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                                                   THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE

                                                                                                  GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF
                                                                                                          CAROLE A.M. JOHNSON
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                                                                                                                      PART 12

P.205 - (xxiv6)   Appendix II
                                                                               Durham Wills


[Note-- “ Act Book” signifies that the information was obtained from the Books of the Acts of the Consistory Court.]

1579, January 21. Will of Christopher Langstaffe of Langley, within the parish of Staindrop, in the County of Durham. I give to Thomas Hutchinson , 4 ewes and 4 hoggs etc. To Ann Hutchinson one stirke. To Christopher Emmerson 1 gymer. To my brother’s wife and five children, 15s. Residue to my daughter, Frances Langstaffe and I appoint her sole executrix.
1579, March 5. Probate granted to Francisa Langestaf, daughter & sole executrix. Amount of Inventory, £42 10s. 10d.
[Act Book. The original will is missing, but the above is taken from the enrolment. See notes to Pedigree No. 39.]

1587, April 7. Administration Bond of this date between John Langstaff of Rabie & Thomas Langstaff, of the same place, Yeoman. On Condition (among others), that the said John, discharge the duty of Tutor and Governor of Anne, daughter of the late William Corker of Barnard Castle, deceased. [Act Book]
1632, September 2. - Ann Corcker buried. 

                                                                                                       Barnard Castle Parish Register. 

1589, Probate of the Will of Myles Langstaff, of Raby, granted to Elizabeth Langstaff, widow, the relict. [Act Book]

1595, February 7. Henry Langstaff of the parish of Staindrop, appointed one of the executors to the Will of Simon Anderson, of the same place. [Act Book]

1596, Probate of the Will of Richard Langstaff, of the parish of St. Oswalds, Durham, granted to Cuthbert Langstaff, the son of the deceased, for use of himself and his brother and sisters, Christopher, Janet and Margaret Longstaff, all children of the deceased. [minors] [ Act Book- see following Will] 

1597, August 9. Will of Cuthbert Langstaffe, of New Elvet in Durham, by which he bequeaths small legacies to his brothers and sisters without naming them. Attached to the inventory is a list of Creditors, and among others are, “Margaret, Christopher and Jane Langstaffe.”

P.206 - (xxiv7) - Appendix II - Wills

1597, Probate of the Will of Cuthbert Langstaff, of St. Oswalds, Durham, granted to Ann Langstaff, widow, the relict, and sole executrix. [Act Book]

St Oswalds, [Elset?] Durham Parish Registers.

1568 April 15 - Chulbert Lengstafe, bap.
1570 Oct. 1 - Jennet Longstaffe, aged, buried.
1572 Oct. 3 - Rycharde Langstafe & Issebell Bullman. [under “Maregis”]
1574 Dec. 5 - Jarret Lambert & Jennet Langstafe married.
1577 Oct. 20 - Myles Langstaffe, bap.
1579 Feb. 24 - Christopher Longstaffe, bap.
1582 Mar 10 - Rychard, son of Rychard Longstaff, bap.
1585 Oct. 31 - Thomas Longstaffe, bap.
1587 Dec.14 - Thomas Longestaffe, buried.
1589 Aug. 2 - Marget Longstaffe, bap.
1589 Oct. 8 - Elyzabethe Longstaff buried.
1590 Oct. 26 - Ysabell Longstaffe buried.

1597, December 3 - Probate of the Will of Margerie Langstaff, of Rokeupside [Rookhope Side] in the parish of Stanhope, granted to her sole executor, Thomas Langstaff. [Act Book.- This will does not now exist]
1608, March 27 - Thomas Langstaffe was buried. [Stanhope Parish Register]

1600 October 4 - Administration of the Goods of Thomas Langstaff, of the Chapelry of Barnard Castle. Renunciation by the widow Margaret Langstaff. [Act Book. - Not in index.]

1605, October 5 - An inventory of the Goods of Thomas Langstaffe of Raby, near Staindrop, Blacksmith. Mentions no names.
1605, October 5 - Administration of the Goods of Thomas Langstaff, late of the parish of Staindrop,granted to Gracie Langstaff, his widow, who was appointed Tutor and Guardian, of his son Thomas, a minor.
[Act Book. This appears in index as an “Inventory,”but this act of court, goes further.]

1615, September 15 - Administration of the Goods of George Langstaff of the parish of Winstone, deceased, granted to his widow, Alice; to be distributed between herself, and John Langstaff, brother of the deceased, and Emma Sadler, wife of John Sadler,and Jane Teasdale, wife of Philip Teasdale, sisters of the deceased. [Act Book. ]
[See Richmond Will (eastern) of Ralph, 1626. Pp.1viii, 1ix.]

1632 March 31 - Probate of Will of Jane Langstaff, late of the Chapelry of Barnard Castle, widow,granted to her daughter, Elizabeth Langstaff, the sole executrix. Henry Langstaff, one of the witnesses, sworn as to the due execution of the will. [Act Book.]
1631, December 1 - Jane Langstaffe, buried. 

[Barnard Castle Parish Register.]

P.207 - (xxiv8) - Appendix. 2 - Wills.

1633, May 23 - Inventory of the Goods of William Langstaffe, late of the South Shields, Westoe Salt Penns, Salt Merchant.
1633, Administration of the Goods of William Langstaffe of St. Hilda’s, Diocese of Durham, committed to Helen Langstaff, widow, the relict, for use of herself and Thomas, William and Margarie Langstaff, children of the deceased. [minors] [Act Book.]
[St. Hilda’s, is the parish church of South Shields,of which Westoe is a township. The Parish Registers contain the baptism, of four children of William Langstaffe. Elinor, William, Henery and Robert, 1653-1660. Possibly grandchildren.]

1634, July 8 - Will of Jennett Longstaffe of Low Bishopley, in the parish of Stanhope in the county of Durham, widowe. To be buried within my parish churchyarde. To my sonne [eldest] Richard Longstaffe, all my coppiehold lands in Wolsingham. To the poor of my parish, 18s. 4d. To my daughter, Elizabeth Hodgson (wife of Anthony Hodgson), 10s. In full satisfaction of her childs portion. To my daughter Jane Wall(wife of Anthony Wall), 10s. In full etc. To my daughter Margret Potter (wife of George Potter) 10s. In full etc. To Grace Hodgson, Ralph Hodgsone, Elizabeth Hodgsone, Jayne Hodgsone and An Hodgson(the children of Anthony Hodgson), each 30s. when they attain 21. To John Wall, Jane Wall, Frances Wall, An Wall, and Elizabeth Wall (the children of the said Anthony Wall),30s. each, when they attain 21 yeares. To Alice Potter, Isabella Potter, and to ........ (not knowing his name, the children of the said George Potter) each 30s., when they attain 21. To my godson, Anthony Hodgson, 6s., and the like to my godsons, Anthony Wall and George Potter. Residue to my sonne, Richard Langstaff, and appoint him executor.
[Signs Will, by her X.]
Witnesses: William Hodgson, p’ishe clearke, William Gibbon (his mark ), John Nattrisse (his mark). Inventory, £22 0s. 2d.; debts. owing to the deceased, £88 6s. 2d. Funeral expenses, £4.
1635, Probate granted to son Richard, the executor. [Act Book.]

Stanhope Parish Register.

1607-8 March 27 - Thomas Langstaffe was buried.
1613 June 22 - Antoney Wooll = Jane Longstaf..
1623-4 Jan. 14 - John Langstaffe, the sonne of wedow Langstaffe, of low bushopley, was buried. He was drowened in Weere, at Shitlopbowrne found.
1635, Dec. 13 - Wedow Langstaffe was buried.
1645 June 16 - Richard Langstafe of Bishoplye was bueried.
[See Pedigree of Langstaff of Low Bishopley. No. 41]
1636 - Administration of the Goods of John Langstaff of Newcastle, committed to John Foster, the uncle of Andrew Langstaff, the son of the deceased. [Act Book.]
[See administration of Andrew, 1674, and second administration of John, 1675.]

1645 - Administration of the Goods of Richard Langstaff, of the parish of Stanhope, committed to Jane Langstaff, widow, the relict, for the benefit of herself and Jane Langstaff, the daughter. [Act Book.]

P.208 - (xxiv9) - Appendix II. - Wills.

1645, August 28 - Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of Richard Langstaffe of Bishopley, within the parish of Stanhope. Amongst the goods, which were valued at £173 18s. 0d., were:-
£ s. d.
His apparall and his purse.                4  0  0
Twelve kine and a bull.                   20  0  0
Two spinning wheels..                           8  0
The spinning loom.                               10  4
Amongst the creditors was Thomas Dixon, to whom £4 6s. 6d. was due upon a bond.

1651-2, February 13 - Will of Margery Langstraff of Raby, Co. Durham, late wife of Charles Langstraffe deceased. To be buried in the churchyard “of Staindropp, being the p’ish wherin I have longe lyved.” Son Robert Longstraffe, whole Executor. To son Ralph, £6 in the yeare, out of the oxgang of land of which I hold a lease. Residuary legatees, sons, Ralph and Robert.
Margery Langstraff X her marke
Witnesses; William Fouler X his m’ke, Francis Raynold, George Langstraffe.
Proved 10 April 1655, by executor, Robert Langstraffe
[A.P.P.C. Will now at Somerset House printed here for convenience. See Pedigree No. 39, 35, and P.C.C. will of Robert, 1681, p. Cvii.]

1654-5 March 20 - Margaret Langstraffe of Raby, buried. = [Staindrop Parish Register]

1652 - Administration of the Goods of Michael Langstaff, of Mickleton, Co. York, committed to William Longstaff, the son. [Act Book. Also in P.C.C. Act Book. See p. 1xiii.]

