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                                            THE LANGSTAFFS OF TEESDALE AND WEARDALE
                                                             GEORGE BLUNDELL LONGSTAFF
                                                                                        COPYRIGHT 2001
                                                                                       All Rights Reserved


                                                                                       PART 11

P.177 - (i) - 
                                                    APPENDIX I. - LONGSTAFF MARRIAGES. 






Co. D. .....................................County Durham.
Co. L. .................................County of Lincoln.
Co. Mx. ..............................County of Middlesex.
Co. W. ............................County of Westmoreland.
Co. Y. ....................................County of York.
Arken. ....................................Arkengarthdale.
St. A.A. ............................St. Andrew, Auckland.
St. Hel. A. ..........................St. Helen, Auckland.
Barn. C. ..................................Barnard Castle.
Darl. .........................................Darlington.
Ham. ..........................................Hamsterley.
St. Geo., H. S. .......St. George, Hanover Square, London.
Rom. ..........................................Romaldkirk.
Stain. .........................................Staindrop.
Witton. ...................................Witton-le-Wear.

Queen Elizabeth

1569 Aug. 1 - George Langstaff = Jaine Downes...........................St. A.A., Co. D.
1572 Oct.30 - Rycharde Langstafe = Issabell Bullman.*................St.Oswald, Durham.
1574 Dec. 5 - Jarret Lambert = Jennet Langstafe.......................St.Oswald, Durham.
1577 Nov.10 - Christofor Langstaffe = Jenet Dente.....................Gainford, Co. D.
1580 May 5 - Willia’ Jefferayson et Agnes Langstaff, nupti quinto die.......Rom. Co. Y.
1581 Apr.16 - Georg Langstaf = Sibell [blank]..........................St. A.A.,Co. D.
1581 Apr.30 - Wm. Langstaf = Estasse Johnson.............................St.A.A.,Co. D.
1582 Jun.19 - Willia’ Longstaff et Erabell Robinson, nupti 19th die..........Rom. Co. Y.
1584 Aug.23 - Robrt Langstaff et Ag. Robinson, nupti 28th die...............Rom. Co. Y.
1587 Nov. 7 - Thomas Jacksonn = Elline Langstaf............................St.A.A.,Co. D.
*1590 Oct.26 Ysabell Longstaffe buried St. Oswald Durham.

P.178 - (ii) - Appendix I. 

1589 May 11 - Rawlffe Langstaffe Huesone*[?Hiresone],maryed........Kirk Merrington, Co.D.
1589 Nov. 9 - John Ogle = Jenet Langstraffe..............................Witton, Co. D.
1593 Nov.20 - Michaell Langstaff et Agnes Langstaff, nupti 20th die.........Rom., Co. Y.
1594 Oct.15 - William Langstaff et Erabell Tomson, nupti 15th die............Rom., Co. Y.
1594 Oct.27 - John Willson et Elisabeth Langstaff, nupti 27th die............Rom., Co. Y.
1594 Nov.11 - X’pafer Dent et Heleine Langstaff, nupti undecimo die..........Rom., Co. Y.
1596 June 2 - Michaell Wrey et Helein Langstaff, nupti secundo die...........Rom., Co. Y.
1597 July 4 - John Richardson and Ann Langstaffe, married..............Horsington, Co. L.
1597-8 Feb.25 Isaac Jakes et Elyzabetha Langstaff, nuptie erat inter....Heighington,Co.D.
1598 May 15 - John Langstafe = Elizabeth Stokell.............................Ham., Co. D.
1598 Sep.10 - Henry Langstaff = Elyner Kowanwhat........................Cockfield, Co. D.
1599 Oct.11 - X’pafer Rayne et Elizabethe Langstaff de Mickleton, nupti undecimo die..........................Rom., Co. Y.
1600 Nov.27 - Edmund Langstaff et Agnes Stevenson de Mickleton, nupti 27th die..Rom.Co.Y.
1601 Nov.24 - James Waterforth et Margarett Langstafe, nupti die 24th..........Rom.,Co.Y.
1602 Oct.24 - John Langstaff = Elizabeth Woodmass........................ ..Darl., Co. D.

