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                                                          THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE
                                                                                                   GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF
                                                                                                             CAROLE A.M. JOHNSON
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                                                                                                                         PART 15

P.299 - ( xcix )                                                                                                 Appendix V.

Wills in the Western Deaneries of the Arch-deaconry of Richmond, 
now, at Somerset House, London.

1573, September 4. WILL of Rowland Longstaffe. To be buried at St. Andrew’s churchyard, Sedburge. “Item I will be honestlye brought home the day of my Burrialle.” To Robert Rychardson, my son in law 26s. 8d. to be paid at the death of Exebelle my wife, and 13s. 4d. to be paid at such time as my wife, my son John and he shall agree upon; to my son George 4 merks; to the said George [sic] mother a bushel of bigge; to Agnes Bowmyze, my sister in law, 5s. “in peny or peny worth;” to the widows of ......... whythead, Christopher Herysone, John Sawer, and Thomas Markreth, each 4d.
My wife to have my farmhold, during in widowhood. To my son’s son, John Langstaff, an almery.
Executrix, my wife. Overseers ........... * 
Renould Longstafe.

Witnesses: Christopher Holme, and Robert ..........*
Proved 10 February 1573-4.
INVENTORY, not dated, prised by Reynould Fawcet, John Fawcet, Roger Cocke and John Whithead.
Livestock, farm gear and furniture, worth about £4. Debts are owing to Agnes .......* Elizabeth [?] Whithea, Reynould Cocke, Christopher Holme, Robert Wadsone, Anthoyney Wylliam, Reynould Fawcet, and Rychard Rychardson.
1587, April 6. WILL of Reynold Longstafe. To be buried in the churchyard of Sedbar.
“Item I will that I be honestlie brought home the daie of my burialle.” To my son Richard Longstafe the whole ground that was my father’s. Margaret my wife shall have the ground that was her father’s, during her widowhood; if she marry again, my son Richard shall pay her £3 16s. 8d., and enter upon both the farmholds. My son Richard shall pay to his brother John £4. I bequeathe to my son Thomas 5 merks; to my son James 5 merks; to my son John the younger, 5 merks; to my daughter Ezebeil, £5; to my wife, the two kye, the young calf, my home, and my three sheep to help bring up my children. My wife shall have all my household stuff for her life, bestowing it amongst my children as they shall most stand in need of it. Executor my son Richard. Overseers: John Fawcett, Henry Sawer, Roger Cocke, and John Longstafe, which said overseers are also witnesses.
Proved 21 November 1588.
* Worn away.

P.300 - (c.) - Appendix V. Richmond Wills.

INVENTORY, not dated, prised by Rowland Harrison, Roger Cocke, John Longstafe and Christopher Harrisone. Farm stock and gear and furniture value about £7. Debts were owing by deceased to John Robinson, Anthonie Swithinbancke, Robert Fawcet de Croshawe, Thomas Sawer, John Fothergill, William Guye, John Spicor, John Wrighte, George Shawe, and William Harrison, some of them being for peats. 
1612, December 4. WILL of John Langstaffe of Cawtley, in the parish of Sedburge, co. York, husbandsman. To Mabel Fawcet, my daughter £6; to Mabel Langstaffe my wife, a close called Bratte, with a little house thereupon called Brattehous, with remainder after her death to Jenett Langstaffe, my daughter, and after her death to John Holme, my son in law and his heirs in consideration of £10 that was to be paid him, being the last part of my daughter’s portion; to my godchildren, John Harrison, James Langstaffe, Margaret and John Fawcet 2s. apiece; to Margaret Holme, my daughter, “one hyve of bees;” to Marie Holme her daughter a lamb; to John Langstaffe my son my wearing apparel. Residuary legatees and executrices my wife and daughter Jenett.
Overseers: George Harrison our vicar, John Holme my son in law, Roger Cock and George Langstaffe, my brother.
John Langstaffe [his mark.] Witnesses: George Langstaffe, Roger Cocke [his mark] John Holme [his mark] George Harrison.
Proved by Mr. Maiers 14 January 1612-13.
INVENTORY dated 11 Dec. 1612, prised by James Cooper, Richard Haygarth, Lawncelot Fawcet and Thomas Fawcet. Farm stock and gear, furniture and ready money. Vaue £35 9s. 4d. See will of Rowland, 1578.] 1622-3 March 24. INVENTORY of the goods which were John Langstaffe’s of Steppes in Sedbergh parish, prised by James Cooper, Richard Fawcet, John Cocke and Richard Haygarth. Sheep, horses, cattle, hay and straw and furniture. Value £29 7s. 9d.
Particulars of debts are not given. 
Delivered in 9 may 1623.
1625, September 22. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Richard Langstaff granted to Elizabeth Langstaff of Sedbergh, his widow.
BOND of the same date by said Elizabeth and Christopher Spicer of Sedburgh, yeoman.
The mark of Elizabeth Langstafe
[Signed] Christopher Spicer.
INVENTORY prised 20 September 1625 by John Bland, John Fawcet, Henrye Chewell, and James Wilson. Furniture and apparel with three horses. Total value £12 15s. 4d. Debts owing to deceased by Allan Bateman, ....... Thompson of Coetal Flatte, and Alexander Cocke, and by deceased to Robert Sidgwicke, Mabel Watterman, James Wilson, Robert Lancton, Anthonye Harrison, John Swinbancke, and for house rent, 10s.