1653 February 20 - Administration of the Goods of Richard Langstaff, late of St. Hellen, Auckland, Co. Durham, granted to Richard Palliday, his principle creditor.
[Act Book.
Also among P.C.C. administrations, now at Somerset House.]

St. Helen, Auckland, Parish Register.

1630 July 14 - Richard Langstafe, son of William Langstafe, bap. 
1652-3 March 19 - Richard Langstafe buried.   [See Pedigree No. 3]

1651 February 26 - Will of Thomas Laingstafe, of Bishop Awckland. Felmonger.
Printed among the Richmond Wills, p. 1xv.]
Probate granted at Durham, 20 June 1662, to John Langstaff , the sole executor, the nephew. [Act Book]> Bishop Auckland Parish Register.

1656-7 March 20 - Margaret Langstaffe, wife of Thomas Langstaffe of North Auckl. Skin”er. Buried.
1661-2 March 24 - Thomas Langstaff de Awckland, Epi’,buried.
[For Brian, see p. 62 and p. 1v, footnote. See also, Pedigree No. 24, and P.C.C. Will of John 1778, p. Cx

P. 209 - (xxiv10) - Appendix II. - Wills.

[ John Langstaffe, of Bishop Auckland, skinner., a copyholder (executor of above will), was party to a suit about the custom of grinding at a water corn mill 14 February, 1652-3--- Durham Registrars Records: Bills and Arrears, 75/170
1673, May 30 - Will of George Longstaffe of Raby, in the county of Durham, Yeoman. To my two daughters, Margaret Langstraffe and Isabella Langstraffe, £40 each, and all my household furniture and goods. To my sone, Thomas Longstraffe, £10. To George Wray and Anne Wray (infant children of my daughter Anne Wray), each £5. To William, son of Jane Spencely and unto George, the son of Elizabeth Bradforth, sonns of my daughters, 20s. Each. Residue of all my goods and Leases to my youngest sonne George Longstraffe, and make him sole executor.
Signed, Geo. Langstraffe
Proved 1675.
Inventory of the goods of George Langstaff , Snr., late of Raby,appraised 18, October 1675, by William Bailes, junr., John Pickering, George Pickering, and Robt. Richardson. 
Amount of Inventory, £77 13s. 11d. Debts owing to the Testator £128 4s. 9d. (per list filled). [See Wills of George, 1675, Thomas, 1707, and Adm’ons of Thomas and Jane, 1710. also Pedigree No. 39.]

Staindrop Parish Register.

1637 - List of Ancient Rents: Raby Town. -  Margery Langstraf =  12s. 8d.
1637 - List of Ancient Rents: Raby Town. -  George Langstraf   = 12s. 8d.

1639 June 19 - Anne, dau. of George and Margaret Longstraffe of Raby, bap.
1641 Apr. 11 - Jane, dau. of George and Margaret Langstraffe of Raby, bap.
1643 June 18 - Margaret, dau. of George and Mary [?] Langstaffe of Raby, bap.
1646 July 26 - Thos., sonn of Geo. Langstraffe of Raby, bap.
1647-8 Feb.26 - George, son of Geo. Langstraffe of Raby, bap.
1650 Apr. 17 - Elizabeth, dau. of Geo. Langstraffe of Raby, bap.
1651-2 Mar.24 - John, son of Geo. Langstraffe of Raby. Bap.
1654 Aug. 6 - Isable, dau. of Geo. Langstraffe of Raby, bap.; born 4th.
1654-5 Mar.20 - Margaret Langstraffe of Raby, buried.
1657 May 24 - [?]Ellinor, dau. of Geo. & Mary [?] Langstraffe of Raby,bap.; born 7th.
1657 May 31 - [?]Elizabeth, dau. of George Langstaff of Raby, bap.; born 17th.
1659 May 12 - James Wray = Ann Langstraffe.
1660-1 Feb. 9 - Ellinor, dau. of George Langstaffe of Raby, buried.
1670............George Langstraffe, churchwarden.
1670 June 15 - William Spencely of St. Andrew, Auckland = Jane Langstaffe of Raby.
1670 Oct. 1 - Margaret, wife of George Langstaffe of Raby, buried.
1675 Oct. 16 - George Langstraffe of Raby, buryed.

1674 January 7 - In ventory of the Goods of Andrew Langstaffe of North Shields. Shipwright.
Administration granted to ann, his widow.[ In the index it is given as a Will and the back of the Inventory is marked, “Test et Jur” but the Inventory and the accompanying Affidavit were the only papers found.
[See following adm’on, also that of John, 1636.]

P.210 - (xxiv11) - Appendix II. - Wills.

1675 July 12 - Administration of the goods (unadministered) of John Longstaffe of the chapelry of All Saints, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,was granted to Ann Longstaff, widow, the daughter in law of the intestate; of the goods left unadministered by John Forster, also deceased.
[See Admon. Of John, 1635.]

1675 Apr. 29 - Will of Elizabeth Langstaffe of Hurworth-upon-Tease, widowe. To be buried in the churchyard of Hurworth-upon-Tease. Bequeathed her land at Blackwell unto her sister, Ann Johnson. Unto her nephew, Thomas Goldbrough of Cockerton,a legacy of 6d. The residue, unto her sister Anne, who she appointed executrix.

1675, last of November. Will of George Longstriff, of Rabey, in the county of Durham. To be buried in the Churchyard of Staindropp. To my sister, Isabella Longstriff, £20. To my sister, Margreat Darneton, £10. To my sister, Jane Spencely, £5. To my sister, Elizabeth Bradforth, £5. To My sister, Anne Wrey, £5. To my brother Thomas Longstaff, £10. To my brother in law, William Spencely, 5s. To William Bradforth, 5s. To To James Wrey, 5s. To Richard Darneton, 5s. To Ann Langstraffe, wife of Thomas Langstraffe, 5s. “If it please Gode, that my wyfe be sayfely delyvered of a sonne, I give unto it, £100 too bee putt for y’ use of it. If it be a daughter, y’ like sum too bee putt for y’ use of it. These not to be paide until foure yeares after my decease.” I give to my deare old friend, Robert Lodge, of Cockfield, my brown filly.
Residue to wife, Margery Langstaffe, and appoint her sole executor.
Signed, Geo. Langstaffe.
Proved Dec. 1675.
Inventory of the goods of George Langstaffe, the younger.
Stock & Crops £122 8s. 2d.
Household effects £44 0s. 9d.
Debts owing to the Testator, £357 0s. 4d, including the debts owing to his late father, George Langstaffe, snr. [See Wills of George, 1673, and Thomas 1707, and Adm’ons of Thomas & Jane,
1710. Also Pedigree No. 39] 

Staindrop Parish Register.

1672 May 7 - Thomas Langstraffe= Anne Lodge.
1675 Apr. 27 - George Langstraffe = Margery Railey. [?Railes}
1675 May 4 - Richard Darnton, of Winston,= Margaret Langstraffe, both of this p.
*1675 Oct. 30 - Margaret, dau. of George and Margery Langstaffe of Raby, bap.
*1675 Nov. 3 - George Langstraffe jnr. of Raby, buried.
1676 May 9 - John Wade = Isabell Langstraffe, with lycense.

1680 Dec. 20 - Will of Mathew Langstaffe of Sellabie, near Walworth in the parish of Heighington, in the county of Durham. To be buried in Gainford Churchyard. To sone Francis, £45, for his childs portion. To daughter Elizabeth, £45 for her portion, also a great

* There is some mistake in these dates. There can be no doubt that this is the burial of the man who’s will is said to be dated last of November and little doubt, that Margaret was his posthumous child.

P.211 - xxiv12) - Appendix II. - Wills.

cupboard, two bedsteads with bedding and appurtenances, which did belong to her natural mother. To my son Henry, one meare. To my six younger children, namely, Jane, Robert, Thomas, Margarett, William, and Ann, £30 each, and if any of them die, being single, their or his portion to fall unto Margarett my now wife, and their natural mother. To John Young, foure sheepe. The residue to my son Henry, and Margaret, my wife, whom I make executors.
I make Robert Bishobrick, and Thomas Bishobrick, my brother in law, Guardians or tutors, for these my six last mentioned children. 
Signs by his X
The Inventory filed, shewing the testators estate, and debts due to him, amounts to £504 5s.
Proved Durham. 1681.

1663 Nov. 7 - Mathew Longstaffe of Middleton St. George, co. Durham & Margaret Bishopbrigge, spinster....Marr. Bond, Durham.
1679 Apr. 25 - Anne dau. Of Mathew Langstraffe of Sellaby, bap....Gainford Parish Register.
1681 Aug. 18 - Mathew Longstaffe was buried.........Heighington, Parish Register.

1692 April. Administration of the goods of John Longstaff of Bishop Auckland, granted to James Longstaff of the same place, son of the intestate.

St. Andrews, Auckland, Parish Register.

1652 May 24 - James, son of John Langstaffe of North Aukland, bap. 
1675 May 4 - Jacobus Langstaff = Margareta Denison.
1675-6 Feb.20 - Elizabethe, filia Jacobi Langstaffe de Aukland, Ep’i. bap.
1678 Oct. 13 - Isabella, filia Jacobi Langstaffe de Auckland, Ep’i. bap.
1681-2 Jan 22 - Anna filia, Jacobi Langstaff de Auckland, de Ep’i, bap.
1691-2 Feb.21 - John Langstaff de Auckland, Ep’i. Sepult. [for other entries, See Pedigree No. 38]

1693 May 24 - Administration of the Estate of Amos Langstaffe, late of Middleton, in the parish of St. Andrew, Auckland, deceased, granted this day, to Elizabeth Langstaff of Norton, in the county of Durham, the Widow and Relict; and other parties to the bond were John Butler of Stockton, Chirurgeon, and Thomas Townsend of Norton, Yeoman. 