King James 1

1604 Nov. 4 - Robert Langstaff et Agnes Hugganson, nupti quarto die............Rom.,Co.Y.
1605 Jul 30 - Cuthbert Spence = Jayne Longstaff.......................St. Oswald, Durham.
1605 Nov.20 - Michaell Langstaff et Elizab. Langstaff........................Rom., Co. Y.
1605 Dec. 3 - Michael Langstafe et Helenor Langstafe, nupti 3th die.........Rom., Co. Y.
1606 Jun 15 - Mathewe Tomson et Elinor Langstaff, nupti decimo quinto die......Rom.,Co.Y.
1606 Jun 22 - William Langstaffe = Jane Dixon............................Gainford, Co. D.
1606-7 Feb.3- Nicholas Langstaff et Elizabeth Garnet, nupti tertio die.........Rom.,Co.Y.
1607 Oct.13 - Robert Tomson and Margaret Langstaff, married y’ 13th day........Rom.,Co.Y.
1607-8 Jan.26 Thomas Langstaff and Helen Wrey, married y’ 26 th day............Rom.,Co.Y.
1607-8 Jan.28 John Langstaff and Margaret Collin, married y’ 28 th day.........Rom.,Co.Y.
1611 Jun. 2 - William Langstaffe = Margratt Parmelun.....................St. A.A., Co. D.
1611 Jun. 4 - Arthur Langstaffe = Joyse Sharp..........................Horsington, Co. L.
1611 Oct. 8 - Arthur Langstaffe = Jane Tayler..........................Horsington, Co. L.
1612-3Jan.26 Raph Langstraffe = Margratt Browne, marryed................St. A.A., Co. D.
1618 Jun 22 - Antoney Wooll and Jane Langstaf, was married...............Stanhope, Co. D.
1614 Oct.16 - Triny Lanstaffe = Elliner Wharton..........................Gainford, Co. D.
1615 Nov. 7 - Edwarde Rayne & Jane Langstaffe, maryed the 7th daye...........Rom., Co. Y.
1616-7 Feb.11 Arthure Longstaffe, the younger = Mary Walkerly..........Horsington, Co. L.
1617 Oct. 1 - Will’m Sanderson = Margrat Langstaff.......................St. A.A., Co. D.
1618 Jun 16 - Robart Newton = Margrat Langstaffe.........................St. A.A., Co. D.
1618 Oct. 4 - Thomas Metcalf = Anna Langstafe.........................St. Hel. A., Co. D.
1619 Apr.29 - Will’m Langstaffe, of Hundertwhaite, and Margaret Huginso’of Romaldch., marryed the 29th day..............Rom., Co. D.
* Note from C. Johnson: My interpretation of the surname is Hewson.
P.179 - (iii) - Appendix I.
1619 May 25 - Michaell Pattenson & Isabell Langstaffe both of the p'ishe of Hamsterley, was married...........Stanhope, Co. D.
1619 Oct.17 - George Langstaff = Elizabeth Peareth..........................Darl., Co. D.
1619 Oct.28 - Thomas Lanstaff = Dorytie Applebie.........................St. A.A., Co. D.
1619-20 Feb.11 Richard Huggin of Blankney, a waterman, aet 27 & Jane Longstaffe, of Horsington, widow, aet 34. [His parents are dead at Horsington].........Marr.Bond, Lincoln. 
1619-20 Feb.20 Richard Huggon = Jane Longstaffe........................Horsington, Co. L.
1621 May 27[Nov.?]Roger Waugh = Jayne Langstaf...............................Ham., Co. D.
1621 Jun 20 - Christopher Hutchinson and Elizabeth Langstaff, of Hunderwaite, married the 20th day........... Rom., Co. Y.
1621 Jul 3 - Arthur Longstaffe = Ann Browne...........................Horsington. Co. L.
1621 Jul 17 - George Langstaffe, of Lune,& Alice Dowthaite, of Baldersdale, married 17th............. Rom., Co. Y.
1623 Nov.27 - Gulielmus Tinckler et Merilla Langstaffe de Mickleton nupti 27th die............ Rom., Co. Y.
1624 May 6 - Christafer Langstafe, of Rat[cliff] higheway, baker = Jane Burrowes, maid..............Stepney Co. Mx.
1624 May 27 - Jacobus Stephenson,de Mickleto’, et Margareta Langstaffe, de Hundertwhaite, nupti 27th.............Rom., Co. Y.
1624 May 30 - John Langstaffe = Elizabeth Smith.............................Darl., Co. D.

