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                                                                            THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE

                                                                                                  GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF
                                                                                                             CAROLE A.M. JOHNSON
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                                                                                                                           PART 13

P.230 - (xxx)                                                                                            APPENDIX III.- RABY. 


Monthly Meeting 4th of 5th month 1671.
[ A number of friends having been reproved for not attending meetings, they made various excuses among others]
William Hodgshon the younger said that he accounted friends greater Cowards who went to meetings Than such as did not goe.

Notice to be given to all meetings to take care y’ all births and burialls be recorded, & that every meeting keepe a booke to recorde such things in.
That a paper be drawne up for trhe disowneing of Henry Draper and Thomas Massa[ck] by John Longstaff, John Richmond, John Robinson, and Rd Watson & brought unto the next monthly meeting.
Cuthbert Thompson & John Robinson & Edward ffisher to goe along with Mary Randall to all her creditors to see what she can get abated of her debts.
That Geo. Wilson have the Collection of Barnardcastle given him towards his supply as being Prisoner for tyth.
Agreed that the bargaine for the peice of ground for a buriall place in Witton Gilbert of Michael Hoene shall stand & y’ the thing be performed.

Monthly Meeting 1st day of 6th month 1671. - J. L.
[Note “J. L.,” “Jo. Lang.,” “Jo. Langstaff,” or “at John Langstaffs House,” appears in the minutes of every meeting from this date up to 6, 3, 1673, inclusive, also an isolated entry for 2, 7, 1673, but there is no evidence as to where the said house was, if we accept the indication that it was at Shackerton [see 5, 9, 1672 ]. The meetings from 3, 6, 1675, onwards, were “att Raby.”]
Ordered that Hellin Raine be referred to the deligence & care of freinds in that meeting, that they walke wisely towards her & that they endeavour to keepe her mind

P.231 - (xxxi) - Appendix III. - Raby.

downe in the feare of the Lord, the she may be brought to iudgent for her misorderly taken of Peter Grainge to husband.
That freinds are in some hopes of Francis Harperly’s repentance.
Jo. Langstaff.


Marriages, etc., so be recorded.
Monthly Meetings 4th day of 7th month 1671. - J. L.
Rd. Watson & Robt. Young to speake to James Hall concerning the disorderly walking weth. William Belleasis hath reported of him. 

Monthly Meeting at John Langstaffs House the 7 day of 9 month 1671.
Care to be taken about Records of births, etc. Robt. Haswell for Durham meeting, John Wilkinson for Shotton, James ffewster for Braunspeth, James White for Raby, John Bowran for Barnard Castle, John Robinson of Cockerton for Darlington, Zachariah Murthwaite for Aukland, Wm. Knowles for Heighington, & Rd. for Stockton or Norton to being in account of all sufferings to freinds by vertue of the late Act.
That Wm. Hutton, senr., Thomas Milburne & Christr. Goodson doe give a true accompt, concerning Isabell Kipling, how it is with her as to the truth & what her reall need may be in the outward, & returne an account, etc.
Collection to be made at every meeting for poor freinds.

Monthly Meeting 5, 10, 1671. - Jo. Lang.
Such as are cold, dead, & dry & Lazy in comeing to meetings one day and neglecting one or two, whereby they come to be deprived of the sence of Gods presence in theur meetings, to be advised and spoken to.

Monthly Meetings 6, 12, 1671. - Jo. Langstaff.
That a booke by John Langstaff to be taken careto be provided for the regestring of marriages, births, and burialls agt the next monthly meeting.
Friends to take p’ticular care to bring in their marriages, etc.

Monthly Meeting, 7, 8, 1672. - J. L.
That John Langstaff, John Robinson, James White, James Hale, John Richmond, John Greenwell, John Wilkinson, Wm. Elstobb, Hen. Law, Emanuell Grice, John Robinson, Rowland Wheldon, Robt. Killinghall, & Rd. Watson goe to speake to Thos. Atkinson concerning some differences betwixt him & freinds.

Monthly Meeting 2, 5, 1672. - J. L.
The paper of disowning Henry Draper & Thos. Mossack was drawne up according to order.
James Wastell was before vs & in much tenderness did signfie his willingness to waite in Gods Judgmts. until with clearness and from a good understanding he doe beare

P.232 - (xxxii) - Appendix III.- Raby.

a publick testimony agt himselfe for the clearing the truth of that infamy wth. he hath brought upon it.
The paper about disorderly marriages, drunkenness, & ordering of families etc., referred to John Langstaff Rd. Watson, Rd. Wilson, Robt. Wardell, John Richmond, & James Hall, the freinds mentioned at the quarly meeting.
Collection to be made for the service of the truth beyond the seas and elsewhere.
The last third day of the weeke in each month a generall meeting to be held at Raby for Barnardcastle meeting, Shackerton, Darnton, & Aukland meeting. 

Monthly Meeting 6, 6, 1672. - J. L.
All births etc., to be brought to ffrancis Temple.

Monthly Meeting at John Langstaff’s the 3, 7, 1672.
That John Robinson & Cuthbert Thompson doe enquire whether ffrancis Hodgshon was married with a Priest or noe & returne an account to freinds.

Monthly Meeting at John Langstaff’s 5, 9, 1672.
Darlington & Raby meeting to meet at Shackerton once a month at John Langstaff’s this winter season.

Monthly Meeting at J. L. 3, 10, 1672.
That the grave and sober women of Raby meeting, & Barnardcastle, Cudderston, & Lartington doe meet at Barnard Castle once a month.
Delivered to Geo. Gowndrey by John Langstaff, 8ft as lent to Thos. Burdon of little Shotton by order of the last m. M.

Monthly Meeting at J. L. the 4, 12, 1672.
Special care to be taken & enquiry made if there be any that pay tyth wch makes void the Testimony of Truth. Freinds appointed foe this service.

Shackerton Meeting: Emanuell Grice, John Langstaff & John Richmond.

Monthly Meeting at John Langstaff’s 4, 1, 1673.
Given to Chris. Dodgshon.................£1.0s.0p.
Remaining in John Langsytaff’s hand.........7s.0p.

Monthly Meeting at John Langstaff’s 6, 3, 1673.
Some friends of this County, tenants of the Dean & Chapter, under a former custom to pay certain rent tyth, desire the advice of friends at the yearly meeting at London what may best be done that the truth and its Testimony may be cleared.

P.233 - (xxxiii) - Appendix III.- Raby.

Robt Haswell & Nichs Pickering to enquire concerning Wm Taylor & Ellinor Hartley, whether she be cleare from any other man, & he cleare of any other woman, he having an intention to take her to wife & for that he have published it among freinds at this meeting & that they give account thereof at the next m.m.