[See pages 92-93, also Durham wills of John 1694 (p.89) and York will of John, 1718-19 (p.cxxii ) and Pedigrees No. 1 and 26.]

1693 Aug 22 - Will of Thomas Langstaffe of Bishop Auckland, taylor. Cecile Langstaffe, wife, sole ex”, Nice, Ann Byerly, sister Margaret Byerly; Mathew, son, and Elizabeth dau. of Francis Dawson, their mother, Anne Dawson . 
Proved 1696.

St. Andrew, Auckland, Parish Register.

1693 Sep. 2 - Thomas Longstaff of Windleston buried.
1707 Apr. 6 - Cecily Langstaffe of Bp. Auckland buried.

P.212 - (xxiv13)- Appendix II. -Wills.

1694 3mo. 10 - Will of John Langstaffe, of Middleton, co. Durham, mason.
Inventory dated this 25 day of January. A.D. 1695 - printed in full, pp.89-90.
As a creditor for £60, was party to a suit; 7 May 1652 - Durham Register. “Bills & Arrears.. 

1700 November. - Administration of the goods of Henry Longstaffe. Late of Darlington, granted to John Robinson, of Carleberry, co. Durham. Yeoman.

Copyholde, Manor of Bondgate in Darlington.

1687 Apr. 19 Norton - a Close called Holme, surrendered to Henry Longstaffe.
1691 Nov. 20, 3 Will. & Mary. Henry Langstaffe and Margaret, his wife, surrendered the moiety of a bovate of Hall land, to Joseph Fisher. Mortgage for £50.
1698 Jul. 1, 10 Will. & Mary, a further mortgage.
1699 May 3, 11 Will. 111. Henry Langstaffe & Margaret, his wife (lately called Margaret Gregory), surrendered to ......... Robinson & Margaret Robinson, spinsters, daughters of aforesaid Margaret Langstaff, sundry messuages and small parcels of land in Cockerton.
1700 Sep. 18, 12 Will. 111. Margaret Langstaffe, widow, surrenders some land to Thomas Langstaffe, her son.
1710 Sep. 14, 9 Anne. Joseph Fisher forclosed the mortgage of 20 Nov. 1691.

1685 Apr. 29. Henry Langstaff of Walworth [near Heighington], yeoman, and Margaret Robson [?Robison], widow............[Marr. Bond, Durham.]

Darlington Parish Register.

1686 July 1 - Alis, dau. of Henry Longstaff of Darlington, bap.
1688 April 19 - Ann, dau. of Henry Longstaff of Darlington, bap.
1696-7 Jan 28 - Frances, dau. of Henry Longstaff of Darlington, bap.
1730 Aug. 6 - Margaret Longstaff, widow, buried.

1705 January 9. Will of Thomas Longstaff of Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham. Cordweyner.
To Cuthbert Robson of Auckland, Tanner, my messuage or tenement wherein I now dwell for such time as he may forthwith pay and take out of the rent, the sum of 44s. which I oweth him, and after that is paid I give to Anne Langstaff, my now wife and her heirs, the said messuage, she to maintain and bring up, William Langstaffe, Jeronomy Longstaffe, and Cuthbert Langstaffe, “my children had by her” (under age), as far as circumstances will admit and she is also to pay to William Thompson, the younger of Auckland, 17s. 6d. out of the said messuage by me owing to him. To my son, Thomas Langstaffe 5s. To my daughter, Elizabeth Langstaffe 5s. To my son John Langstaffe 20s. To my daughter, Ruth Langstaffe 20s. Residue to my wife, Ann Langstaffe and appoint her sole executrix.
Witnesses: Thomas Carter, John X How, Chris Raine.
Effects, £10 4s. 6d.
[Signed by mark]
Bond dated 9 November 1706, which shews that ann Langstaff, widow, the relict, was duly sworn to prove the Will. Surety to Bond, john Longstaffe of Bishop Auckland, Cordweyner.
[The entries from the St. Andrew, Auckland Parish Register bearing on this family are all embodied in Pedigree No. 38.]

P.213 - (xxiv14) - Appendix II. - Wills.

1707 November 27 - Will of Thomas Langstaffe of Raby in the county of Durham, yeoman. To my daughter Jane, the sum of £10, over and above the sum of £80 already given her. To my daughter Margery, the sum of £10, over and above what she and her husband has already had. To my son Thomas, the sum of £150, when he attains 21. Residuary legatee and executor, my son George. My well beloved friend, Thomas Hodgson, of Staindrop, and my Executor, to have tuition and government of my son, Thomas Langstaffe.
Proved 14 March 1710, by George Langstaffe of Raby, yeoman, the son of the deceased.
[See Will of George, 1675, the two following adm’ons, and Pedigree No. 39.]

Staindrop Parish Register.

1676-7 Feb.14 - Jane, dau. of Thos. & Ann Langstaffe of Raby, bap.
1679 May 6 - George, son of Thomas & Ann Langstaffe of Raby, bap.
1681 June 7 - Margery, dau. of Thomas & Ann Langstaffe of Raby, bap.
1684 May 6 - Mary, dau. of Thomas and Ann of Raby, bap.
1685 Oct. 16 - Dorothy, dau. of Thomas & Ann of Raby, bap.
1693 Feb. 20 - John, son of Thomas and Ann of Raby, bap.
? 1695 Apr. 1 - George son of Thomas Langstaffe of Raby, buried.
1700 May 9 - Mary, dau. of Thomas Langstaff, buried.
1703 Nov. 7 - Ellison, dau. of Thomas Langstaffe of Raby, buried.
1706 June 30 - Dorothy, dau of Thomas Langstaffe of Raby, buried.
1707 July 30 - Ann, wife of Thomas Langstaffe of Raby, buried.
1708 June 30 - Thomas Langstaffe of Raby, buried.

Stone in Staindrop churchyard.

Here lyeth the Body, of Ann, daughter of Thomas Langstaff, who departed this life, November 6, 1699.
1710. Administration of the goods of his late father, Thomas Langstaff, of Raby, granted to George Langstaffe of Raby, Yeoman.
[ Signed in a good hand, Geo Langstraffe.]

1710. Administration of the goods of his late sister, Jane Langstraffe, of Raby,parish of Staindrop, granted to George Langstaffe of Raby, yeoman.
[Signed in the same hand as last, Geo. Langstaffe.]

1716, March. Administration of the goods of John Langstaffe, late of Sedgefield, Co. Durham, granted to Barberry Langstaffe of the same place, widow and relict of the intestate.

1722, March 9. Administration of the goods etc., of Anne Langstaffe, late of Bishop Auckland, deceased, granted to Abel Langstaffe of Middlestone in the county of Durham, yeoman, and George Langstaffe of the same, yeoman......[See next Will, also Pedigree No. 1.]

1721-2, March 22. Anne y” Daught’r of Thomas Langstaff of Aukland Epis, buried.
[St. Andrew, Auckland Parish Register.]

[The dates of burial and administration do not tally; one or other must be wrong.]

{P.214 (xxiv15) - Appendix II. - Wills.

1726, December 6. Will of Abell Longstaffe of Middlestone in the county of Durham, yeoman. To my loving wife, Catherine, all household goods, real and personal estate for life, and after her decease my son Thomas to have leasehold land at Middlestone and Merington, and also a piece of freehold land called Whitfield belonging to Merington. To my son George, a freehold house, orchard, and garden in Bishop Auckland. After the death of my wife, Ann Tewart her grandchild, to have the household goods.
Inventory £18 15s. 6d.
Proved 12 December 1726.
[See Will of John - 1694 (page 89) and Pedigree No. 1.]

St. Andrew, Auckland Parish Register.

1685-5 Mar.24 - Abell Langstaffe and Catherine Morley, both of this p., were marryed w’th Lycence an’o p’dict.
1687 Oct. 4 - Frances, dau. of Abel Langstaff of Middleston, bap.
1687 Dec. 27 - Frances, dau. of Abell Langstaff of Midleston, buried.
1688 Dec. 27 - Katherine, dau. of Abel Langstaff of Midleston, bap.
1691 Oct 22 - Georg, son of Abell Langstaff De Middleston, bap.
1694 Sep. 12 - Katherine, ye dau. Of Abell Langstaffe, de Middleston, buried.
1726 Dec. 8 - Abel Langstaffe de Middleston, buried.

1730, February 17. Administration of the goods of Robert Langstaffe of Middleton St. George, Co. Durham, granted to George Sadler of Yarm, Co. York., tanner.
[Probably Robert was son of Mathew. Will 1680.]

1730, November 30. Will of Ann Langstaffe of Middleton St. George, widow. [Printed in full- pp.40-41] Proved by George Sadler, 1730.
1696 Oct. 18 - Robert Langstaffe = Ann Dent. 
[Wolsingham Parish Register.]

1732, January 31. Will of John Langstaff of Coxhouse in parish of Sent Ander, Auckland, yeoman. Sister’s husband, Robert Uart 2s. 6d; sister’s son, Joseph Uart 2s. 6d; sister Francess Sutton 2s. 6d. Wife Jane, Ex”.
Proved 1. April 1732 by Jane Longstaff, ex”, and Christ Shields. 
Apparently in testator’s own hand]

Hamsterley Parish Register.

1725 June 20 - John Longstaff = Jane Gibbon.
1732-3 Mar. 22 - John Longstaff from Cookhous buried.

St. Helen’s, Auckland, Parish Register. 1733 Apr. 4 - William Gibbon and Jane Longstaffe of Coxhoude.