King Charles 1 

1625 Jun 16 - Will’mus Micleton et Maria Langstaffe, de Mickleto’, nupti 16th die.............Rom., Co. Y.
1626 Nov.12 - Williom Longstafe = Dorothea Wilson....................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1626 Nov.23 - Thomas Hutchanson et Issabela Longstaff,de Lartington, nupti 23rd...........Rom.,Co.Y.
1627 Jun. 3 - Robert Todd* = Wynefryde Longstaffe........................Barn. C., Co. D.
1627 Nov. 6 - Gulielmus Dent = Jena Langstaffe, de Mickleto’, nupti 6th die...Rom.,Co.Y.
1628 Nov.27 - Johannes Walker = Margareta Langstaffe, de Romaldkirke.........Rom., Co. Y.
1631 - - - John Darnton and Mary Langstall, Banns 4d. = Account Book of Rev. John Liveley, Vicar............ Gainford, Co. D.
1631 May 5 - Gulielmus Langstaffe et Juliana Raine, de eadem [Lofthouse?]nupti erant 5th die............Rom., Co. Y.
1631 Nov.30 - Christopher Hille = Elisabeth Longstaff..................Horsington, Co. L.
1631 Dec. 7 - Danyel Langstop+, of Houlbecke = Ann Riley of Milhill.........Leeds, Co. Y.
1632 Jun 11 - Georg Longstawe+, + Issabell Rilee, of Houllbecke.............Leeds, Co. Y.
1632 Oct. 7 - Joh’es Hugginson, de Thurngarth Hill, et Issabela Langstaffe, de Hundertwhaite, nupti septimo die...........Rom., Co. Y.
1633 July 2 - Robert Jonson = Martha Longstaff.........................Horsington, Co. L.

*Robert Todd was buried 4, Dec. 1672, leaving issue, Laurence, Robert, Jane, and Isabell.............Barn. C., Co. D.
+ Spelled in same register later, Longstaffe. 

P.180 - (iv)- Appendix I.

1633 Sep. 8 - Ambrose Peele* = Elizabeth Langstaffe......................Barn. C., Co. D.
1633 Nov.12 - Josias Longstaffe of Horsington, waterman, aet. 21 & Ann Burkes of Cunnesbie, +spr, aet. 21. Application by Rob Beedall of Stirwold,[At Horsington]............. Marr.Bond, Lincoln.
1633 Nov.14 - Josias Longstaff = Ann Burke.............................Horsington, Co. L.
1634 May 8 - Joh’es Langstaffe, de Hundertwhait, et Anna Walker, de Romaldkirkenupt’ 8 die Marj.............Rom., Co. Y.
1634 July 2 - Joh’es Langstaffe et Helena Raine, de Mecleto’, nupt’ 2nd die Julij............Rom., Co. Y.
1635 Jun 17 - Richard Smith, of Ratcliffe, shoomaker,= Anne Langstaffe, maid...Stepney.Co.Mx.
1635-6 Feb.3 Thomas Tomlinson = Alice Langstaffe, of Houlbeck..............Leeds, Co. Y.
1636 May 10 - Christopher Lambe = Ann Longstaff........................Horsington, Co. L.
1636 July 3 - Tho. Langstaffe et Elizabetha Walker, nupti 3rd die............Rom., Co. Y.
1636-7 Jan.31 Laweraci Langstaffe et Jana Raine, de Mecleto’,nupti 31st die..Rom., Co. Y.
1637 Apr.27 - Thos. Farrow = Mary Longstraff.............................Winston, Co. D.
1637 May 2 - Joh’es Langstaffe, de West p’ke et Alicia Hugginson de Briscoe, nupti 2nd............Rom., Co. Y.
1637 May 9 - John Artery = Martha Longstaff...........................Horsington, Co. L.
1637 Sep.28 - Nicholas Langstaffe, de Mickleto’ et Margareta Ffawcet de Rassyndale, nupti
28th die.............Rom., Co. Y. 
1637 Oct.10 - Bernard Thompson = Anne Langstraffe of Raby..................Stain., Co. D.
1637 Oct.12 - Roger Langstaffe = Isabell Clarke.............................Darl., Co. D.
1638 Apr.26 - Georgius Langstaffe, of Hury et Maria Walker, de Romaldkirke, nupti 26th die...........Rom., Co. Y.
1639 May 14 - Richard Cheales = Elizabeth Longstaffe...................Horsington, Co. L.
1639 Jun 12 - Simon Langstaffe, de Kelton, et Elizabetha Raine de Grasholme, nupti 12th die........Rom., Co. Y.
1640 Jun 23 - James Longstaff = Mary Dynnis............................Horsington, Co. L.
1641 May 29 - William Langstaffe and Ann Bell of Romaldkirke married the 29th day...Rom.Co.Y.
1641 Oct. 6 - Richard Hangstaff = Jane Madjen.....................St. Margaret’s, Durham.
1641 Nov.28 - Edward Hunter = Margaret Lagsaffe............................Stain., Co. D.
1641-2 Feb.6 Tobye Langstafe & Ellin Holme married the 6th day.............Rom., Co. Y.
1642 Jun 28 - Anthony Bland & Elizabeth Langstafe, married y’ 28th day.......Rom., Co. Y.
1643 Jun 8 - Robert Greene = Sarah Longstaff..........................Horsington, Co. Y.
1645 Aug.12 - John Langstaffe = Jane Dixon, maried......................St. A.A., Co. D.
1645 Nov.10 - George Langstaffe = Margaret Atkinson.........................Darl., Co. D.
1645 Nov.24 - Thomas Langstaffe = Maria Burden..............................Darl., Co. D.
1645 Dec.16 - John Langstaffe = Jeronime Grice, maried...................St. A.A., Co. D.