Monthly Meeting 6, 6, 1673.
John Langstaffe & Emanuell Grice, to speake to Christr Richmond, Wm Richmond, & Thos. Richmond about paying of tyths, & that account be given at next m.m.
To Dorithy Crooke for something done to Wm Heavisides children
for the Evill...............................10s. 0p.
Left in John Langstaffe’s hand..........£4 . 6s. 8p.
More left in ditto......................£1 . 1s. 6p.
................................Total = £5 . 8s. 2p.

Monthly Meeting 1, 7, 1674.
Edward Newby being in necessity.......£1 . 0s. 0p.
Left in John Greenwell’s hand.........£1 .15s. 6p. 

Monthly Meeting 3, 9, 1674.
John Greenwell & Wm. Hodgshon to goe to Newtowne & enquire concerning Rt. & Michaell Walton’s husbandry, & to informe John Richmond concerning the same, & that John Richmond speake with them about the tyth they are imprisoned for & return an account etc.
That it is in the mind of freinds, that their be a meeting house provided at Durham as shortly as maybe, & that freinds contribute for the renting thereof. ************************************

Monthly Meeting 1, 10, 1674.
John Robinson, John Langstaff, Rd. Watson, James Hall, Rd. Wilson, & Thos. Burdon, to meet at Heighington, about this day fortnight, to end the controversie betwixt Sarah Knowles & John Richmond the younger.

Monthly Meeting 5, 11, 1674-5.
To the Prisoner’s at the Goale............£1 . 0s. 0p. 

Monthly Meeting 2, 12, 1674.
Wm. Grainger & Wm. Pickering to be examined, whether they doe pay tyths. 
Emanuell Grice, John Langstaff & Jo. Robinson, to speake to William Richmond about payment of tyths.
Every meeting to take care of it’s poore.

P.234 - (xxxiv) - Appendix 3 - Raby.(BR>
Monthly Meeting 6, 1, 1675.
This day, the marriage of John Airy with Ann Pickering was laid before vs, & freinds here doth thinke fit, that a certificate be had from Raby Meeting concerning her cleareing with George Langstraff. 

Monthly Meeting at Raby 3, 6, 1675.
Vpon examination betwixt John Airy & Ann Pickering about their intended marriage, that she doth say that if he could be willing to give her vp as to cleare her she could not, seeing she sees the thing is not equall being their engagem’’ is gone soe far so breake it up without better and further conciderac’on. [She seems ultimately to have married Ralph Hodgeson, 25, I, 1679, and caused great offenceby not asking leave to do so.]

Monthly Meeting at Raby 1, 12, 1675.
Henry Granger & Geo. Dickson to bring a particuler about Francis Temple’s debts.

Monthly Meeting 5, 1, 1678. 
Information being given In At our monthly Meeting Against John Langstaf by William Richmond. This is our Judgement Concerning it, that it is a false Information & nothing but Maliss & Envy. [ Signed by twelve friends, including ]
Gorge Dikson

Monthly Meeting 5, 9, 1678.
John Langstaffe gave notice to this meeting of his sonne Arthure’s intentions of taking to wife Ann Hudson of Norton. [This is crossed out]

Monthly Meeting 5, 6, 1679.
James White is to get a booke of 6 quire bound & bring it to next m. Record freinds sufferings in, & sufferings to be brought in from 1650.
ffreinds taking into their weighty consederation the Cariage of William Richmond towards John Langstaffe at the last monthly meeting & weekly meeting here & at Shakerton, thinkes fit and soe orders that Edward Tunstall & Henry Granger goeto William Richmond & admonish him not to make any more disturbance, they haveing vndertaken to lay the businesse before the next quarterly meeting.

Ordered that Zachariah Murthwait, Anthony Hodgshon, Edward Tonstall, George Goundrey & Robert Wilson take Care to speake with Thomas Langstaffe aboute his mariing with a Preist & Refraining meetings, & give an accompt to the next monthly meeting.

Monthly Meeting at Raby 2, 7, 1679.
Suffering to be recorded & Jonathon Robinson to have 5s 6d for the booke to record them in.

P.235 - (xxxv) - Appendix III. - Raby

Ordered that John Greenwell & Edward Tonstall speake to Willm. Richmond to give an accompt in writing vnder his hand to John Langstaffe what he has against him that he might have time before the quarterly meeting to make his defence.
ffreinds appointed to speake to Thomas Langstaffe not having had an opportunity as yet will take care to speake to him soe soone as possible.
That Anthony Hodgshon, Edward Tonstall, & John Richmond & Zachary Moorfet, speake with Bethueil Langstaffe before the next m.m.
James Trotter, John Langstaffe, James White, & Edward Tonstall, to take care of freinds that are traders that they answere the truth in their outward dealings, that none be damnified, by them, nor that none suffer by them.

Monthly Meeting ett Raby 4, 7 month.
Sufferings since 1660 to be gathered up.
Ordered that Zachariah Murthwait, Anthony Hodgeson & Edward Tonstall, doe again speake with Thomas Longstaff, & bring in his answer, etc.
James Trotter & Anthony Hodgeson to admonish James White to have 2 freinds that are Tradesmen to other 2 that Nathaniel Richmond picketh upon to end the difference betwixt them about a parcell of tobacco. [ This was to stay legal proceedings.]

Monthly Meeting at Raby 2, 10, 1679.
Edward Tonstall, Zachariah Murfield, [sic], to speake with Thomas Langstaffe & bring his answer, etc.
The next Raby to be the third day before ye day cal’d New Yeare’s day.

Monthly Meeting at Raby 30, 10, 1679 [i.e. Dec. 30th].
ffreinds yt were ordered to speake to Thomas Langstaffe makes report here that they found him out of the sence of the truth, & his father not being now present, freinds thinkes fit to refer it till ye next monthly meeting.

Monthly Meeting 3, 12, 1679.
Ordered that John Boelron & George Goundry doe speake with Thomas Langstaffe before next m.m.

Monthly Meeting 2, 1, 1680.
Noe answear returned to George Goundry & George Bowleron concerning Thomas Langstaffe, it is left to their care to bring in an answear to the next m.m..
Whereas Mathew Hutchinson of Cutherstone haveing fed ye crosse & his testimony for God against Tyths when it was his place to have stood in ye same in ye time of his tryall, being to have gone to prison, he has this day condemned that spirit that led him away from his testimony, as a false spirit before us & it is ordered by this meeting to draw up a paper in condemning himself & clearing of truth & bring it in ye next m.m., to be recorded & sent to ye people of ye world, who were concerned in ye matter, or others, as in ye wisdome of God may be seen meet for God’s honour and clearing of his truth.

P.236 - (xxxvi) - Appendix III. - Raby.

Monthly Meeting at Raby 6,5, 1680.
John Langstaffe, Anthony Hodgshon for John Boolron, & Anthony Wennington to consider & bring in ann Accompt to next writing who were the first that brought the messuage of glad tidings Amongst vs & who received them and their messuage.