1736 July 9 - Will of Margaret Langstaff of Tuda [Tudhoe parish of Brandspeth]. To cusin George Heed of Whitworth, £20. To cusin Ellty Simpson, £20. To Jane Hall, daughter to William Hall, £20. To Robert Allon jnr. £10. To Robert Allon snr. £5. To Ralph Boid junior, 5s. To Thomas Boid jnr. 30s. To William Boid, 30s. To Anne Boid. 30s. To Mary Boid 30s.
To Ann Corner 10s. Says, “ if

P.215 - (xxiv16) - Appendix II. - Wills.

there be any of John Longstaffs childer living, I leave every one of them, 1s. Apiece.”
Appoints Nicholas Heed, of Sunderland Bridge her executor. 
Proved 16 August 1740. 

? 1699 May 11 - John Longstaffe of Sedgefield = Margaret Hunter of Middles.... Lanchester, Co. D.
1699-1700 Feb. 7 - William Longstaff of Tuddow, bap [?bur.].... Brancepeth, Co. D.
1713 Dec. 21 - Thomas Longstaff, of Darlington = Anne Boyd of Houghton.... Houghton le Spring, Co. D.
1750 Aug. 10 - George Longstaffe = Elizabeth Shaw..... Brancepeth, Co. D.

1740 July 16 - Nuncupative Will of Jeremiah Langstaffe of Gateshead Shore, Gentleman. Mentions his brother, Joseph Langstaff, tinplate worker, his wife Margery, his daughters, Margaret and Mary, under age. 
Witnesses; Margery Longstaffe, Joseph Longstaffe, John Rose, Agnes Sowerby. Will proved 19 July 1740. [ See notes to Richmond Will of William, 1687-8 and York will of Philip 1756. See also Durham Wills of Joseph, 1745 and Joseph, 1810 also Pedigree No. 19.] 


1741 Mar. 1 - Administration of the goods of William Langstaffe of the parish of Redmarshall granted to his widow and relict, Alathea Langstaffe of the same place.
1761 May 23. Alathea Langstaffe widow, buried......Marske Co. Y.
1745, July 1- Will of Joseph Longstaffe of Newcastle, tinplate worker. Wife Phillis; brother Philip Longstaffe, executor; Edward Oxnard, of Mickleton, gentleman; Anthony Hugginson of Romald Kirk, gentleman; Ambrose Appleby of Cotherstone, gentleman; nephew Joseph Longstaffe; nephews John Rose and Joseph Rose; brother Jeremiah Longstaffe, deceased; sister Agnes Sowerby. Codicil, 2 June 1746. Proved 12 June 1746 [See will of Jeremiah 1740 and of Joseph, 1810.] 

1754 June 4 - Will of George Langstaff of Stoney Middleton, in the county of Derby , Gentleman, but formally of Chester le Street in the county of Durham, whereby he gave unto his wife Mary his household goods, in his dwelling house in Stoney Middleton, wherin he then dwelt. Also a house and other property there which was held under a lease for the unexpired term of 500 years, and also one in Thorsett, both in Derbyshire, he left to his wife for life upon Trust, that Thomas Forster of Durham, should after her death, raise the sum of £500 and after such her decease, he gave the properties above mentioned to his nephew, Anthony Allinson of Stoney Middleton. All his real estates at Middlestone Merrington and Bishop Auckland he gave unto his said nephew. Unto his niece, Jane Allinson, he gave £200. He appointed his nephew sole executor.
Not proved until 1773 [See Durham will of John, 1694, p. 89. York will of Thomas, 1739 and Pedigree No. 1] 

1735 July 17- George Langstaff of Eayn, Co. Derby, gent, bachelor, 36, and Mary Finney of Rowden, York Diocese, widow, 30. To be married at Rowden, Bolsterstone, or Hunslet Chapels. York, Marriage Bond.

P.216 - xxiv17) - Appendix II. - Wills.

[Mary was daughter of Thomas Longsden of Little Longsden (born at Armsley 7 Oct 1677; maqrried 1702)by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of William Fynney, of Little Longsden. She married first William Fynney of Stoney Middleton, Co. Derby See Hunters “Familiae Minorum Gentium,” vol. iii., wherein it is stated that the Longsdens were a “Visitation” family. 
Testator was defendant in Grant r. Longstaff -1751-56.] 

1759 Aug. 17 - Renunciation of Susannah Longstaff of Monk Wearmouth, widow and relict of William Longstaff, late of the parish of Monk Wearmouth, Coal fitter, deceased 

1759 Aug. 25 - Administration of the goods of the above William Longstaff, granted by George Longstaff of the parish of Monk Wearmouth, Gentleman, one of the principal creditors of the late Wm. Longstaff, deceased. 
One of the witnesses to George Longstaffs signiture to the Bond, was George Longstaff Junr. 

1740 Sep. 25 - William Longstaff of Monk Wearmouth p., widower and Susannah Stephenson of that p., spinster. To be married at Monk Wearmouth........[Durham Marriage Bond.]
[See will of George, 1779 and of William, 1785.] 

1766. Will of John Longstaff of Bishop Auckland, butcher. Mentions his wife, Hannah, sole executrix, his sons, John and George.
Proved 1767. 
[See next Will.]

1767 March 30 - Will of Hannah Longstaff of Bishop Auckland, widow, Trustees: her brother in law, Mr. George Longstaff of Bishop Auckland and John Pinkney of the same place, blacksmith. 
Mentions her late husband John Langstaff, her daughter Elizabeth Pratt, wife of Thomas Pratt, her sons, John Longstaff and George Longstaff, her sons Robert Longstaff and Welford Longstaff, under age, her daughter Hannah, under age. 
Proved 1767 [See proceeding will, also will of George 1808, also Pedigree No. 37] 

1768. Administration of the goods of John Longstaff of Darlington, granted to creditor. [1733 Apr. 4. (6 Geo. 11.). Deed of Conveyance of burgage or tenement, and malt-kiln at the back side thereof, situate in Headrow, Darlington, from John Longstaff of Cockerton, Co. Durham, weaver, to John Robinson of West Auckland, yeoman.] 

Darlington Parish Register.

1684-5 Jan. 20 - John, son of Thomas Longstaffe of Darlington, bap.
1715 Nov. 8 - John, Langstaffe = Anne Asquith of Cockerton.
1717 Mar. 27 - John, son of John Longstaff of Cockerton, bap.
1746 Sep. 24 - John, son of John Longstaffe of Darlington, buried.
[ It is possible that some of these Johns may be the deceased.]

P.217 - (xxiv18) - Appendix II. - Wills.

1769, February 21. Will of George Langstaffe of Butterknowle, yeoman.
Proved 17 April 1769, by John Wade and George Langstaff, the executors. 
Printed in full, pp. 105-108, George 1. [See Pedigree No. 3.] 

1770, May 1. Will of Laurence Longstaff of Lamesley, North Ends, Co. Durham, yeoman.
To Margaret Kell, senior,“one of my nieces,” 10s. 6d. To Martha Smith, 10s. 6d. To niece, Elizabeth Mallams, 10s. 6d. To niece Elizabeth Ditchburn, 10s. 6d. To Mary Fatherley, wife of Thomas Fatherley £4. To nephew Thomas Longstaff, son of brother, Thomas Longstaff, £1 10s. 0d. To nephew Robert Longstaff, “my bald black mare and her year old filley,” and also £5. Residue to brother Thomas Longstaff, executor.
Proved 1774. 
[See Will of Dorothy, 1814] 

1772, September 11. Will of Jane Longstaffe of Wolsingham in the county of Durham, widow. 
Trustees: The Rev. Thomas Capstack, of Walsingham, Clerk. Thomas Robson of Romaldkirk, in the county of York, and Benezer Powell [or Power] of Shieldash in the county of Durham. All my copyhold lands and tenements in the manor of Wolsingham, in trust for my eldest son, Walker Longstaff, until he attains 21. All my personal estate in trust for my second son, George Longstaff, until he attains 21. To loving sister Margaret Johnson, all my wearing apparell. To my said trustees, 3 guineas each, and appoint them Executors.
Witnesses: Thomas Johnson, Byerley Hall, and Elizabeth X Allison.
Proved 24 September 1772, by Benezer Powell, Gentleman and Thomas Robson, mason. Two of the Executors.
[See adm’on of George, 1788 and Pedigrees No. 20 and 44.]

1752, July 20. George Langstaffe of St. Martins Vintry, London = Jane Walker of St. Mary’s Castle Gate, York. Lic...... York Minster. 

1779, October 2. Will of George Longstaff the elder, of Monk Wearmouth, Co. Durham, Gentleman.
To nephew William Longstaff of Easington, Clerk, all messuages held on lease from the Dean and Chapter of Durham in Monkwearmouth, and also messuages, lands etc., at Lowford, in the parish of Bishopwearmouth and Hylton Ferry Boat. To niece Susannah Burn, wife of Thomas Burn of Monkwearmouth, Master Mariner, £100. To niece Mary Cole, wife of Thomas Cole, £100. The interest of £40 to niece, Margaret Brown, wife of Michael Brown of Monkwearmouth, ship carpenter.
The said William Longstaff, executor and residuary legatee.
Proved 1779
[See adm’on of William, 1759, and Will of William, 1785, also Pedigree No. 50.
George Longstaff was the W. M. of the Lodge of Harmony, Monkwearmouth 1776]
1726, December 30. George Langstaffe of Monkwearmouth, master mariner & Marie Burn of the same, spinster. To be married at Monk Wearmouth..........[Marriage Bond, Durham]

1783, March 28. Will of Thomas Langstaff, of Sunderland near the Sea, in the county of Durham, Gentleman. To wife, Elizabeth Langstaff, (for life) freehold lands and grounds, (late the estate of Thomas Ogle, deceased), situate in the parish of

P.218 - xxiv19) - Appendix II. - Wills. 