* Ambrose Peele was buried 7 July 1644, leaving issue, Lancelott, Robert,and Thomas.............. Barn. C., Co. D.
+ Possibly for Coningaby, six miles from Stirwould, but possibly Coneysby in the north of 
the county.

P.181 - (v) - Appendix I.

1646 June 2 - Christopher Longstaffe = Dorothie Dymock..............Horsington, Co. L.
1646 Nov. 17 - Henry Pearpoynt = Alce Longstaff........................Horsington, Co. L.
1647 Apr. 20 - Thomas Langstaff, of Keltonn, and Elizabeth Weightman, of the same, married 20th die...........Rom., Co. Y.
1647 Nov. 25 - Richard Harrison, of Middletonn in Teasdaile, = Hellen Langstaffe, of Mickletonn.......... Rom., Co. Y.
1648 July 27 - John Blythe, of Bishopsgate, silkeweover, = Lucie Langstraffe, of Ratcliffe highway, maid.............. Stepney, Co. Mx.


1649 Apr.12 - Robert Allanson = Marie Langstaff of the Woodside in Teasedaile..Rom. Co. D.
1649 Dec.20 - Martin Bell = Katherine Longstraffe, of Shotton...............Stain., Co. D.
1653 May 17 - Charles Bainbrigg, of Chrosthwaite, and Elizabeth Langstaffe of Mickleton, married 17th.......... Rom., Co. Y.
1653 Nov. 4 - Henry Langstaffe, of Longthorn, tailor, son of Henry, of the same place, in the parish of Bedale, about the age of 25,= Dorothy Jackson of Great Crackall, spinster, she aged 23............Bedale, Co. Y.
1653 Feb. 4 - William Langstaffe, of Mickleton, and Hellen Mickleton, of the same Towne. Banns of marriage, Feb. 5, 12, 19..............Rom., Co. Y.
1654 Sep 28 - Henry Newby, of Gainford Parish, = Ann Langstaff, of Rombalchurch parish. Publication, 10, 17, 24 Sep..............Gainford, Co. D.
1655 Jun ? - George Langstaff = Margaret Grainger..................Kirkby Stephen, Co. W.
1655 Aug.20 - Anthony Grindall = Anne Langstaffe, both of North Auckland ...St. A.A.Co. D.
1655 Nov 20 - Will’m. Skaife = Alice Langstaffe........................Heighington, Co. D.
1656 Jul. ? - William Langstaffe, mason, and Barbary How, spinster, both within the Chapelry of St. Hellen, Auckland. Banns published, 6, 13, 20 July..........St, Hel., A., Co. D.
1656 Oct. 9 - William Langstray, of Hunslit carre = Elisabeth Alan, of Calbrow, Married by Marma Hicks, Ald [erman]............Leeds, Co. Y.
1657 May 11 - Robert Longstaff = Agnes Hartley......................Kirkby Stephen, Co. W.
1657 Jun. 4 - William Longstaffe and Jane Raine, both of Mickleton, p. of Romaldkirke, married att Hipswell , by William Thornton, Justice of the Peace. [Banns published in parish church, May 10, 17, 24.]............Rom., Co. Y.
1657 Nov.? - William Langstaffe of Mickleton and Tamar Dent of Chrostwhaite , both in this parish. Banns, Nov. 1, 8, 15...........Rom., Co. Y.
1657 Nov.19 - Henry Longstaff = Elizabeth Porter, of Longthorn..............Bedale, Co. Y.
1657-8 Feb.?- James Langstaffe, of Mickleton, & Hellinor Tinckler, of the same. Banns. Jan 24, 31, Feb. Seventh............Rom., Co. Y.
1658 Nov.? - John Langstaffe, of Stackholme in Lune, and Jennett Law, Of this parish. Banns, Nov. Seventh 14, 21............Rom., Co. Y.
1658 Dec.10 - John Longstaff = Anne Greenwell, both of Longthorn............Bedale, Co. Y.
1659 May 12 - James Wray = Ann Langstraffe..................................Stain, Co. D.

