in law, the Rev. Charles Coxwell of Ablington in the parish of Bilbury, co. Gloucester, and John Baker of St. Clement Danes, grocer, they paying my debts and handing over the residuum to my wife Mary Langstaffe, whom I appoint sole executrix.
[Signed] Frans. Langstaffe.
Witnesses: John Small, Thos. Lediard.
Proved 15 May 1772 by Mary Langstaffe, the widow and executrix named.
[See administration of Thomas, 1722.]

1778, April 30. Will of John Langstaffe of Chancery Lane, parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, co. Middlesex, gent. To my mother Ruth Langstaffe, an annuity of £40 out of my copyhold houses etc., held of the Honour of Hampton Court. To my mother-in-law Elizabeth Alexander of Somerton, widow, £20. To my wife Sarah, my leasehold houses in Prescott St., Goodman’s Fields; in Shepherd St., Oxford Road; the “Great Exchange” in Rosemary’ Lane, and two houses near Rotherhithe Church, with remainder after her death, to such child or children of me and the said Sarah, as she shall dispose; also my fifth share of certain houses in Haymarket Lane and Hammond’s Court, of which I have lately been reported purchaser, under a decree in the Court of Chancery,the same to be sold towards paying the mortgage on my estate at Waltham Abbey, co. Sussex; also the lease of my house in Chancery Lane, household goods etc. To my son John Langstaffe, my freehold and copyhold estate at Waltham Abbey, mortgaged to Thomas Henshaw of Bussock Court, co. Berks, Esq., for £1300, also two freehold houses in Giltspur Street and Puddledock Hill. To my son William Langstaffe by my said wife Sarah, my copyhold lands, etc., at Hampton, charged as above, also a freehold ten’t at Newport, co. Essex. My executors shall apply the issue of the properties bequeathed to my sons for their benefit till they be 21. Residuary legatee, my wife Sarah. Esecutors, Wm. Waller of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq., Richard Way of Cary Street, and John Thirkill.
[Signed] Jno. Langstaffe.
Witnesses: Sarah Knowler, Jno. Hilditch, Fredk. Hilditch.
ADMINISTRATION of goods etc., of John Langstaffe, formally of St. Andrew’s, Holborn, but late of the parish of Waltham Abbey, co. Essex, granted 27 August 1793 to Sarah Langstaffe, widow, the executors named, being dead.
A second grant 13 June 1794 to the same, the former under the sum of £100 being surrendered.

Further grant 20 September 1822 to John Langstaffe, son and administrator of the goods of the said Sarah Langstaffe, decd.
? 1712 May 28. Thomas Langstaffe of West Auckland,Yeoman & Ruth Henderson, widow, married. [St. Helen’s.]
? 1720 September 8 Francis Langstaffe, of Richmond, fellmonger, & Ruth Smalpage of Richmond, spinster, married. [Richmond]
? 1729 May 4 John Langstaffe & Ruth Gollin of Darlington, married. [Darlington.]
Witnesses: Thomas Langstaffe, John Langstaffe.

P.311 - (cxi.) - Appendix VI. - Wills.
1779, June 25. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of George Langstaffe, late carpenter’s mate of H.M. S.
“Garland”, batchelor, deceased, granted to George Langstaffe, his father. 

1784, February 20. Will of Thomas Longstay, of Bedford, Bury, parish of St. Martin in the Fields,, co. Middlesex, carpenter. I bequeathe to my sister in law Ann Trickett, £20; to her sons John and George Trickett £10 apiece, when 21; to her daughter Ann Trickett, the moiety of a messuage called “The Golden Ball.” and other premises on the East side of Bedford , Bury, which with Samuel Short, I hold from Thomas Edlyne Esq., by lease dated 10 November 1763, for 41 years, charged with payment of above legacies. Executrix and residuary legatee, my said niece Ann Tricket.
Thomas Longstay [His Mark]
Witnesses: W.J. Crooks, Crown Court, Covent Garden, Jas. Crab.
Proved 25 February 1784, by Ann Tricket, spinster, the executrix named.
1785, February 24. W.J. Crooks, gent., deposes as to an erasure in the will.
[See Richmond will (Western Deaneries) of Kirstabell Langstay, 1648-9.]

1788, July 3. Will of George Longstaff, of East Ham, co. Essex. To my son William Longstaff 1s.; to my daughter Ann Brisenden, 1s.; to my son Thomas Longstaff, my watch; to my wife Mary Longstaff, my house in Prince’s Court, Westminster, and my houses and land in East Ham, and all the residue of my goods for her life, to remain after her death, to my daughter Catherine Longstaff, and if she die without heirs, to my son Thomas. Executrices, wife Mary and daughter Catherine.
[Signed] George Longstaff.
Witnesses: N. Heckford of East Ham, John Welch Edwards.
Proved 28 March 1789 by Mary Longstaff, widow and Catherine Longstaff, spinster, the executrices named.
? 1747-8 Feb. 13 George Langstaffe of St. Hellen’s Auckland, bachelor, = Mary Shotton of ye college in Durham. He aged 28, she 22. [Durham Cathedral.]
1777 Sep. 16. John Brisseden = Ann Longstaff [St. Geo. H.S.]

1789, October 17. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Ann Langstaffe, late of St. James’ Clerkenwell, co. Middlesex, deceased, granted to John Langstaffe, her husband.
? 1776 Sep. 8 John Longstaff = Ann Brokey, both of this par. [ St. A.A.]
? 1781 July 2 John Longstaff = Ann Willson, both of this par. [Escomb.]
? 1787 April 9 John Langstaffe = Ann Raine, both of this par. [Rom.]

1793, April 27. Will of Elizabeth Langstaff of Bishop Wearmouth, co. Durham, widow. To James Collin, son of my niece Elizabeth Collin, my pew in the Chapel of Sunderland by the Sea. To my nephews James Deacon, James Ogle and Edward Ogle, and to my niece’s Judith Drabble, Sarah Hall, Elixzabeth Collin, and Mary Ogle, a messuage and ground at Bishop Wearmouth, now in my occupation, as tennants in common,

P.312 - (cxii.) - Appendix VI. - Wills.

also freehold closes at Rothbury, co. Northumberland; to my said neices equally among them, all my household goods etc.; to my sister Mary Ogle an annuity of £30. 
Residuary legatees, my said nephews and neices. Executors, my said nephews, George and Edward Ogle.
[Signed] Eliza. Langstaff.
Witnesses: Alice Meadley, Mary Meadley, Jas. Downey.
Proved 24 January 1793 [sic] by the executrices named.
[See Durham will of Thomas, 1783.]
1729 May 4 John Langstaffe & Ruth Collin , of Darlington, married. [Darl.]
1742 Aug.5 Thomas Langstaff of Rothbury, co. Northumberland, Excise Officer, & Elizabeth Park, of Rothbury, spinster, married. [Durham Marriage Bond.]
?1782 May 19. Thomas Longstaff & Elizabeth Hopper, married. Witnesses: Ambrose Hopper, John Dods. [Whickham.]
1796, November 8. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of George Longstaff, late of Bell Savage Yard, parish of St. Bride’s London, deceased, granted to Ann Longstaff, his widow.














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