Monthly Meeting 2, 9, 1680.
John Langstaffe & Anthony Hodgeson to make ready an Accompt in writing, what freind first preached the Truth in these parts, etc.
Intention of marriage of Robt. Temple with Ann Newton, who is an unbeliever; ffreinds in the unity of God’s power & spirit judged ye thing & disowned ye same, & admonished him to minde the Lord & stand his counsell & seek Redemption from ye snare he is in.

M.M. et Raby 7, 10, 1680.
Edward Tonstall & John Trotter to minde John Langstaffe & Anthony Hodshon & to bring in ye paper ordered.

M.M. at Raby 21 , 10, 1680.
Freinds saw it meet to give forth a paper in testimony against Robert Temple’s proceedings & marriage with a woman of the world.

M.M. at Raby 3, 3, 1681.
Emanuell Grice & Jo. Langstaffe for Aukland meeting - To bring in testimonies against tithes.

  M.M. 2, 6, 1681 et Rabie.
Chas. Watson, with the assistance of Jo. Langstaff to give forth a paper against the preist & others concerned for sprinkling his child with water in his absence, calling it baptising, which is noe way the true baptisme etc.

M.M. at Raby 6, 10, 1681.
Chas. Watson’s testimony against ye preist for sprinkling his child:-
Ralph Wren, & you concerned, my minde hath never bene cleare, since the time that you in my absence without my knowledge or consent, did sprinkle my child with water, & Godfather’s & Godmother’s as you call them, which is not in the truth nor warantable by scripture. And therefore I must deny it. And I therefore testifie against you for soe doing.

M.M. At Raby 4, 2, 1682.
Freinds to be appointed to speak with such as have lately forsaken meetings have gone to ye steeplehouses, etc.

P.237 - (xxxvii) - Appendix III. - Raby.

M.M. et Raby 2, 3, 1682.
Chas. Watson has delivered his testimony to ye priest & ye priest has promised to conscerne himself, after ye manner, noe more.
John Langstaff, Emanuell Grice, Anthony Hodgeson & some other freinds of Auckland, to goe & visit some scattered freinds about Wolsingham, & bring in an account, etc.

M.M. et Raby 4, 5, 1682.
Geo. Gundrey giving an account to freinds of his son lately going to hear ye preists.
John Belron brings an account of his haveing spoken to Tho. Longstaffe, & that he saw little hopes of him at p’sent.
He has also spoken to some about Bows that have lately gone to ye steeple houses. The account concerning John Collin brought in by Barth. Crocker is that hee desired hee may be a warning to all friends for taking a wife of the world, hee being by that weakened, & by her & her relations, overcome to shrinke in time of tryall.
Ellen’ Grainger of Barnardcastle, who haveing formally to Truth and friends’ advice, joined her self to a man of ye world, by him was forced to goe to a steeple house, where the Dread of ye Lord seized upon her y’ she was made to temble, soe y’ it was very much taken notice of by people of ye world.
John Langstaffe, Henery Grainger, & Edward Tonstall, appointed to be at a meeting of sufferinges dureing persecution.
Geo. Dickson & Hen. Grainger to speake with Tho. Bolton about his going away, & of his outward condition, & relate, etc.

M.M. ett Raby 1, 6, 1682.
Thos. Bolton has acknowledged that it was his weakness & unadvisednesse in going away as he did, & y’ hee was sorry for it, etc. & Henry Grainger has disbursed 5s. to him for y’ supply of his p’sent necessity.

M.M. 24, 4, 1684.
Certificate from Robt. Grundy of Stocton that Marg. Wrightson is free to marry so far as he is concerned.

M.M. at Raby 7, 2, 1685.
Matter depending betwixt Zachary Murthwait & Hy. Grainger’s daughter Eliz. ........ referred to Geo. Coates ......... With Jane Vicker’s, Barbary Dixon, & Ann Pickering, to meet at James Watson’s house.

M.M. at Raby 1, 10, 1685.
Jno. Robinson’s low & pitiful condition being laid this day before our meeting. 
ffriends (out of bowelles of tendr. Compassion) resolved to remember him with a token of their love as shortly as could be.

P.238 - (xxxviii) - Appendix III. - Raby.
M.M. at Raby 5, 11, 1685-6.
Complaint made that Margt. Guy has walked disorderly, & told lying & false stories of some persons; to be spoken unto, etc.

M.M. at Raby 3, 3, 1687. Noe businesse

M.M. at Raby 1, 9, 1687.
Whereas John Richmond has given great occasion of offence by frequenting company & being overcome with drunkennesse, it is desired ye Jo. Langstaffe & others admonish him. [J.R. subsequently denied the charge.]

M.M. at Raby 6, 10, 1687.
Jo. Walton to take the old booke of Births & Burials & get them In order In the new booke, etc.

M.M. et Raby 7, 12, 1687.
The reports that an Idle man had raised concerning Elizth. Grainger certified to be untrue.

M.M. ett Raby 6, 1, 1888. Intention of marriage ............ Thos. Wrightson of Crag & Abigail Dixon of Raby. ************************************

M.M. et Raby 3, 2, 1688.
Nothing against marriage of Thos. Wrightson & Abigail Dixon; parents’ consent & clearness in ye matter, wee being satified of, etc.

M.M. ett Raby 3, 5, 1688.
Order as to fashions & dresses of the world.

M.M. ett Raby 5, 1, 1689.
William Pen’s answear to a letter written to him were brought, etc.
John Langstaffe & others are desired to speak with John Garth about some money he has in his hands of Margarett Gay, his sister.
M.M. ett Raby ye ........
Widow Elstob desiring some friends to take the executorship of her husband’s will from a man of ye world, ye man of ye world being willing, the meeting desires Ralph Hodgeson, Hen. Grainger, & Wm. Pickering to take it & take care of ye widow. [When the time came “ye man of ye world” declined to give up the executorship.]

M.M. ett Raby 5, 9, 1689.
Also 2s. 6d. to Geo. Raine of Lartington, an Antient man.

P.239 - (xxxix) - Appendix III. - Raby.
M.M. ett Raby 4, 1, 1690.
Intention of marriage - Hy Grainger, Junr. & Isabel Dixon, both of Raby.
M.M. ett Raby 8, 2, 1690.
Nothing against Grainger -Dixon marriage.

M.M. ett Raby 3, 12, 1690.
Intention of marriage - Christopher Dickson, of Rookerby in Yorkshire & Elizabeth Grainger, of Walworth, Co. Durham. Her parent’s consent.
M.M. ett Raby 3, 1, 1691.
Nothing against Dickson - Grainger marriage. His parent’s consent.