1637, June 14. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of John Langstaffe, late of Dent.
BOND by Christabell Langstaffe of Garsdale, co York, widow and relict. John Guy of Garsdale, John Langstaffe of Garsdale, aforesaid, yeoman.
[They all sign by mark.]

P.301 - (ci.) - Appendix V. Richmond Wills.

INVENTORY dated 10, June 1637 by George Guye, William Holme, John Fawcett, and William Guye.
Cattle, sheep, household stuff and apparel. Value £41 11s. 2d. Debts are owing by Anthonye Lambert and Brian Langstaffe, and to John Guye, Robert Richardson, Jane Langstaffe, Edward Fawcett, Rowland Lund’s wife, Marye Langstaffe, John Tennant, John Guye’s wife and James Willan. The debts of deceased amount to £29 9s. 1d. 
[See administration of Brian 1678-9, also next will.]
1648-9 February 2. Will of Kerstabell Langstay of Garsdale, co York, widow, late wife of John Langstay the younger of Garsdale, deceased. To be buried in the churchyard of Sedbergh. Universal legatee and Ex’or , my only son, John Langstay. [Not signed.]
Witnesses: Isabell Guy, Hellen Satterthwaite.
Proved 24 July 1650. 
INVENTORY dated 13 July 1650 by Oliver Linsay, Myles Ewebanke, John Tennante, and George Fawcett. The goods will not extend to pay the debts and funeral expences of deceased by 13s. 4d., but their are goods worth 41s. lent by deceased to James Baynebrigge and still in his hands.
[See administration of John 1637.
It is evident that the name should read Langstaffe, but see P.C.C. of Thomas Langstaffe, 1784.]
1650 [?] Will of James Langstaffe of the Steps, in Cawtley (not dated) To be buried in Sedburgh parish churchyard. To my son John Langstafe my whole tenement at the Steps, charged with the following legacies: To my daughter Margaret Langstafe 20 merks; to my daughter Geane Langstafe £10; to my son Henery 20 nobles; to my wife Mabell Langstafe £10. Executor my son John. [Not signed.] 
Witnesses: John Fawcett, John Bland.
Proved 26 June 1650.
BOND dated 26 June 1650 by John Langstaffe, late [sic] of Steppes in Cawtley in Sedburgh, deceased, and John Bland of Rockbancke in Sedburgh, tanner , on proving of will. [Signed by marks.]
INVENTORY dated 1 December 1649, prised by Richard Haygarth, Roger Cocke, William Ward, Reynold Cocke, and Agnes Chamberlaine, and by deceased to Thomas Robinson, Roger Trotter, Alice Cragg, Margaret Fawcett, Edmund Ward, Ann Holme, Francis Lupton, John Atkinson, An Atkinson, and Rowland Priest cozin.
1661, May 7. Bond given by Margaret [?Stephenson or Wadeson*] of Marthwaite of the parish of Sedburgh, Johanna Langstafe of the samr, and Richard Wadeson of Sedburgh, yeoman. The occasion of the bond is not given.
The marks of Margaret Langstafe, John Langstaffe, [Signed] Richard Waidson.
[See will of Margrett, 1682.]

* The Parchment is eaten away here, and the name looks like Stephenson. It certainly is not Langstaff, though Margaret Langstafe signs.

P.302 - (cii.) - Appendix V. - Richmond Wills.