P.182 - (vi) - Appendix I.

King Charles 11

1660 Oct. 2 - John Longstaffe = Elizabeth Blowe........... St. James, Clerkenwell, Co. Mx.
1661 Apr. ? - Thomas Johnson, of Rombaldkirke, & Hellinor Langstaffe of Mickleton. Banns. April 14, 21, 28...........Rom., Co. Y.
1661 Apr.27 - William Whorton = Katherin Langstaff.........................Winnton, Co. D.
1661 Jul 21 - Thomas Langstaffe = Ann Duffield.............St. James, Clerkenwell, Co. Mx.
1662 Apr. 1 - George Langstaffe = Dorothy [?Langstaffe], both of this p......Darl., Co. D.
1662 Jun. 5 - Michaell Raine & Margaret Langstaffe, both of Mickleton, married 5th day.............Rom., Co. Y.
1662 Oct.21 - Ralph Dixon, of Eggleston,= Alice Langstaffe of Rombaldkirke....Rom., Co. Y.
1663 Nov. 7 - Matthew Lamgstaffe, of Middleton St. George, Co. Durham, Yeoman, and Margaret Bishopbriggs, spinster.............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1664 Jun. 7 - Thomas Riles = Ann Langstaffe of Houlbecke.....................Leeds, Co. Y.
1665 1655?] - Jul.28 - Thomas Longstaff = Elizabeth Newby...............Cockfield, Co. D.
1665-6 Feb.10 William Langstaffe - Alice Dunn..........................St. Hel., A, Co. D.
1666 May 19 - John Mickleton, of Mickleton,& Margaret Langstaffe, of the same, marr. 19th............Rom., Co. Y.
1666 Jun.21 - William Dent, of Within hill in Lune, and Mary Langstaffe, of Hewry, married the 21st day.............. Rom., Co. Y.
1666 Oct.13 - Henry Hindle = Sarah Langstaffe, of Hilhousbankes, with a licence, by M’ Cooke............ Leeds, Co. Y.
1666 Nov.15 - William Langstaffe, of Mickleton, & Hellinor Tompeon, of the same, married the 15th day..............Rom., Co. Y.
1666 Nov.20 - Thomas Kell = Anne Langstaffe............................Heighington, Co. D.
1667 Sep. 1 - Thomas Oagle = Margaret Longstaff........................Houghton S., Co. D.
1667-8 Dec.2- James Langstaffe, son of James Langstaffe, of Healey in Swaledale = Elizabeth Robinson............York Quaker Register.
1668 Apr.22 - John Langstaffe, of Mickleton,& Margaret Raine, of the same, married 22nd...........Rom., Co. Y.
1668 Apr.25 - Will’m Thompson, of Mickleton, and Hellinor Langstaffe, of y’ same, married 25th.............Rom., Co. Y.
1669 Jun.28 - Simond Langstaffe = Elizabeth Bainbrigg, both of Kelton.........Rom., Co. Y.
1669 Jun.24 - Richard Varah, of Startforth, & Grace Langstaf of East briscoe, married in Arklegarthdale, by me, Thomas Drinkale.........Rom., Co. Y.
1669 Nov.13 - William Wright of Hunwick, yeoman, & Elizabeth Langstaff of Bishop Auckland, spinster.......... Marr. Bond Durham.
1669 Nov.14 - Gulielmus Wright uxorum duxit Elizabetham Langstaffe......Durham Cathedral.
1670 Jun.15 - William Spenceley of St.Andrew, Auckland = Jane Langstaff of Raby............Stain. Co. D.
1670 Sep.29 - George Cockell, of Altofts, aged 32,& Margaret Longstaff, of Rodwell [Rothwell], aged 22. Surety, Robert Collison, of Altofts, to be married at Pontefract..............York Marriage Bond.
1671 Nov.29 - Thomas Longstaff, of Lonton, & Elizabeth Addison of y’same, married 29th..........Rom., Co. Y.

P.183 - (vii) - Appendix I. 