M.M. ett Raby 7, 3, 1691.
[After making arrangements for apprenticing another son it it reported that] Upon further consideration itt is thought requisite y’ Marg. Guy’s younger sonn tarry att home with his sister till apprenticed, that he may goe to schoole to Learne to write & cypher, & Jane Vickers & Barbary Dickson are to speake with his sister to know if she be willing to give him his Dyet. If not friends will pay for it & for his learning.

M.M. ett Raby 7, 5, 1691.
Hen. Grainger, John Langstaffe, & John Walton to get Auckland meeting house & Raby meeting houses recorded according to ye late act of Parliam’t.
Intention of marriage - William Francis & Mary Raine, & in as much as they are likely come from Ireland, & by reason of ye troubles & declarations made in their parts, they could not conveniently as wee understand bring certificates, etc. [ The Battle of the Boyne had been fought a year before, & Athlone was taken by assault a week before this meeting.]

M.M. at Raby 4, 6, 1691.
Geo. Dixon & others to speake with a defaulting debtor.

M.M. at Raby 1, 8, 1691.
Jo. Langstaffe, Emanuell Grice, & Edward Tonstall to appoint a day apart for setting in order ye Titles & dates of G. ff. [George Fox] papers & books.
Wm. Hutton had writt a note to excuse him by reason of businesse in harvest.

M.M. At Raby 2, 12, 1691.
Friends of Cotherstone meeting having as wee apprehend been absent from this meeting by reason of ye great snow that has made many ways impassable.

P.240 - (xl) - Appendix III. - Raby.

M.M. at Raby 5, 2, 1692.
Justice Bowes has granted an order or warrant to ye overseers of ye poore of Stainthorpe to pay old Thos. Bolton 18d. A month towards his maintenance. Friends have agreed & see meet yt. 
John Walker signifie from friends wee desire they may foebear contributing anything towards him, for yt we shall take sufficient care concerning him, yt he want not, etc.; he has had contribution from friends of Raby these severall yeares, yet if he had been a faithfull man more care had been taken concerning him, not knowing, not withstanding that he wanted, having lived with a daughter of his who takes care of him, etc.

M.M. at Raby 7, 4, 1692.
Jo. Langstaff & Jo. Bowron to advise with friends of ye yeerly meeting about Cotherstone friends prescription. ************************************

M.M. at Raby 17, 11, 1692.
ffriends of Cothersone doe bring an Account to this Meeting that there being some difference betwixt Mathew Hutchinson the younger, whoe hath sometimes resorted to our Meetings & one Christopher Langstaffe of ye same towne, & that they did fight one with another, & that since ye sd. Chris. Langstaffe is deceased, friends here haveing ye same under theire Serious Consideration doe order that a paper of Condemnation be publickly given forth against ye sd. Mathew Hutchinson, ye copy of which is as followeth:-
At our Monthly Meeting att Raby, ye 17th. 11mnth. 1692. Whereas we are given to understand that there has been a difference betwixt Mathew Hutchinson, of Cotherstone, ye younger, & Christopher Langstaffe of ye same towne, taylor, & that they have laide violent handes each upon other, & ye said Chris. Langstaffe, some time after hath deceased; now these are to signifie unto all it may concerne yt ye said Mathew Hutchinson, younger, though his father be among us, & he himselfe, may have sometime resorted to our meetinges, yet his life & Conversation have been far from & contrary to our principles and practices, soe yet he has never been owned in fellowshipe with us nor looked upon as one of us but as an vnruly, disorderly perverse young man, etc.

Given forth from our M.M. at Raby the 17th of the 11th. Mo. 1692 by the people of God, in scorne called Quakers.

John Bowron....................................William Dobson.
Petter Allonson................................Laurance Apelby.
John Langstaffe................................Wm. Singleton.
George Dixon...................................Nich. Cockefeld.
Henry Grainger.................................Peter Heren.
Wm. Pickering..................................John Robinson.
John Walton....................................Ralph Hodgson.
James Trotter..................................John Reay.
Edwd. Tonstall.................................Edmond Rollenson.
Geo. Coates....................................Geo. Goundry.
Rober. Truman..................................Henry Graing”, younger.

P.241 - (xli) - Appendix III. - Raby.

M.M. et Raby 7, 12, 1692.
It is thought requisite that Peter Allinson, James Raine, & Batho. Crocker, doe goe to Chris. Langstaffe’s widdow & tenderly advise her that friends have given forth a paper of Condemnation against Matt. Hutchinson, ye younger, & leave one of ye said papers with her, & to know what she expected from friends here by sending a Letter to us.

Whereas Jo. Wilson, son of Geo. Wilson, of Norgill, is at this meeting & wee doe perceive that he hath lett out his Affections after a woman of ye world: friends have generally signifyed their disunity with itt, & doe desire he may retire In his minde to ye Lord & withdraw from proceeding any further therein.

M.M. at Raby 7, 1, 1693.
Christ. Langstaffes widdow said she expected nothing from friends here, but only to lay before us her deplorable condition. Whereupon we have advised old Mathew Hutchinson to be charitable & helpful to ye widdow considering her circumstances.
Henry Grainger was with Justice Bowes & gave one of ye paper’s of Condemnation to him. & the Justice told Henry he thought itt would doe well for Mathew to give something to ye widdow. Henry haveing first told him Itt was our sence, which he Approved: now it is ye advice of this meeting that Mathew doe extend as speedily as he can, some liberall Reliefe to her: which he doth here declare he is willing to doe.

M.M. at Raby 4, 2, 1693.
Geo. Dixon & others to speake with Wm. Hutton.

M.M. at Raby 2, 3, 1693.
Matt. Hutchinson gives an account to friends that he hath not yet extended that Supply to Chris. Langstaffes widdow which he intends to doe, because Justice Bows has been abroad, whose further advice Mathew & friends thinks Itt may be requisite to have In itt, etc. Bart. Crocker hath spoken with John Wilson about letting out his affections after a Woman of ye World, & perceives not any willingnesse in him to give itt up, soe John Bowron & M. Hutchinson are desired to speake with him, etc. ************************************

M.M. at Raby 6, 4, 1693.
Matt. Hutchinson hath been with Justice Bows, who told him he would have them to make an end of itt amongst themselves, but If they cannot he will assist them. Mathew alsoe says that he hath been already in part helpfull to ye widdow, etc.
John Wilson still continues unwilling to give up that concerne which Is betwixt him & the woman above mentioned. 
To be referred to Quarterly meeting.

M.M. at Raby 6, 1, 1694.
[John Langstaff, with others, signatory to a paper of condemnation.]

P.242 - (xlii) - Appendix III. - Raby. 