Rothbury, Co. Northumberland. Also all other messuages etc. in Rothbury, and after her decease the above premises unto Elizabeth Collin, widow of Thomas Collin of Sunderland, aforesaid. Gentleman, deceased, and niece of my said wife. After her decease for the benefit of her eldest child, son or daughter, by the said Thomas Collin. To my wife (for life) my messuage(which I lately purchased of John Hopper), being in a Street or Lane in Sunderland, called Coney Street, and after her decease unto John Young of Sunderland, Gentleman, in trust for Thomas Young, son of my late niece, Eleanor Young, deceased, until he attains 21, and in case of death before attaining that age, then for the youngest child, whether son or daughter of my late niece, and I charge the said premises with the sum of £60 to the children of my nephew, Thomas Almond. To wife (for ever) my Pew or Seat situate and being in the Chappell of Sunderland aforesaid. And I also devise unto her (for life) my Seat or Pew in the Gallery of the Parish Church of Sunderland. And after her decease the last named Pew or Seat, shall go to my niece Mary Elstob. To my three sisters, Mary Langstaff, Elizabeth Thompson and Ann Almond, the sum of £50 each. To my four nephews, Thomas Thompson, John Thompson, James Thompson, and James Almond, the like sum of £50. To my four nieces, Elizabeth Mackmill, Mary Elstob, Ann Walker, and Elizabeth [Blank], daughter of my sister Ann Almond, the sum of £50 apiece. To wife, my moiety or half part of the Ship or Vessel, called the “Yarmouth” of Sunderland, whereof George Swinburn is Master. Residue to my wife and appointed her sole Executrix.
1783, September 4. Codicil to the Will of Thomas Langstaff, late of Sunderland, but now of the parish of Bishopwearmouth, in the said county, Gentleman. A copyhold Piece of Ground, recently purchased, and a messuage errected thereon, built of John Buck of Sunderland, Bricklayer, at Bishopwearmouth. I do by this Codicil, devise to my said wife, Elizabeth Langstaff and her heirs forever. 
{Seal, a lion rampant, much defaced.]
Proved 1784
[See P.C.C. Will of Elizabeth, 1793 (p.cxi.)-]

1785, February 11. Will of William Longstaff, of Easington, Co. Durham, Clerk.
All real and personal estate, to my brother, George Longstaff and William Longstaff of Sedgefield, Clerk, in trust to pay £25 to sister Mary Cole, wife of Thomas Cole, of Monkwearmouth, Gentleman, for her life, and after her death £500, to all the children of the said Mary Cole in equal proportions. Residue to brother, George Longstaff, and appoint him along with the said William Longstaff, executors. 
Proved 1785.
[See adm’on of William, 1759, and Will of George 1779, also Pedigrees No. 49 and 50. See renunciation of Susannah, 1759]
George Longstaff, of Monkwearmouth, Coal fitter, a bankrupt, 1782. Commission of bankrupsy suspended, 1783 - Gentleman’s Magazine.
1779, June 30. Thomas Cole of Chester-le-Street = Mary Langstaff of this p...... Monkwearmouth, Co. D.
Monumental Inscription in St. Peters Church, Monkwearmouth.
A coat of arms, viz.: azure, A chevron between three quarter-staffs argent. Crest: a demi-lion rampant, holding between the paws, a quarter-staff, all proper.
Near this place the following remains are deposited. Thomas, son of William Longstaff, died June 14th 1753, aged 7 years.

P.219 - (xxiv20) - Appendix II.- Wills.

William Longstaff brother to the erector of this monument died March 23rd, 1759, aged 53 years. William son of William Longstaff, A.M. Clerk, late of Easington, died February 24th, 1785, aged 40 years. Susanna wife of the first above named William Longstaff died Nov. 22nd, 1790, aged 80 years.
Hannah, wife of George Longstaff son of the said William Longstaff died Aug. 29th, 1816, aged 75 years.
Hannah Chambers daughter of the above named Hannah Longstaff died Feb. 28th 1817 aged 49 years. (“Misc. Gen. Et Her.,” New Series, vol. ii., p. 383)

[It will be observed that the testator makes the Rev. William Longstaff of Sedgefield (later Vicar of Kelloe, and great grandfather of the historian of Darlington) his executor. The late Mr. W.H.D. Longstaff told me in 1881, that this family in Monkwearmouth was undoubtedly kinsman of his, that they were so spoken of, in letters written in 1754, but that he had not been able to assure himself of the precise degree of cousinship. The father of the Vicar of Kelloe, went from Soulby to Sunderland, where he was in 1747, but he appears to have been buried at Kirkby Stephen about 35 years ago.*
The Vicar of Kelloe died in 1807, and was suceeded by the Rev. George Stephenson.]

St. Edmund the Bishop, Sedgefield Parish Register.

1767 Oct. 3 - Abraham & Robert, sons of Rev. Mr. Longstaff, born and bap.
1767 Oct. 8 - Abraham (died 7) & Robert (died 5), buried.
1768 Dec. 8 - Mary, dau. of Rev. Mr. Longstaff, bap.; born 2 Dec.
1769 Aug. 4 - Mary, dau. of Rev. Mr. Longstaff, Curate of Sedgefield, & Mary his wife, buried.
1770 Mar. 2 - William, son of Rev. Mr. Longstaff, Curate of Sedgefield, & Mary his wife, bap.; born 20 Feb.
1774 Dec. 24 - George Hilton, son of Rev. Mr. Longstaff, bap.; born 23 Dec.
1776 July 26 - Mary Hilton, dau. of the Rev. Mr. Longstaff, bap.; born 17 July.

1786, Oct. 16. Administration of personal Estate of George Longstaff, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Gentleman, deceased, granted unto Robert Longstaff of Newcastle, Gentleman, the natural and lawful father of the said George.
Effects sworn under £1000 
[See Will of Robert 1788.]

1787, July 31. Will of George Langstaffe the elder of Butterknowle in the chapelry of Hamsterley, Co. Durham. All real estate to wife Elizabeth during life or widowhood. To son George Langstaff, his colliery lease; to each of his sons, George, John, William, Henry, Thomas, Michael, and Richard, £40. To daughter Eleanor, wife of James Patton, £100; to daughter Elizabeth, wife of Robert Wilkinson, £100; to daughter Hannah, wife of John Culley, £100; to daughter Ann Langstaff, £100; to daughter, Mary Langstaff, £110; to daughter Catherine Langstaff, £110. To seven sons, above named

* This book was printed in 1906, add at least another 94 years onto those 35 years. C. Johnson.

P.220 - (xxiv21) - Appendix II.- Wills.

all real estate as tenants in common. [Some of the children appear to have been under age.]
Sons George and Thomas executors. Furniture etc. to wife Elizabeth.
Witnesses: Wm. Gibbon, Anthony Grudon, Wm. Watson.
Proved by above named executors 3 April 1788. Personalty under £1000.
[George 11. of Pedigree No. 3. See also, pp.109-114.]

1788, January 10. Will of Robert Longstaff of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Gentleman.
To wife “ £100 twelve months after my decease, the same to be in lieu and full satisfaction of a certain writing made previous to our marriage, about 26th August 1772, and made between myself of the first part; my present wife, by her then maiden name, Ann Campbell, of the second part and Andrew Burn of Newcastle, shopkeeper, of the third part.” Residue to two nephews, Simon Longstaff and Thomas Anderson, Executors.
Proved 22 June 1790.
Personalty sworn under £20.

1766, July 3. Robert Longstaff was licenced to trade as a grocer, for 5s. a year.
( “Newcastle Merchant Adventures” vol. I., p. 262, Surtees Society, 1893.)
Jack Crawford, the hero of Camperdown, born at Sunderland 22 March 1778, joined H.M.S. Venerable, as a volunteer in 1796. In the heat of the action of 11 October 1797 the flag halyards of the “Venerable” were shot away and the ensign fell on the deck. Crawford, Captain of one of the after guns, caught it up, and with a few spikes ran up the rigging, and under heavy fire from the Dutch, nailed it to the maintop-gallant mast, receiving a nasty wound in the face from a splinter, but he explained when he got down, “There it won’t come down again, without carrying the mast with it.” Jack married in 1808, “Miss Longstaff, the daughter of Simon Longstaff, a Sunderland ship owner,” by whom he had three sons and a daughter. When cholera broke out in Sunderland, in 1831, Jack was the second victim, aged 53.
Query, was testators nephew, Simon, the father in law of Crawford?
[See adm’on of George 1786.] 
1788 September 24. Administration of the personal Estate of George Langstaff, formally of Wolsingham, afterwards the City of London, and late a Soldier in His Majesty’s Service, at Bunker’s Hill, near Boston, New England, a Bachelor, deceased, granted to Christopher Addison, the Attorney, lawfully appointed by John Longstaff of Hunderthwait in the Parish of Romaldkirk, York, Yeoman, the natural and lawful uncle and next of kin.
Effects sworn under £100.
[See Will of Jane 1772 and Pedigrees No. 20 and 44.]