1676, April 28. Noncupative Will of John Langstaffe of Hebblethwaite in Marthwaite, parish of Sedbergh, co York. That James his son should pay £40 out of his messuage and lands in Marthwaite, equally amongst the rest of his children, and he made his wife Margaret and his said son executors.
Witnesses: Christopher Heblethwaite, Charles Atkinson.
BOND on Probate by Margrett Langstaffe, widow and executrix, dated 21 July 1676, by the said executrix Henry Bland of Killington, co. Westmorland, yeoman, and Christopher Hebblethwaite of Sedburgh.
[Margrett Longstaffe signs with a mark.]
A TUITION BOND is given on the same day by the same person for the maintenance, etc., of the children of deceased, viz., Robert, Margrett, Mabell, and John Langstaffe.
Inventory prised 8 May 1676 by John Tomlinson, John Bland, Christopher Heblethwaite, and Charles Atkinson. Furniture, livestock, (including 48 sheep), and farm-stock. Value £62 8 s 10d. Debts owing to deceased amount to £9 16s., and owed by him to £85.
[See next will.]
1677-8, January 7. Noncupative Will of Jane Langstaffe of Crosse-hawe in Coteley, parish of Sedburgh , co. York. To James Bolderson, her brother-in-law and Margaret her sister, his wife, 20s. apiece; to Robert, Margrett, and Mabell Longstaffe, children of her late brother John Longstaffe, decd., £2.16s. apiece, to John, youngest son of her brother John Longstaffe, decd., £4. to Dorothy Holme, her aunt, 5s; to the two sons of Francis Blenkhorne 5s. apiece; to Dorothy Cocke, daughter of John Cock, 2s 6d; to James Simond and Isabell Bland, children of John Bland, 2s. apiece; to Kirstable Fletcher, 2s.; to Alice Bland, wife of James Bland, a foot of Bees, etc. ; to Margrett Longstaffe, daughter of John Longstaffe, her Bible, and to her and Mabell Longstaffe, all her apparel and household goods between them.
Residuary legatee and executor, James Longstaffe.
Witnesses: Christopher Heblethwaite, Charles Atkinson, Christabell Fletcher [her mark].
BOND on Probate by James Longstaffe of Sedbergh, yeoman, executor, by said executor, Christopher Heblethwaite of Sedbergh, and Charles Atkinson of Middleton, co. Westmorland, yeoman. dated 30 January 1677-8.
INVENTORY prised 22 January 1677-8 by John Bland, Robert Thompson, John Dent, and Richard Rawes. The goods consist of furniture and provisions, £33 10s. due upon bonds, and a debt of £1 from Robert Backhouse. Total value £45 13s. 111/2 d . The funeral expences amounted to £1 18s.
[For Holme, see will of John, 1612; ss also preceding will.]
1678-9, February 21. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Brian Longstaff of Garsdale, parish of Dent.
BOND by Ann Dixon, administratrix, William Dixon her husband, and John Dixon, all of Garsdale, yeomen. 
{Signed] William Dixon; the others by mark.
INVENTORY prised 18 February 1678-9 by Robert Dawson, Thomas Tomlinson, William Rawe and William Nelson. Furniture. Value £3 17s 2d. Funeral expenses were £1 0s. 11d.

P.303 - (ciii.) - Appendix V. - Richmond Wills

Account given 25 May 1680 by Ann Dixon, the daughter and administratrix, wife of William Dixon. The estate of deceased after all claims are paid amounts to 17s., which is to be divided, and the administratrix to receive 5s 8d; and each of the other two daughters of deceased, viz., June wife of Henry Atkinson, and Margrett, wife of John Dixon, similar sums.
[See administration of John, 1637.] -------------------------------