M.M. at Raby 3, 5, 1694.
Friends of Cotherstone meeting haveing Aquainted this meeting, that John Wilson, sonn of Geo. W., is married with a woman of the world, friends here doe desire Christ. Dixon & others, to draw up a paper against the sd. action, &, further, to Discourse with the sd. young man, etc.
[A long latter signed G. ff. ends] “ and soe I say papers of condemnation should be sent to them, & stuck upon their Crosses & steeple house doors, etc.”
[ A set of rules follows, of which the seventh begins ] “ And all such as wear theire hatts when friendes prayes, & are gotten into ye old ways of Ranters, who sett up ye wearing thereof in opposition to the power of God,” etc.

[At the end of the book, upside down.]
A copy of ye comdemnation of Ralph Hodgeson & Anne Hodgeson’s fforwardnesse in takeing each other in marriage before ffriends had seen meet to allow of the same

17, 4, 1679.
Anne Hodgeson’s single condemnation of herself, in being concerned with a man of ye world in relation to marriage, & also her hastinesse in concerning herself with John Airey “ before ye unione with mee & ye man of ye world was ended,” etc.

M.M. at Raby 1, 4, 1684.
Copy of a paper brought in by Mathew Hutchinson, wherein he condemns his flying from ye constable when he came to take him.

Raby Monthly Meeting Minutes ( Mens )

Vol. 11.........1694 - 1740.

Monthly Meeting 4, 5, 1699.
Ralph Dixon of Raby & Susanna Watson of Woodhouse Close, Intention of marriage. His father & mother present. Also her father, who declares his own & his wifes consent
[ 1, 6, 1699, nothing against it. ]

Monthly Meeting 17, 8, 1699.
Christs. Dixon of Cotherston present.

Monthly Meeting 28, 10, 1703.
Christs. Dixon & Peter Allinson are desired to take care that they who are present at the Accomplishment at the marriage of Geo. Grainger & Abigail Wilson may be orderly in their behaviour, etc.

P.243 - xliii) - Appendix III. - Raby.

Monthly Meeting 7, 1, 1703 - 4. Geo. Dixon, son of Geo. & Barbary Dixon of Raby, & Sarah Greenwood, dau. of James & Elizth. Greenwood of Gailes Garth in Dent in Yorkshire. His father & mother present
Monthly Meeting 4, 2, 1704.
Nothing against the marr’e. Her father & mother consent. Referred to Bridgefats mo. meeting, unto which she belongs.

Monthly Meeting 5, 2, 1720.
Intention of marr’e. Ralph Dixon & Eliz Hunter, widow, a member of Benfieldside meeting..................................[ 31, 3, 1720, nothing against it.]

Monthly Meeting 7, 9, 1721.
Where as Christopher Dixon for Divers years hath frequented the meeting of the people called Quakers, but not having a due regard to that devine principle of truth made manifest not only to him but to all mankind in Order for their redemption, hath bene severall times found Guilty of drinking to excess, in soe much that he has become a verry greate Reproach unto the truth he made profession of, & he having severall times been tenderly dealt with, for severall years, but not finding any amendment, we are constrained, as has been our constant practice in the Like Cases, to give out the following lines against these his Actions:
There for this may Certify all persons into whose hands this may come, that wee have no Unity with the said Christopher Dixon, nor these his Evill practices, nor from hence forth can own him of our Society Until through true repentance & amendment of life he returne unto the Lord which is our sincere desires.
Wm. Kay. M. Coates. Jno. Walton.
Given forth at our Monthly Meeting at Raby, ye 7th of ye 9th month 1721.
[ A paper in the same words against Joseph Dixon also.

Monthly Meeting 25, 10, 1721.
Ra. Dixon to attend the meeting of publick friends tomorrow weeke at Durham.

Monthly Meeting 3, 1, 1723 - 4.
Intention of marr’e. Geo. Dixon, son of Ralph Dixon, of Hen. Knowle, & Susanna his wife, dec’d., with Mary Hunter, dau. of Thomas Hunter & Hannah, dec’d. His father present. Her uncle, Jeremiah Hunter, her guardian, approves thereof.
[7,2, 1724, nothing against it.]


Monthly Meeting 2, 2, 1728.
Robt. Briggs of Kendall in Westmd., son of Emanuell Bridggs dec’d. & Mary his wife, with Susanna Dixon, dau. of Ralph Dixon & Susanna, dec’d. His mother consents; also her father. 
[ 7, 3, 1728, nothing against it.]

P.244 - (xliv) - Appendix III. - Raby.

Monthly Meeting 11, 12, 1728.
Intention of marr’e...........John Raylton [son] of John Raylton, dec’d. & Elizabeth his widdow, of Bowes in the county of York & Barbara Dixon, dau. of Ralph Dixon & Susanna his wife, dec’d., of Henknowle in the county of Durham. His mother consents. Her father present. ************************************

Monthly Meeting 11, 1, 1728.
Nothing against it. George Dixon & John Walton are desired to attend the sd. Marriage to see that things be orderly.
Intention of marr’e.---Joshua Dixon, son of Christopher & Elizabeth Dixon, late of Raby, Co. Durham, decd., & Hannah Parking, dau’r. of Christopher & Margaret Parking, of South side in the same county, dec’d.
Intention of marr’e.--- John Dixon, son of George & Sarah Dixon of Raby, & Hannah Coats, dau’r of Michell & Margret Coats of Langlyford, Co. Durham. Their parents present.
[25, 1, 1679, nothing against either marr’e.]

Monthly Meeting 3, 9, 1730.
Intention of marr’e. --- James Dixon, son of Ralph Dixon & Susannah his wife, of Henknowle, with Alice Haswell, dau’r. of Thomas & Ell. Haswell of Little Town.
[1, 10, 1730, nothing against it.]

Monthly Meeting 2, 10, 1730.
James Waistall, son of Nathaniel & Mary W., dec’d., with his friend Elizth. Robeson, dau’r. of Robt. & Jane R dec’d.
Intention of marr’e. Geo. Dixon & others desired to make enquiry.
[20, 1, 1730, nothing against it. Certifie from Stockton meeting of his clearness.]

Monthly Meeting 3, 2, 1733.
Robt. Studholm, son of Robt. & Ellinor Sudholm of Studholm in Cumberland, with his friend Elizth. Dixon, dau’r. of Ralph & Susannah Dixon of Henknowle. His mother being living, her consent is desired.
[1, 3, 1733, nothing against it.]

Monthly Meeting 5, 6, 1735.
Edward Pease & Elizth. Coats, dau’r. of Michaell Coats. Their parents consent.
[ 2, 7, 1735, nothing against it.]

Monthly Meeting 4, 3, 1736.
Wm. Wilson, son of Roland W., of Strickland Hall in Westmorland & Mary Dixon, dau’r. of George D., of Raby..............................[ 1, 4, 1736, nothing against it.]

P.245 - (xiv) - Appendix III. - Raby.