1790, July 5. Will of George Langstaff of Butterknowle, Gentleman. To Mark Newby of Barningham in the county of York, Yeoman, and to his son, George Langstaff of Butterknowle, his freehold and copyhold messuages, lands etc. within the county of Durham, and also all his personal Estate, Upon Trust. To permit his wife Isabella Longstaff to take the rents and profits thereof, and also to take the rents and profits of the whole of his colliery at Butterknowle, together with a third part of those at Coppycrooks and Shildon, for her life. And from and after her death or marriage, to permit his son, Mathew Longstaff, to take such further sum and sums of money as with what he has already received will make in the whole £500; his son Thomas, a like sum of £500; his daughter Anne Langstaff (Elizabeth having already received her share) the

P.221 - (xxiv22) - Appendix II.Wills.

sum of £300. His son George Langstaff, residuary legatee. Mark Newby and his son, Executors. Proved 11 May 1792.
Personalty sworn under £600. George 111. of Pedigree No. 3; See also pp. 111, 115 & 116.

1791, April 15. Will of Thomas Longstaff of West Auckland, Talor. Dwelling house situate at West Auckland, to cousin Cordelia Robertshaw (daughter of Ann Clark of Darlington) after the decease of his wife Eleanor Longstaff, subject, however, to the payment of £5, to cousin William Clark, son of the said Ann Clark. “I devise to my son Mathew Longstaff, my pew in St. Helen’s, Auckland Church, No. 58, and my wearing apparrel.” To my cousin, Elizabeth Wilkinson, one large Red Pannel Chist. Residue to cousin Cordelia Robertshaw, Executrix.
Proved on or about 19 September 1803. Personal Estate, under £100.
[Testator was the son of James Longstaff of Beldershaw, and was baptised at St. Helen’s, Auckland, 23 May 1725. See Pedigree No. 30. A recent re-examination of the Parish Register, has brought to light the following entries, in addition to those quoted in the said pedigree:- 

St. Helen, Auckland Parish Register.

1760 Oct. 26 - Mathew, son of Thos. Longstaff of West Auckland, bap.
?1772 Feb. 20 - Robert Wilkinson of Catterick, Co. York = Elizabeth Longstaff. Witn.: George Longstaff, junr., George Palton...... Hamsterley, Co. D.
{Testator names his cousin, Elizabeth Wilkinson. Now this Elizabeth was undoubtedly of the Butterknowle family, but by comparing Pedigrees No. 2 & 3 with No. 30, it will be seen that testator was probably her third cousin.

1778 July 27 - William son of Thomas Longstaff of West Auckland, buried.
1776 Apr. 28 - George Clark = Ann Longstaff, both of this p.......[St. Andrew, Auckland.]
1779 Nov. 5 - Mary, wife of Thomas Longstaff of West Auckland, buried.
1781 Aug. 20 - Thomas Longstaff = Eleanor Oliver, both of this p. Witn.: Thomas Dargue [bridegroom’s son-in-law], Eliz. Booth, Wm. Thompson.
1782 Nov. 8 - Mathew Longstaff = Hannah Newby, both of this p. B. Witn., Edward Rayson.
1784 Nov. 7 - Thomas, son of Thomas Longstaff of West Auckland, bap.
1784 Nov. 22 - Thomas, son of Mathew Longstaff of West Auckland, bap.
1787 Apr. 15 - Ann, dau.of Mathew Longstaff of West Auckland, bap.
1791 Feb. 20 - Jane, dau.of Mathew Longstaff of West Auckland, bap.
1793 July 14 - James, son of Mathew Longstaff of West Auckland, bap.
1803 Sep. 5 - Thos. Longstaff of West Auckland, taylor, died 3 Sep; aet 79; buried.
1803 Sep. 16 - Elleanor Longstaff, of West Auckland, widow of Thomas Longstaff, taylor, died 14 Sep; aet 60; buried.

Court Rolls. Manor of West Auckland.

1799, October 15. Surrender from Thomas Longstaff, of West Auckland, tailor, and Eleanor his wife, before her marriage called Eleanor Oliver, widow, [?] of a house there.
1804, January 7 . Admittance of Mathew Longstaff, of Darlington, tailor, only son of Thomas Longstaff, late of West Auckland, tailor, to a cottage there.

P.222 - (xxiv23) - Appendix II.- Wills.

1795, May 30. Will of Isabella Langstaffe of Butterknowle, widow. All household furniture and personal estate to daughter Ann Langstaff (my other children having already been provided for), whom I appoint sole executrix.
Proved 30 December 1830 by Ann Wade, wife of John Wade of Headlam, yeoman, heretofore Longstaff, spinster daughter of testatrix.
Personalty under £300.
[See pp. 111 & 116 and Pedigree No. 3.]

St. Helen, Auckland Parish Register.

1792 Apr. 15 - George Longstaff of Blue House, Butterknowle, buried
. 1812 Dec. 10 - Isabell Langstaff of Butterknowl, Hamsterley, widow of Geo. Longstaff of Blue House, died 7 Dec., aet 74; buried.

1796, May 18. Codicil to the will of Henry Wilkinson, of Little St. Mary Parish, Durham, whereby he bequeathed £30 per annum to Hannah Langstaff, grand-daughter to Hannah Edmeston. 1750, December 29. William Longstaff of Gt. Ayton, sailor, bachelor, 24 & Elizabeth Edmeston of the same, spr., 24 (at Ayton or Kildale)........Marr. Bond, York.

1802, April 23. Will of John Langstaff, of Chester House, near Stanhope, Yeoman. To his son Ralph, 5s. To his Grandchildren, Joseph Langstaff, 5s; Elizabeth Watson, wife of John Watson, 5s; Mary Langstaff 5s; son and daughter’s of testators late son, Jonathon Langstaff.
Gave to his son Mathew £40, To his son George £40 . To his son John £50. To his daughter Mary, the wife of John Elliot £40. Gives to his grandchildren, Mary Arrowsmith,widow, Jane Forster, Sarah Forster, Elizabeth Forster, and John Forster, son & daughters of his daughter Sarah, late wife of Robert Forster, when they attain 21 years. £20 to be equally divided among them. Son Francis, Executor. Witnesses: William Dent and Charles Maddison.
Proved by ex’or 11 June 1803. Personalty, sworn under £300.
[See will of Francis 1817 and adm,on of Ralph 1834 also Pedigree No. 23. This last requires emendation in the following details, owing to more detailed information received from Stanhope, since it was printed, viz:-

The baptisms on the second and third page of the pedigree[and most at any rate of the burials], attributed to Stanhope, actually took place in St. John’s Chapel in the same very extensive parish, but some seven miles further up Weardale and close to Westgate.]

1772 May 23 - Robt. Forster = Sarah Longstaff, both of this p. B. Witn.: Thomas Vickers, Francis Tallentire. [Hannah therefore should be struck out].
1777 July 20 - Eliz. dau. of Jonathon Longstaff of Brownrigside, bap. at St. John Chaple.
1779 Aug. 2 - Mary dau. of Jonathon Longstaff of Brownrigside, bap. at St John Chappell.

[1783 Nov. 2, 9, 16. Publication of the Banns of Ralph Longstaff of Allendale and Jane Watson, spr.of this parish.
Allendale is in Co. Northumberland, immediately to the north of Stanhope.

P.223 - (xxiv24) - Appendix II.- Wills.

1785 Oct. 17 - William Bowes = Mary Longstaff, both of this p. Lic. Witn.: Ephriam Hall, Joseph Currah. [Widow of Jonathon]
1790 [Not 89] Phillis, dau. of Francis and Jane Longstaff of Brownrigside, bap. at St. John’s Chapel.
1794 Nov. 18 - John Longstaff of Cowhill, buried at St. Johns Chapel.
1795 Dec. 8 - [Not 3] Ann dau. of Francis and Jane Longstaff of Chester House, bap. at St John’s Chapel.
1798 June 2 - Robert 2nd. son of John Elliot, miner, & Mary Longstaff, his wife, both natives of this parish, born 20 May, bap. At St. John’s Chapel.
1800 June 20 - Mary 1st dau. of John Watson, miner, by his wife Elizabeth Longstaff, both natives of this parish, born 1 May; bap. At St. John’s Chapel.
1800 Sep. 21 - Bella, 2nd. dau. of John Elliot of Spot House, miner, native of Simonburn, Co. Northumberland, by his wife Mary Longstaff, native of this p., born 14 July; bap. at St. John’s Chapel.
1800 Sep. 26 - Frances, 5th dau. of William Bowes of Wearshead, merchant, native of this p. by his wife Mary Curry, native of this p., relict of Jonathon Longstaff of this p., born 22 Sep.;bap. At St. John’s Chapel.
1801 Dec. 6 - Betty 3rd dau. of Jno. Elliot, of etc., [as above]born Nov. 1. Bap. at St. John’s chapel.
1806 Sep. 28 John 1st son of John Watson of Cowes Hill, miner, by his wife, Elizabeth Longstaff, both natives of this p. Born 9 Jun; bap. at St. John’s Chapel.
[1807 Feb. 8, 15, 22. Publication of the Banns of John Longstaff of Netherdale, Co. York. And Nancy Hodgson, spr.]

?1807 Mar. 23 - William Coulthard, of St. Nicholas, Newcastle = Mary Longstaff of this p. Lic. Witn.: William Newton, Hannah Bowes.
? 1808 Feb. 13 - Thomas Gowland= Mary Longstaff. Witn.: John Longstaff, Chris Gowland.
1809 Feb. 20 - John Longstaff of Westgate, son of John Langstaff, miner, aet 1 3/4 years; buried at St. Johns Chapel [Errors in several particulars in Pedigree].