1682, June 20. Will of Margrett Longstaffe of Marthwaite, parish of Sedburgh, co. York. My body to be buried at the discretion of James Longstaffe, my eldest son.
Dwelling house etc., in the village of Sedburgh, now in farm to George Rowlandson, and a shop in Sedbergh, in farm to James Crofte, another in farm to Edmund Bland, also a close called Fletcher’s Green, in Marthwaite, and a moiety in reversion of Christopher Sidgeswicke in right of Annie his wife during her life, who was late wife unto Richard Wadeson, my late uncle, shall be sold by James Balderson, my brother-in-law, Robert Tomlinson, my cousin, and Charles Atkinson, my kind friend, whom I appoint trustees. I bequeathe to James Longstaffe, my son, 5s; to Robert Longstaffe my son, 5s; the remainder to Mabell, Margrett, and John Longstaffe, my three children, when they are 21.
Residuary legatee and executor, my daughter , Margrett.
Witnesses: James Longstaffe, John Awecocke, Joseph Farrer.
Bond dated 29 May 1684, on probate, by Margrett Longstaffe, executrix, spinster Robert Tomlinson, yeoman, both of Marthwaite, and Charles Atkinson of Midleton, co. Westmorland, husbandsman.
[Margrett Longstaffe signs by mark.] To a bond of the same date, making Robert Tomlinson responsible for the temprorary custody of the original will, James Longstaffe of Marthwaite, yeoman, is a party.
Another bond of the same date, obliges Robert Tomlinson and Charles Atkinson, to pay to Mabell and John Longstaffe, children of deceased, the legacies left them by their mother, on their coming of age.
BOND dated 5 January 1703-4 by James Longstaffe of Sedbergh, yeoman, and Charles Atkinson of the same place, stapler, binding the former to educate Agnes Bostwick, child of Thomas Bostwick, late of the kingdom of Ireland, deceased, and to pay her all that may be due to her, as filial or child’s portion, under the will of her grandmother, Margrett Longstaffe, deceased, when she comes ogf age.
[Signed] James Longstaffe, Charles Atkinson.]
INVENTORY prised 26 April 1684 by Robert Tomlinson, Christopher Heblethwaite, Charles Atkinson, and Joseph Farrer. Furniture. Value £3 19s 2d. Debts owing by deceased, (unspecified)
£13. [See BOND of 1661, also will of John, 1706]

1702, August 23. Will of James Longstaffe of Marthwt. in Sedbergh parish, co York, yeoman. To my son James Longstaffe, my ten’t. in Marthwt. (except an enclosure called Fortypenny Farme), charged with a payment of £60, to his sister Margrett Longstaf, when she reaches the age of 21. To my kind friends and relations, Robert

P.304 - (civ.) - Appendix V. - Richmond Wills.

Tomlinson, Charles Atkinson, and William Corney, the above parcel of ground, (about 4 acres), they to sell the same, to pay my debts. Executrix and residuary legatee, my wife, Mabell Longstaff. Overseers, my said three friends. 
[Signed] James Longstaffe.
Witnesses: Joseph Ward, Thomas Baxter, John Bracken.
Proved at Sedbergh 21 November 1705 by Mabell Longstaf, widow and executrix named.
[See will of Mabell, 1730.]

1706, June 2. Will of John Langstaffe of Sedbergh, co. York, joiner. To the daughter of my late brother Thomas Bostwick £7; to the daughter of my brother Thomas Fawcett £5; to John Cocke, son of Roger Cocke, 10s; to Margaret, daughter of Andrew Bowman, 10s; to James Longstaff and Margarett Longstaff, 2s 6d apiece; to the poor of Sedbergh, who resort to the church on the day of my burial; to every one a penny. Executor, my brother-in-law, Thomas Fawcett. Overseer, my friend Christopher Gawthroppe.’ 
[Signed] John Longstaff.
Witnesses: Richard Teesdall, Richard Fothergill, Jo. Brackan.
BOND dated 5 February 1706-7, on probate of will, , by Thomas Fawcett of Ravenslowdale, co. Westmorland, executor, and Thomas Fawcett of the same place, stockiner.
INVENTORY prised 6 August 1706 by William Gawthropp and Robert Whithead.
The goods consist of apparel, one watch, and one book. Value £15 7s. 7d.
[See will of Margrett, 1682]

1730, August 17. Will of Mabell Longstaff of Hebblethwaite in Marthwaite, parish of Sedbergh, widow, “being grown aged.” To my grandson Henry Relton, £20, when he comes of age. Residuary legatee and executor, my loving daughter Margaret Troughton. 
The mark of Mabell Longstaff.
Witnesses: Christopher Corney, jun., John Gosling.
Proved 2 January 1734-5 by Margaret, wife of William Troughton of High in Frostraw, parish of Sedbergh, cordwainer, and Edward Ewbank of Sedbergh, cordwainer.
INVENTORY prised 23 August 1734 by James Law and James Shaw. Apparel, ready money, and a chest, value £3 10s. ., and debts owing to deceased, £71. 
[See will of James, 1702]

1747, December 17. ADMINISTRATION of the goods of Thomas Langstaff, late of Penny Bridge, in the parish of Ulverstone, gentleman, deceased, granted to George Langstaff, his brother. Elizabeth Langstaff, his widow, having renounced the administration. INVENTORY respited above £40.
[See York will of the same man, 1739; also Pedigree No. 1.]















I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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