The Monthly Meeting Book for Barnard: castle, Raby & Auckland.
[Inside the cover]
Raby Women’s Meeting Booke.
Monthly Meeting 3, 12, 1679.
The bondage of our brethren which are in slavery by the Turks being considered this day, in the bowells to love to them, wee have agreed amongst us to send twenty shillings, etc.

Monthly meeting 3, 3, 1681.
If any woman freinds be Longing to this M.M. have a mind to come & be not abile to come A foot, nor of ability to hire a hors, y’ if they shall hire one, it shall be paid for, etc. Given 2s. For y’ suply of Margreat Lanstaf.

M.M. 5, 5, 1681.
Elizth. Hodgson spoken to, & she doth say, that she is resolved not to marry with any except he be a friend.

M.M. 3, 6, 1681.
Katren Watson declares that she was cleare of consenting y’ her childe should be sprinkled with the priest.

M.M. 4, 2, 1682.
Ann Walker of Standrop took occasion to goe to the steppelhous thee next 3th day after being our monthly meeting, she assembled herself amongst us, & being tenderly Admonished & examened what was the occasion of hir going. She gave but a sllender account, &c. She & Elizth. Walker to be spoken to & their answars Brought in.

M.M. 6, 4, 1682.
Given to Mary Robinson who is going to Pensilluania & desired sum supply from vs. 7s. 

M.M.6, 12, 1682.
Rebeckah Grinwell being concerned with a man of the world, In Relation to marriage hath gone to a priest & married with him. Friends have laid the Evill of it before her, etc. 

M.M. 4, 2, 1683.
Copy paper of condemnation by Rebecca Todd [ formally Grinwell] to the preist that marryed them.


246 - (xlvii) - Appendix III. - Raby.

M.M. 1, 3, 1683.
Kath Temple desires that Friends will take Care to gett her Daughter a service.

M.M. 3, 5, 1683.
No business; but wee doe keepe up our meeting whether or noe wee may be concerned with much businesse.

M.M. 5, 11, 1685.
Margt. Guy having walked disorderly by carrying stories & intermeddling, it was seen convenient y’ she be admonished, & dealt with all further according to Truth, etc.

M.M. 2, 12, 1685.
Margt. Guy subscribed a paper of condemnation. Copy entered. [ Stories related to Wm. Mowbray & Wm. Best, Geo. Dixon & his wife “ & several others.”]

M.M. 6, 1, 1688.
Intention of marriage........Thomas Wretson of Crag & Abigail Dixon of Raby.
[3, 2, 1688, nothing against it.]
[Note M.M.3, 4, 1684. Intention of marriage --- Peter Allesson of Cotherston & Marg,t. Writson of Cragg.

M.M. 7, 6, 1688.
Mathew Hutchison of Cotherstone haveing a purpose to goe into Holland upon Truth’s account, sygnifying his Intention thereof to us, & it was left to his own Clearnes in the truth.

M.M. 4, 1, 1689.
Intention of marr’e........Hy. Grainger & Esabell Dexson
[ 8, 2, 1689, nothing against it.]

M.M. 3, 12, 1690.
Intention of marr’e........Christopher Dickson of Rrokeby & Elizth. Granger.

M.M. 3, 1, 1689.
Nothing against marriage. [of Rucksby.]

M.M. 7, 1, 1693.
It is signified to this meeting that Rebeckah Huttan is concerned with a man of ye world in Refarance to Marrage & Ann Pickering & Abegil Wreatson [ Abigail Dickson who married Thomas Wrightson of Crag, see 6, 1, 1688.] Is disered to goe & speake to her, etc. 

P.247 - (xlvii) - Appendix III. - Raby.

M.M. 2, 3, 1693.
Freinds gives an account yt. they found Rebeckah Hutton very obstinate, etc. concerning y’ matter they spake to her About & we cannot but leave our testimony against that Spirret.

M.M. 5, 7, 1693.
Letter to the Quartly. at Durham about young women being cautioned not to give to much incouragemt. to young men until they have carefully weighed, etc., & young men to be careful in making proposals to young women, etc.

M.M. 7, 6, 1694
[A certificate from Swaledale meeting , signed, amongst others, by James Langstaff. ]

M.M. 6, 3, 1695.
Freinds of Auckland have spoken to Sarah Lampton for leting out her affections After A man of ye world, In Relation to marriage, Yet nothwithstanding all there exercise & laboure of love towards her She is marryed by a preist. 
Copy paper of disunity with her. 

M.M. 6, 6, 1695.
Freinds have discourced with Elenour Houston about her Aparrall which was not becoming those yt profese Truth to weare. & she saide she would not Dres her selfe undesently.

M.M. 3, 1, 1696.
Intention of marr’e. --- Geo, Grainger , son of Henery & Elenour G., & Margret Goundery Dau. of Geo. & Margaret G., of Gandeles Mill. [Gandelea ?]

M.M. 7, 2, 1696.
Parents all pleased with marriage & nothing against it. 

M.M. 4, 5, 1699.
Intention of marr’e. --- Ralph Dixon, son of George & Barbary Dixon of Raby, & Susannah Watson, dau. of James & Elizth. Watson, of Woodas Close.
M.M. 1, 6, 1699.
Nothing against it. 

M.M. 7, 10, 1703.
Intention of marr’e. --- Geo. Grainger, son of Henery & Elenor G., of Raby, & Abigill Willson, dau. of Rodger & Jane W., of Cotherston.
[ 28, 10, 1703, nothing against it. ]

M.M. 7, 1, 1704.
Intention of marr’e. --- Georg Dixon, son of Geo. & Barbary D., of Raby, & Sarah Greanwood, dau. of Geo. & Elizabeth Greanwood of Gale Garth in Yorkshire.

P.248 - (xlviii) - Appendix III. - Raby.

M.M. 4, 2, 1704.
Nothing against it. His Father & Mother j’s been at meeting & gives Thare consent, & he brought a Certifycat from her father & mother & alsoe from ye yonge Woman concerned.

M.M. 4, 4, 1706.
Intention of marr’e.......Geo. Grainger of Raby & Hannah Rain of Stonye Kell.
[2, 5, 1706, nothing against it. Was Grainger married three times or did he break off three engagements ? His brother Caleb appears three times under like circumstances.]

M.M. 3, 3, 1720.
Intention of marr’e. --- Ralph Dickson of henkhowel & Elizth. Hunter of Benfeildside. M.M. 31, Same Month.
Nothing against it.

M.M. 5, 1, 1721.
Sarah Dickson & Margret Go. ........ Js. owersers this year.

M.M. 5, 1, 1723.
Intention of marr’e......Pharar Oystan, son of Thomas & Ann O., near Bp. Auckland, & Dorithy Broen, dau. To John & Dorithy Broen, in Bp. Auckland.
[ Nothing against it. ]

M.M. 3, 1, 1723 - 4.
Intention of marr’e. --- Geoge Dixon of Henknowl, son of Ralph & Susannah Dixon, & Mary Hunter of Newcastle. His parents are present.