1671 Nov.30 - Francis Turner = Marie Longstaffe.........................Horsington, Co. L.
1772 Apr.23 - Radulphus Lazenby = Margaret Langstaff.....................St. A. A., Co. D.
1672 May 7 - Thos. Langstraffe = Anne Lodge................................Stain., Co. D.
1672 Nov.30 - William Walker = Debora Langstaffe, of Hunslit. Lic............Leeds, Co. Y.
1672 Dec.26 - Symond Young = Mary Langstaff..........................South Shields, Co. D.
1672-3 Jan 23 Thomas Hall = Maria Langstaffe.............................St. A. A., Co. D.
1673 May 13 - John Langstaffe = Elizabeth Hamon, of Hunslit................Leeds, Co. Y.
1673 Sep. 9 - Danyel Langstaffe of Hunslit = Sarah Ward, of Skelton Grange....Leeds Co. Y.
1674 May 13 - Joseph Cradocke = Jane Longstaffe............................Barn.C., Co. D.
1674 May 14 - Robert Todd = Jane Longstaff..............................Wolsingham, Co. D.
1674 Jun.18 - Christopher Oxenard of Mickleton, & Isbel Langstaff, merryed the 18 day..........Rom., Co. Y.
1675 Apr.27 - George Langstraffe = Margery Bailey [Bailes ?]...............Stain., Co. D.
1675 May 4 - Richard Darnton, of Winston, = Margaret Langstaffe, both of this parish...........Stain. Co. D.
1675 May 4 - Jacobus Longstaffe = Margareta Denison.....................St. A. A., Co. D.
1676 Apr. 2 - Thomas Langstaffe = Barbary Hedley......................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1676 Apr.28 - Arthur Longstaffe of Horsington, yeom. & Elizabeth Brownlow, of Waddingworth
spr. Surety, Thomas Brownlow, of Waddingworth, Yeom. Witness, R. Shipman. [at Waddingworth
or Horsington.].........Lincoln Marr. Bond.
1676 May 9 - John Wade = Isabell Langstraffe, with Lycence.................Stain., Co. D.
1675 Jun. 4 - Michaell Langstaff, of Mickleton, & Margaret Jonson, merryed the 4 day..........Rom., Co. Y.
1776 Jul.18 - John Langstaff = An Cade..............................South Shields, Co. D.
1776 Oct. 3 - 10 mo. 3 - Thomas Pennington, of Leeds, = Anne Langstaffe, daughter of Elizabeth Langstaffe, of Healey in Swaledale............York Quaker Reg.
1676 Dec. 2 - Christopher Longstaffe = Ellin Pierson, of Langthorn..........Bedale, Co. Y.
1677 Sep.23 - John Bowbanke = Margery Longstraffe.*........................Stain., Co. D.
1678 May 2 - John Hartley, of Sandforth = Elianor Longstafe, de Rookby Scarth............ Kirkby Stephen, Co. W.
1678 Nov. 1 - William Nicholson = Anne Longstaffe.........................Aycliffe, Co. D.
1678 Nov.14 - Christopher Langstaff & Elizabeth Baylee, merryed the 14 day....Rom., Co. Y.
1678-9 Mar.7 Thomas Longstaff of Bishop Auckland, yeoman, & Margaret Lowther, spinster............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1678-9 Mar.11 Bothewell Langstaffe, of Windlestone, Freemason, and Ann Hudson, spinster............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1679 May 15 - Gulielmus Longstaffe = Elizabetha Wright...................St. A. A., Co. D.
1679 Nov. 5 - Robertus Langstaffe et Margarita Atkinson, in matrimonia conjuncti in Ecclesia de Rokeby........... Rokeby,Co.Y.
1680 Nov. 7 - Simon Sowerby et Anne Longstaff, in matrimonia conjuncti.... Rokeby, Co. Y.
1681 Jun. 1 - Nicholas Dent & Margaret Langstaff, marryed y’ first day....... Rom., Co. Y.

* Their daughter, Anne (bap. 1 Aug. 1678. Married Robert Marley, 22 May 1705....Staindrop.

P.184 - (viii) - Appendix I. 