1809 Mar. 15 - Ann, 1st. dau. of Thomas Gowland of Westgate, miner, by his wife, Mary Longstaff, both natives of this p. Born 4 March; bap. at St. John’s Chapel.
1809 Dec. 6 - Jane, 1st dau, of John Longstaff, of Westgate, mason., by his wife, Phoebe Vickers, both of this p.; born Dec. 5 . bap. at St. John’s Chapel.
1809 Feb. 11 - Jane 3rd dau, of John Watson of etc. {as above] born 9 Feb; bap. St. Johns Chapel.
1811 Apr. 21 - Ann first dau. of Thomas Gowling of Westgate, miner, by his wife Mary Longstaff, both natives of this p., born 4 March 1809. bap. at St. Johns Chapel.

P.224 - (xxiv25) - Appendix II. - Wills.

1812 Jan. 8 - Nelly, wife of George Longstaff of Westgate, miner, died 6 Jan., aet 42; buried at St. John’s Chapel.
1812 May 25 - Hannah, 4th daughter of John Watson of Cowshill, innkeeper, by his wife Elizabeth Longstaff, both natives of this p., born 20 Feb; bap. At St. John’s Chapel.
1815 Feb. 25 -[Not Mar. 2.] John Longstaff = Agnes Lowes.

1805, September 28. Administration granted to John Langstaffe of Emelton Old Hall, in the county of Durham, yeoman, of the personal Estate and Effects of his late lawful wife Jane Personalty sworn under £100. 
[ Emelton Hall is in the parish of Sedgefield.]

1808, January 22. Will of George Langstaff of Bishop Auckland, yeoman. To his wife Margaret, his freehold messuages in the Market Place and Back Bondgate, Bishop Auckland, then occupied by his son, Michael Langstaff, inkeeper, of Bishop Auckland, and after his wife’s death, to his sons, George, Michael, Ralph, and John (butcher, of Bishop Auckland), and his daughters, Ann Hill, widow of John Hill and Jane Longstaff. Gives his wife all his household furniture for life, and after her death, to his daughter Jane and the residue to his wife, whom he appoints executive.
Proved 15 April 1808 [?1818]. 
[See Pedigree No. 37.]

1809, April 4. Administration of the personal Estate of Mary Longstaff, late of Butterknowle in the chapelry of Hamsterley, spinster, deceased, granted to Ann Longstaff, of Bishop Auckland, widow, Thomas Longstaff of Darlington, gentleman, and Ann Robson, wife of John Robson, ?, of Bishop Auckland, cooper, on condition, that the above Ann Longstaff, the natural and lawful mother of Thomas Longstaff and Ann Robson, the natural and lawful brother and sister, and only next-of-kin of the said Mary Longstaff, well and truly, etc.
[See Pedigree No. 4.]

1810, May 17. Will of Joseph Longstaff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, gentleman. To his son Joseph, all his freehold lands and tenements in Middleton [Mickleton ?] In the county of York, for his own use for ever. Gave unto his daughter, Catherine Mary Longstaff, a freehold messuage in Clavering Place, Newcastle, and property in the parish of St. John, Newcastle, for her own use for ever. Appointed his daughter, Catherine Mary, sole Executrix, who proved the same at Durham, on 19 February 1820.
Effects sworn under £300.

See will of Jeremiah, 1740, and of Joseph, 1745, also York will of Philip, 1756, p.xcm.and Pedigree No. 19, to which may be added the following notes.:-

St. Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne, Parish Register.

1737 [? 1738] Jan. 25 - Mary daughter of Jeremiah Langstaff, maltster, & Margery uxor., bap. Sureties: John Rose, Phillis Langstaff, Mary Power.
1774 Feb 22 - Betty, dau. of Joseph Langstaff and Catherine his wife, bap.
1775 May 25 - Catherine Mary, dau. of Jos. Langstaff and Catherine his wife, bap.

P.225 - (xxv) - Appendix II.- Wills.

St. Mary Magdelen, Old Fish Street Hill, London. (In 1886, burnt and pulled down, and the parish united to St. Martin’s, Ludgate), contained the following tablets:-
Jane Eliz. Longstaff, ob. Newc.-on-Tyne 18 Sep. 1825 B. Niece to Cath. Mary Langstaff who with ........... of her parent, Joseph Langstaff, in East Indies, pos.
Sophia Cath. Langstaff, ob. Richmond, Surrey, 6 Aug, 1820, 10 bur’d. in this church, her parent in East Indies, caused this to be pos.
(J.G. Bendford’s “ Collection of Monumental Inscriptions.”)
[These would appear to be the two daughters of the Bengal Surgeon, not mentioned in the Pedigree, probably because dying young and unmarried] 

1813, Feb. 19. Administration of the goods of Thomas Langstaff, late of the chapelry of St. Helen’s, Auckland, collier, granted to Michael Langstaff, the natural, lawful eldest brother, and next-of-kin, by Decree of Court.
The bondsmen were Richard Langstaff of Staindrop, common carrier, and James Clark of West Auckland, farmer
. Sworn under £50. 
{See wills of George 1832, and John, 1836; also Pedigree No. 3]

Court Roll, West Auckland.

1810, February 9. Surrender to Richard Langstaff of Staindrop, carrier, of a cottage and garden there, in Trust, for Michael Langstaff of West Auckland, innkeeper, who purchased for £125. 

1813, August 7. Will of Dorothy Longstaff, of Lamesley, in the county of Durham, widow.
To her brother, George Cloughton, of Lamesley, farmer, collier, £10 a year for his life. To her niece Mary Curry, wife of Robert Curry of Houghton, collier, the interest on £300, towards the bringing up of her children, John, Dorothy and Mary Curry, and when the attain the age of 21 years, the £300 was to be divided equally between them. To Mary Walker, wife of Joseph Walker of Lamesley, collier and niece of her [testatrix’s] husband, Robert Longstaff, she gave the interest of £300, towards the education of her {Mary Walker’s] children, Mary Walker, Robert Walker, Joseph Walker, Jane and Dorothy Walker, and a legacy of £30 to each of them, when they attained 21. Gave £10 to her [testatrixes] brother George, and the residue of her estate to Mary Curry, senior and Mary Walker, senior.
Proved 6 September 1816, Personalty sworn under £450. {See will of Laurence 1770] 

1817, November 26. Will of Francis Longstaff of High Westgate, Stanhope, yeoman. To his so-in-law, James Kilvington, of Seaton Sluice, Northumberland, officer of excise, and his daughter, Mary Langstaff, all his Customary Freehold Estate, called Chester House, in the parish of Stanhope, viz., a messuage with outhouses, four meadow fields, also the Low Allotment, lately set out to him, upon Middlehope Fell, containing 22 acres of which Charles Maddison is now tenant, subject to the payment of an annuity of £10 to his wife Jane Longstaff. To his friends Joseph Maddison, of Chester House, Stanhope, yeoman and John Snowden of Alston, in Co. Cumberland, mason, his customary Freehold Estate at High Westgate, consisting of a messuage and outhouses, two meadow fields, an allotment, lately set out to him on Westgate Height of 21 acres, also the High Allotment on Middlehope Fell,

P.226 - (xxvi - Appendix II.- Wills.

lately set out to him, containing forty eight acres, now occupied by himself and John Bainbridge as a tenant, upon Trust, to allow his wife to occupy a parlour or room, now occupied by Mr. Thomas Thorburn, in his dwelling house at High Westgate, with a room above the same, without the payment of rent, and a mortgage of £300 to John Potts to be a charge on the trust property solely. And upon further Trust to his son, John Langstaff, subject to paying off the £300 mortgage to John Potts. Gives the household furniture to his wife for life, and after her death to his two daughters Phillis Kilvington and Nancy Langstaff equally. Gives to his son John Langstaff, his stock and crop etc. Whom he also appoints his Executor.
Signed by mark. Witnesses: Wm. Bainbridge, Thomas Thorburn, Phebe Featherston.
Proved at Durham, 22 November 1827 by the Executor. 
Effects sworn under £20.

1816, November 2. James Kilvington, of the chapelry of Earsdon, Co. Northumberland = Phillis Longstaff of this p. Lic. Witn.: William Kilvington, Nancy Longstaff.....Stanhope, Co. D.
[See will of John, 1802, and adm’on of Ralph, 1834; also Pedigree No23.]

1819, January 7. Will of Henry Langstaff of Binchester Crag, near Bishop Auckland, farmer. 
His stock and crops to his wife Isabella for her life, and after her death to be divided among all the children of his wife equally, and “to make all alike as possibly as she can.”
To his son Phillip, he leaves a house and field at Streatlam and Stainton in the parish of Gainford.
Witnesses: Philip Longstaff, Henry Longstaff, John Lonstaff. [Longstaff ?]
Proved 6 March 1819, by the Executrix. 
Personalty sworn under £300.

[See next will, also will of John, 1840 and Pedigree No 31 to which the following notes may be added:-
On the first page: Jane Heslop, wife of Philip, was born 17 Jan. 1816 and was aged 29 at her marriage, of which her brother William Heslop and Jane Addison, her husband’s niece were the witnesses. Philip died 1890, aet. 85.
On the second page: Philip was in 1900, farming Stainton Hill and Streatland Dyke Farms. He had issue, two sons, and three daughters; Jane died 27 November 1881, aet 33, unmarried; Thomas was in 1900, farming Stainton Middle Farm; Ann was in 1900, living at Stainton High Row. In a letter to the writer she said, “ the Longstaffs were chiefly tall, stout, well built men and most of them lived to between 70 and 80 years of age.”]

1819, May 4. Will of Margaret Langstaff of Hullerbus, in the township of Marwood, in the chapelry of Barnard Castle. To her grandson, Philip Langstaff, son of the late Henry Langstaff of Binchester Cragg, a Freehold House and Field at Stinton, To her grandson Christopher Langstaff, son of the late William Langstaff, she left £10. These legacies were to be attained as they reached 21 years. To her daughter, Margaret Wilson, she gave her household furniture. Residuary legatees, her sons Thomas, Philip, Christopher and John Longstaff and her daughter Margaret Wilson. Philip and John Executors.
Proved under £200, on the 19 June 1920.
[See preceding will, also that of John, 1840, and Pedigree No. 31]

P.227 - (xxvii) - Appendix II. - Wills.