M.M. 7, 2, 1724.
Nothing against marriage of Geo. Dixon & Mary Hunter.

M.M. 2, 2, 1728.
Intention of marr’e........Robert Brigs of Kendale & Susannah Dixon of Henknool, near Auckland. Her Father & Mother present. Certif from his Mother.
[ 7, 3, 1728, nothing against it. ]

M.M. 4, 12, 1728.
Intention of marr’e........John Reiton, son of Elizth Relton of Bowes, & Barbara Dixon, dau. To Ralph Dixon of Henknowles.

M.M. 4, 1, 1729.
Nothing against it. Intention of marr’e --- Joshua Dixon, son of Christopher & Elizth. Dizon, dec’d. & Hannah Parkin, dau. of Christopher & Margrit, dec’d.

M.M. 25, 1, 1729.
Nothing againt marr’e. of Joshua Dixon, & Hannah Parkin.

P249 - (xlix) - Appendix III. - Raby.

Intention of marr’e. --- John Dixon, son of Geo. & Sarah Dixon of Raby & Hannah Coats, dau. of Michal & Margrit Coates of Langlayford. Both parents consent.
[ 25, 1, 1729, nothing against it. ]

M.M. 3, 9, 1730.
Intention of marr’e......James Dixon, son of Ralph Dixon of Henknool, & Alis Haswell, dau. to Thom. & Elizth. Haswell, near Durham.

M.M. 1, 10, 1730.
Nothing seems to apose same.

M.M. 3, 2, 1733.
Intention of marr’e.......Robert Studholm & Eliz. Dixon, dau. of Ralph Dixon; her father present.

M.M. et Auckland 1, 3, 1733.
Nothing against it. Certificate from his mother.

M.M. 5, 6, 1735.
Intention of marr’e........Edward Peas of Darlington & Elizth. Coats, dau. of Michal & Margrit C., near Raby. Her father & mother present. Certificate from his parents. [ 2, 7, 1735, nothing against it. ]

M. M. at Aukland 4, 3, 1736.
Intention of marr’e.........Wm. Wilson, son of Roland Wilson, & Mary Dixon, dau. to Geo. Dixon. 
M.M. at Lartington 1, 4, 1736. 
Nothing against it.

M.M. at Bishop Auckland 6, 3, 1740.
Intention........Thos. Dotchen, of Roshefoord & Abigail Dixon. Their parents present.
[ 3, 4, 1740, nothing against it. ]

M.M. 2, 4, 1741.
Intention.........James Dixon & Rachel Coats.
M.M. 23, 4, 1741.
Nothing against it. His parents are agreeable to it, & hirs made willing to pass it.

M.M. 3, 5, 1744.
Mary Dixon of Bp. Auckland hath Requested a syrtifcate for visiting friends in Comberland, which shea has received with free consent of friends.

P.250 - (1) - Appendix III. - Raby.

Intention........Geo. Dixon of Raby, son of Geo. Dixon & Sarah his wife, & Elizth. Raw, of Reeth Co., York.

M.M. 24, 7, 1744.
Nothing against Geo. Dixon’s marriage, with his friend, Eliz. Raw.


M.M. 4, 12, 1745.
Intention........Hugh Watson, son of Joshua Watson, of Huntwell, Allendale, & Hannah Dixon, Widdow of Raby............A few lines from his father.
[ 4, 1, 1745, nothing against it. ]

M.M. 6, 6, 1748.
No business seemed to appear.

M.M. 27, 8, 1748.
Ralph Dixon of Henknowl & Sarah Coats of Linsack, dau. to Henry Coats & Rachel his wife. [ 27, 10, 1748, nothing against it. ]

M.M. 5, 1, 1750. Intention. ---- Thomas Preacher of Raby & Susanna Gallilee. Her parents present & also her uncle Taylor. [ 2, 2, 1751, nothing against it. ]

M.M. 3, 7, 1751.
Our friend James ? Dixon has a concern to visit friends in Irland, & his certificate issued by us.

M.M. 24, 4, 1753.
Mary Dixon of Bp. Auckland, requested a certificate to visit friends in sevearl parts of Yorkshire, which she received with free consent of friends.

M.M. 2, 12, 1753.
Mary Dixon of Aukland & Hannah Dixon are appointed as Representatives to the quarterly meeting.

M.M. 26, 3, 1754.
Intention.........Wm. Dixon & Sarah Coats. His parents present. Her father present.
[ 30, 4, 1754, nothing against it. ]

M.M. 31, 12, 1754.
Isabel Bowron & Mary Dizon to attend ye Quarterly Meeting as Representatives for m.m 

M.M. at Raby, 25, 10, 1756.
Mary Dizon brings in her certificate friends gave her & hath given an account of her Joyrney & satisfaction therein, which friends was Pleased with.

P.251 - (1i) Appendix III. - Raby.
Raby Monthly Meeting Minutes. - (Men’s).
Vol. 111.
M.M. at Raby 2, 10, 1746.
Testimony against Ralph Dixon for marrying by a priest.

M.M. at Raby 3, 12, 1746.
Dorathy Dixon, married by a priest - Testimony against.

M.M. at Raby 26, 2, 1754.
Paper of denial against Geo. Dixon for being married by a priest:
Whereas George Dixon of Cockfield, junior, & Sarah Railton of Bows from an Education a Mongst us, the people called Quakers was looked upon to be of our Society, but for want of duely Regarding that devine light & grace which we make a profession of, have so far gone from the Rules of the society as to marry by a priest, being so near Related as first cozins. We therefore find ourselves Ingaged to give forth this Testimony of our disunity with them, & Cannot own them as members until they come to a godly sorrow & witness true Repentance, which is what we sincerely desire for them.

M.M. [ ? Men’s ] 31, viii , 1756.
“Joshua Dixon has this day delivered in his Certificate we sent with him when he went to Americay, & hath given us an account of his labour & Service in those countryes & Provinces which is to our satisfaction: he hath brought also several certificates from their friends of their unity with him in his concern”.

M.M. 31, 5, 1763.
Jno. Dodgshon, son of Thomas & Margaret Dodgshon & Mary Dixon, dau. of John & Isabel Dixon : parents all dead.
Marriage passed 21, 6, 1763.

M.M. 27, 7, 1762.
James Dixon, a bankrupt...........disowned.

M.M. at Staindrop 26, 9, 1780.
Ralph Dixon of St. Andrews, Auckland...........disowned for bankruptsy.

M.M. at 29, 7, 1783.
George Dixon married by a priest...........disowned.

M.M. at Staindrop 30, 3, 1784.
John Dixon & family moving to Philadelphia. Auckland friends ask for a certificate for him; granted.