1681 Jun. 2 - Thomas Langstaff & Elinor Dent, marryed the 2nd day............Rom., Co. Y.
1682 Sep.27 - John Langstaffe = Elisabeth Brown, both of this Town...........Darl., Co. D.
1682 10 mo.21 - Daniel Longstafe, of Holbeck = Sarah Croft, of Carleton.............York Quaker Register.
1682-3 Jan 25 - John Maving, of Rothbury = Alice Longstaffe of Newcastle....Rothbury Co.NBL.
1683 May 13 - Thomas Raine & Margaret Langstaff, merryed the 13 day..........Rom., Co. Y.
1684 3 mo.11 - Soloman Turpin = Jane Langstaff, both of Whopload, at Thomas mother’s house in Whopload........... Lincoln Quaker Register.
1684 Jul.22 - John Langstaff = Anne Newby...............St. Hel., A., Co. D.

King James 11.

1684-5 Mar.24 - Abell Langstaffe & Catherine Morley, both of this p. were marryed with Lycence an’o p’dict............. St. A.A., Co. D.
1685 Apr.29 - Henry Langstaffe, of Wallworth [near Heighington], yeoman, & Margaret Robson [Robison?] widow. *............Marriage Bond, Durham.
1686 Jun. 4 - Alen [Hen?] Pattrick, and Ann Longstaff marryed.................Rom., Co. Y.
1686 Sept 7 - Robt. Longstaff = Mary Shaftoe...........................South Sheilds Co.D.
1686 Oct.24 - Richard Baker, widower, = Elisabeth Longstaff, spr. John Plate, gave her..........St. James, Dukes Place, Co. Mx.
1686 Nov. 9 - Robert Mires = Elizabeth Langstaffe, both of y” p............St. A.A., Co.D.
1688 May 6 - John Lee, bach. = Mary Longstraff, spr. Will. Dent gave her.............St. James, Dukes-Place, Co. Mx.

William & Mary 

1690 Jun. 4 - Christopher Gibson = Jane Langstaff.............................Rom., Co. Y.
1691 May 2 - Simond White = Jane Langstaffe.............................St. A. A., Co. D.
1692 Jun.11 - Johannes Shaw et Maria Langstaffe, in matrimonia conjuncti....Rokeby, Co. Y.
1692 Jun.12 - George Longstaff = Ann Marshall, of Pickering.................Whitby, Co. Y.
1693 Jul.18 - William Gowland, of the parish of Stranton,= Isabell Langstaffe, of the parish of Billingham............ St. Oswald, Durham.
1694 Apr.29 - John Longstaff = Elis. Camell...........................South Shields. Co.D.

King William 111.

1695 Mar.31 - Christopher Dent = Mary Longstaff, both of Lunedale, within the parish of Romaldkirk............ Rom., Co. D.
1696 May 14 - George Hill = Elizabeth Langstaffe, both of this p..............Rom., Co. Y.
1696 Oct.18 - Robert Langstaffe = Ann Dent..............................Wolsingham, Co. D.
1696 Nov. 6 - John Eblewhite = Mary Longstaff...........................Horsington, Co. L.
1696-7 Feb.1. William Longstaff = Mary Stewarden....................Kirkby Stephen, Co. W.
1697 Apr.11 - Bernard Simpson = Margaret Langstaffe.........................Stain., Co. D.
1698 Jun. 7 - George Longstaff = Elizabeth Hedrington...............Crosby Garrett, Co. W.

* Her maiden name was Gregery. See Darlington Copyhold 1699.

P.185 - (ix) - Appendix I.

1698 Dec.30 - Thomas Longstaffe, of St.Giles in the Fields, Co. Mx., bach., about 21, and Elizabeth Deane, of St. Leonard’s, Shoreditch., maiden, aged 23 years, to marry at St. Leonards, Shoreditch..............Faculty Office Licence.
1699 May 7 - George Emerson, of Cockfield, & Mary Langstaffe of Mickleton....Rom., Co. Y.
1699 May 11 - John Longstaffe, of Sedgefield = Margaret Hunter, of Middles [P]..........Lanchester,Co.D.
1699 Jul. 4 - Thomas Longstaffe = Anne Peacock, both of this p...........St. A. A., Co. D.
1699 Nov. 7 - George Bayles = Frances Langstaffe, both of this p.........St. A. A., Co. D.
1700 May 31 - Edward Longstaff = Hannay Hilton.......................South Shields, Co. D.
1700 Aug.15 - John Taylor = Jane Longstaff...........................South Shields, Co. D.
1701 Jun.15 - James Langstaffe, of Stackholme,& Mary Dent, of Close House.....Rom., Co. Y.
1701 Jun.29 - Thomas Longstaff = Mary Hudson, of Morley,in y’constablery of barrondry.[of Evenwood.- common omission].............St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1701 Nov.20 - Mr. George Longstaff, of the city of Carlisle = Mrs.[?] Margaret Briscoe, of Great Orton.......Great Orton, Co. Cumberland.