1820, July 8. Will of John Longstaff of Guanless Mill, Staindrop, yeoman.
Recites that under the will of Margaret Nailor, then late of Mansfield, in the county of Nottingham, widow, deceased, he was entitled to a legacy of £100 which he bequeathed together with all his personal Estate, unto his executors, George Hodgson, of Staindrop, farmer, and John Bellwood, late of Langleydale, but then of Stillington, farmer, Upon Trust, to pay the interest unto his wife Mary. The residue he left to his daughters , Elizabeth, Mary and Margaret.
Proved 14 Aug. 1832 Effects sworn under £200.
1741- 2 Feb. 27, John, son of Thos. & Mary Longstaff, of Raby, Christened. Staindrop, Co.D. 

1829, February 9. Will of Thomas Longstaff of Bishop Auckland, coal owner. My sons, George Dixon Longstsff and Thomas Longstaff, executors.
To my wife Sarah Longstaff, £20. To my son, George Dixon Longstaff, all my household goods etc., also all my books and Philosophical Apparatus. The residue to my said executors, upon Trust , to pay to my daughter Julia Wade, £30; to my daughter Mary Ann Langstaff, £300. The residue to my two sons equally. All real estate to my two said sons equally.
Witnesses, George Canney, surgeon, Bishop Auckland, Henry Anderson, druggest etc., Bishop Auckland; Ann Robson.
Proved 3 March 1829 by the above named executors. Under £2000.
[See pp. 117-125, Adm’on of Mary, 1809, also Pedigree No. 4. On p. 115, Mathew Longstaff, is stated to have married Elizabeth Dixon, it should be Sarah]

1829 Feb. 16 - Thomas Longstaff of Bishop Auckland, buried, aged 60.
1835 Aug. 10 - Sarah Longstaff buried, aged 70.
1839 June 29, Mary Ann Longstaff buried......[St. Helen, Auckland, Co. D.]

1832, September 18. Will of George Longstaff of West Auckland, shoemaker, To his brother, Thomas Longstaff, whom he appointed, Executor, his freehold property in the above place, as then in the occupation of himself and others; To his father Michael, should he survive Testator an annuity of £15; to his brother John Longstaff; to his sister, Sarah Finlay And sister Mary Blend, £50 each; to his brother Thomas Longstaff, his stock in trade. The latter to his nephew, Jonathon Howe, in case of his brother Thomas’s death.
Proved 21 May 1839. Under £100.
[See Will of John 1836, and adm’on of Thomas 1813, also Predigree No. 3]
St. Helen’s, Auckland, Parish Register,

1787 Dec. 16 - George, son of Michael Longstaff, of Wales Moor, bap. 
1794 Aug. 24 - Elisabeth, dau of Michael & Mary Longstaff of Greenhead, bap......[Witton-le-Wear, Co. D.]

1834, July 22. Administration of the goods of Ralph Longstaff, late of Westgate, Stanhope, joiner, deceased, granted by the Customary Court of Durham, to Jane Longstaff, the widow of the said Ralph Langstaff.
Effects sworn under £200, [See wills of John,1802, Francis 1817 and Pedigree No. 3.]
1783, Nov. 2, 9, 16, Banns of Ralph Longstaff of Allendale & Jane Watson of this p. Published at Stanhope.

P.228 - (xxviii) - Appendix II. - Wills.

1836, April 25. Will of George Longstaff of Darlington, carrier. His dwelling houses etc. to his wife Ann Longstaff whom he appointed sole Executrix.
Proved 11 July 1841. Under £200.

1836, May 23. Will of John Longstaff of West Auckland, butcher. To his brother Thomas Longstaff, and Joseph Jopling, both of West Auckland, his copyhold property there, Upon Trust to let the same and pay the rent to his wife Hannah, so long as she lived and remained a widow. But should she marry it was to go to his son George on his attaining 21 years, and in case he did not attain that age, to his said brother Thomas; subject to the payment to his nephew William Finlay, of a Legacy of £50, of a Legacy of £10 to his nephew George William Longstaff, and of a like Legacy to his nephew John Bland. Gave his furniture to his nephew Thomas Longstaff, and his personal Estate etc. to his Trustees, to pay the interest to his wife. 
Appointed his son, George Longstaff residuary Legatee, if he attained 21.
Proved 14 September 1837. Under £100.
[See pp. 113, 114, Will of George 1832 and Pedigree No. 3.]

1816, October 21. John Finlay = Sarah Longstaff, both of this p. [St. Helen.s, Auckland] 

1840, August 18. Will of John Longstaff of Staindrop, Gentleman. Gives to his wife Sarah Langstaff, all his interest in £1800, part of £2000 left to her, by his wife’s uncle, John Middleton, late of Lambeth. The rest of his real and personal estate to his nephew, Henry Langstaff, son of his brother Philip, and to his nephew John Wilson, upon trust, after payment of legacies of £10 each, to the said Philip and John, to be divided into 22 equal parts. As to three parts to be paid to the three children of the testator’s late brother Henry Longstaff; as to three other parts, the interest to his brother Thomas and his wife, for their lives and then to their three sons; as to six other parts, the interest to his brother Philip and his wife, for their lives, then to their six children; as to four other parts, the interest to Ann Longstaff, widow of his late brother Christopher, during her life, then to the four children of his late brother; as to other three parts, the interest to his sister Margaret for her life, then as to two parts to her children, John and Margaret, the remaining part, to the children of her daughter Jane Stubbs, deceased; as to other two parts, to the children of his late brother William, viz., Christopher and William; as to the remaining share, to his niece Jane Addison.
To Henry Langstaff and John Wilson his real estate, on trust, the rents to his wife. After her death to be sold and proceeds divided among his nephews and nieces; Jane Addison, daughter of his late niece, Elizabeth Addison, to receive her mother’s share, and the three children of Jane Stubbs, in like manner.
Proved 18 January 1847 by Henry Langstaff of Binchester Cragg, farmer, and John Wilson of Wood End in the parish of Gainford, farmer. 
Under £1500.
Testator died 8 August 1846.
[See wills of Henry, 1819, and Margaret, 1819; also Pedigree No. 31.]

1808, May 19. John Langstaff = Sarah Raine. Lic. Witn.: Mary Middleton, Edward Raine. [Winston, Co. D.]

P.229 - (xxix) - Appendix II. - Wills.

The following extracts from the court rolls give some account of the further dealings with the Butterknowle property (see wills of George 1. 1769, George 11. 1787, George 111. 1790):-
1771, December 11. Bedburne. Licence to demise 51 acres of land on Hamsterley Common, granted to John Wade of Headlam and George Longstaff 111. as executors of George Longstaff 1. of Butterknowle.
1772, November 21. Similar to preceding.

1787, January 13. Lynesack and Softley. Surrender to George Longstaff [?111.] Of Butterknowle, in the Barony of Evenwood, gent., of two fields and dwelling house in Lynesack, in occupation of Thomas Mainprise. Mortgage for £80.

1791, February 22. Evenwood. Surrender from George Longstaff 111. of Butterknowle, gent., and John Langstaff, of Witton le Wear, butcher, to Dorothy Atkinson of Ripon, Co. York, of four closes of land containing 19 acres on Raley Fell, as security for mortgage, of £800 at 41/2%. 

1791, December 6. Evenwood. Surrender from George Langstaff 111. of Butterknowle and John Langstaff of Witton-le-Wear to Peter Snowdon of Bondgate, near Ripon, of three closes at Butterknowle, containing fifteen acres as security for mortgage of £250 at 5%.

1797, May 12. Evenwood. Surrender of part of premises, named in surrender of 22 February 1791, to Mark Newby and George Langstaff 1V. of Cockfield, trustees under the will of the late George Langstaff 111. Of Butterknowle, gent, deceased.

1800, May 10. Evenwood. Mark Newby and George Longstaff 1V., trustees as above named sell to John Davidson, of Newcastle, the lands named in surrenders of 1791 and 1797.

1806, November 24. Lynesack and Softley. 
Surrender from George Langstaff 1V. of Shildon, gent, eldest son and heir and devisee, named in will of George 11. the elder, late of Butterknowle aforesaid, yeoman, deceased; John Langstaff, late of High Wham, Lynesack, but now of Greenhead, Witton, yeoman; William Langstaff of Sunderland by the Sea, butcher; Thomas Langstaff of Shildon, yeoman; Michael Langstaff of West Auckland, yeoman; and Richard Langstaff, of Hamsterley, yeoman (which said John, William, Thomas, Michael and Richard are five of the younger sons and devisees named in the will of George Langstaff 11. the grandfather); and George Walker Longstaff of East Cowton, Co. York, publican, eldest son and heir of Henry Longstaff, late of Staindrop, yeoman, deceased, who was the other surviving son and devisee named in the will of George Langstaff 11., the grandfather, of twelve acres at High Bank to Charles Whitfield, as trustee for Alice Garthorne of Hamsterley, the purchaser.
1808, May 30. Lynesack and Softley. Surrender to George Langstaff of Shildon, gent., and John Greenwell of Lynesack, yeoman, of thirty one and a half acres of land at Hamsterley.

1808, June 8. George Langstaff 1V. of Shildon, gent., eldest son and heir of George Longstaff 111. late of Butterknowle, to two fields in occupation of Thomas Mainprise.
[See surrender 1787; George Langstaff sells next day to Thomas Chapman.]


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