P.252 - (1ii) - Appendix III. - Raby.
M.M. at Staindrop 27, 4, 1784.
Geo. Dixon junior applies for membership.

M.M. at Staindrop 26, 4, 1785.
Joshua Dixon, very disorderly, disowned. [He had been previously severely admonished. ]

M.M. 13, 3, 1787.
Ralph Dixon of Darlington..........disowned. 

STOCKTON MINUTE BOOK (VOL. 1., PART 1., 1675 - 1687),

The Monthly Meeting Booke of Darlington, Shotton, & Norton friends. 

Monthly Meeting 8, 2, 1679.
It is ordered that Thomas Chipchase & James Wood, & Robt. Pattison goe with. Robert Truman & Lawrence Appleby to the m.m. att Rabye , to advise with ffriends there what is best to be done concerning the disorderly marriage of Bethwail Langstaffe with Ann Hudson for clearing of the truth & ffriends; & retorne & answer to the next m.m.

M.M. 13, 3, 1679.
Answer retorned that ffriends of the m.m. at Rabye desired some forbearance of time, to see if Bethwell Langstaffe & his wife through ffriends endeavours to bring them to a sence of their disorderly marriage, & to see if they would condemn the act themselves & clear the truth.

M.M. 10, 4, 1679.
Ordered that Edward Tunstall, John Wilkinson, & Emanuell Grice, John Langstaff, John Richinson, Wm. Ffoster, & Simon Townesend, do meet at Windleston, upon the twenty seventh day of the ffourth month, to speake with Bethwell Langstaff & his wife, about the clearing of the truth about their disorderly marriage, etc.

M.M. 3, 5, mo. called July, 1679.
[N.B. Prior to the introduction of the New Style, the first month was March.] Answer Retorned that ffriends have been to Windleston, but Bethwell Langstaffe was not att home, & Ann his wife, being tenderly dealt with about their disorderly marriage, would not Acknowledge any Condemnation upon her for the same, though ffriends did feel something of sence upon her: therefore Edward Tunstall & Chr. Crosby & Daniel Ives, Thomas Chipchaise & Margaret his wife & Alice Herron are appointed to be att Windleston upon the eighteenth day of this instant month, to endeavour to gett her to come to the next m.m. 

M.M. 12, 6, 1679.
A paper was written concerning the condemnation of Ann Hudson marriage of Bethewell Langstaffe, with a priest & ordered to be sent to John Langstaffe that he may have sight of it,

253- (1iiii) - Appendix III. - Raby
and shew the same to her, before it bee published to the end, that if noe sufficient reason bee shewed to the contrary betwixt this & ye next m.m., then the same to bee forthwith published for the clearing of the truth, & ffriends in the truth, & the Ghospell order practised amongst friends in ye truth.

M.M. 9 ... (torn off) 1679.
Answer returned that a Coppy of the paper to bee published for ye Condemnation of Ann Hudson’s marriage with Bethewell Langstaffe was sent in a Letter to John Langstaffe in which hee was aquainted that it was ye intent of ffriends of this M.M. to publish ye same, if no sufficient Reason was given betwixt the last & this next M.M. & there being an Account given that ye Letter was received, but noe sufficient reason being ..... why the paper should not be published, and ffriends by reason of John Lang ........ silence in this matter, taking it for granted that hee hath unity with ffriends ....... the same, therefore it is left to ffriends of Norton meeting to publish ye said paper as they shall see most convenient.

M.M. 14, 8, 1679.
Wm. Binningley, att his leasure to write againe to ......... Langstaffe, & aquaint him that upon his Request the publishing of the paper is delayed until next m. M.

M.M. 14, 9, ......79.
Wm. Binningley has written to John Langstaffe. No Answer. To write again.

M.M. 9, 10, 1679
No answer : Therefore ye paper to be Red in Norton Meeting, next first day.

M.M. 13, 11 1679.
John Blaikston, to prepaire his barn with conveniences, for entertaining friends in discomposure of minde, & ffriends are willing to allow him 3s per annum for his attendance & his Barn, & 6d per week for his care & maintainance of Daniell Eves. [ No more Langstaffe or Dixon entries in the Book.]

Stockton Monthly Meeting Minutes.
Vol. 1. Part 11 - 1687 - 1727. 

M.M. 16, 11, 1690.
Intention of marr’e --- Christopher Dickson of Rookby, Co. York & Elizth. Grainger of Walworth, Co. Durham.
[ 16, 12, 1690, nothing against it. His parents consent. ]

M.M. 11, 2, 1699.
Ann Longstaf made a Complante to this meeting for want of her thirds of an estate sould to Ralph Pattison by Bethwell Longstaf her husband. Robert Pattison is to goe with her to Abell Longstaff to see what can be done in order to her Reliefe in that Case & returne an account to the next m.m.

P.254 - (1iv)- Appendix III. - Raby.

M.M. 9, 3, 1699.
Robt. Pattison gives an account y’ he went with Ann Longstaff, but that she was willing to doe nothing without her brother Thomas.

M.M. 4, 6, 1699.
The matter about Ann Longstaff: Robert Pattison is willing to refer to John Hall & John Dubledaye, the time & place to be left to the arbitrators, & that there be timely notice given to ye partyes.

M.M. 12, 7, 1699.
John Hall gives account that John Dubleday & he did meete, & Robt. Pattison was willing to submit to any reasonable matter, yet they could not make an end therof; therefore friends Leaves her to her Liberty to proceed as the Law shall direct in order for her to procure her Right.

M.M. 13, 8, 1702.
Intention of marr’e --- Benjamin Foster, belonging this meeting, & Sarah Langstaff, daur. of John Langstaff, near Whitby
[ 10, 9, 1702, nothing against it. Her parents consent.]

M.M. 12, 12, 1705.
Intention of marr’e --- Robt. Robson, belonging Darlington Meeting, & Mary Dixon.
He is about to move to Cumberland, & friends there desire an account of his conversation.
[ 12, 1, 1706, nothing against it. ]

Stockton Meeting Minutes
Vol. 11. 1727 - 1767.
[No Langstaffs in the Index.]

M.M. 13, 3, 1753.
Darlington Friends aquaints this meeting that a demand is made of James Dixon of Pearsbridge, called Chantry rent, which the apprehend to be of the same nature of Tithes; this meeting refers the case to the quarter meeting for their advice therein.

M.M. 11, 11, 1760.
A certificate from Raby M.M., held at Lartington, the 24th of the 6th mo. last, on behalf of Tony[?] Railton, who settled in Stockton, is brought here, read, & accepted.

M.M. 8, 3, 1774.
Eliz. Dixon, daur. Of James & Rachel Dixon, late of Pearsbridge, now Eliz. Hodgshon, married by a priest & disowned.

M.M. 13, 3, 1787.
Ralph Dixon of Darlington, disowned.















I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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