Queen Anne.

1702 May 31 - Christopher Langstaffe of Mickleton= Elizabeth Bainbrigg, of Romaldkirk...........Rom. Co. Y
1702 1X 10 - Benjamin Foster of Stockton, meeting = Sarah Langstaff, dau. of John Langstaff, neer Whitby..........Stockton Quaker Minutes.
1702 Sep.15 - Michaell Buck = Mary Longstaff..............St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1702 Oct.20 - Robert Langstaffe,*of Newcastle upon Tyne, gentleman, & Esther Aynesley, spr. Both [?] of St.Andrew, Auckland . Bondsman,. Thomas Langstaffe of the Lizards, near Sedgefield, yeoman. To be married at St. Andrew, Newcastle.............Durham Marr. Bonds.
1703 Apr.22 - Wm. Raine = Isabel Langstaffe of Mickleton......................Rom., Co. Y.
1703 Oct.19 - Wm. Thompson & Eliz. Langstaffe of Mickleton....................Rom., Co. Y.
1703 9mo.28 - John Walton = Ellinor Langstaffe of Mickleton...................Rom., Co. Y.
1703-4 Feb. 24 - Cuthbert Pinkney= Anne Langstaff of Eglestone...........Middleton, Co. D.
1704 May 24 - George Langstaff = Elizabeth Sowerby, of the parish of Romaldkirk, spinster, aet 24, or thereabouts............Marr. Bond, Ripon.
1704 Oct.19 - Mich’ Langstaff = Ann Sowerby of Mickleton......................Rom., Co. Y.
1704 Nov.26 - George Langstraffe, of this parish= Elizabeth Perkin of y’ chapelrie of Hamsterley...........Stain., Co. D.
1705 Feb.14[?]Thomas Cradock = Dina Langstaff..............................Barn.C., Co. D.
1705 Oct.23 - Thomas Langstaffe = Mary Law, both of this p..............St. A. A., Co. D.
1706 May 19 - Anthony Watson of West Renton=Elizabeth Longstaff........Houghton S., Co. D.
1706 Jun.30 - John Longstaff = Ann Weatherburn.......................South Shields, Co. D.
1707 Jun.10 - John Langstaffe = Margaret Watson, both of this p..........St. A. A., Co. D.

*1750 Mar.4 - Robert Longstaff, of Newcastle upon Tyne, yeoman, was surety to a bond of intended marriage between Edmund Brown and Mary Newton, of Monk Wearmouth.

P.186 - (x) - Appendix I.

1707 Nov.14 - John Longstaffe, of Woll, co.York, gent,& Alice Winter..Marr.Bond, Carlisle.
?1707-8* Feb.1 - Geo. Appleby= Jane longstaffe of Cotherstone. Lic............Rom., Co. Y.
1709 Jun.23 - Wm. Langstaffe, of Kelton =Isabell Binyon.......................Rom., Co. Y.
1709-10 1mo.8.Joseph Langstaff, broad clothier,of Holbeck, son of Daniel Langstaffe, of Holbeck, deceased. = Eliz. Post, of Snawdon in Otley............York Quaker Reg.
1710 Jun.12 - John Rose & Agnes Langstaffe, spinster, aet, 22 or thereabouts.............Marr. Bond, Ripon.
1710 Jun.15 - Geo. Langstaffe of Hund’= Agnes Walker of Hewry.................Rom., Co. Y.
1710 Jul.23 - John Rose = Agnes Langstaffe, by lycence dated 12 July..........Rom., Co. Y.
1710 Dec.23 - John Longstaffe of Cros Buts, in the county of York, gent.,aet 55, and Dinah Ward, aet.28. To be married at Hinderwell Church, 24 Dec. 1710. Surety, John Watson, of Whitby, gent. Witness,John Robinson & Joseph Wood............Marr. Bond, York.
1710 Dec.26 - Mathew Moss = Ann Longstaff...............South Shields, Co. D.
1711 May 27 - Isabel Longstaff = Robert Fenwick..............Great Ayton, Co. D.
1711 Aug.18 - John Langstaffe of Mickleton = Elizabeth Horne of Lune..........Rom., Co. Y.
1711 Sep.19 - George Longstaff = Agnes Bakestraw............Kirkby Stephen, Co. W.
1712 Apr.26 - Thomas Langstaffe of West Auckland, yeoman, & Ruth Henderson, widow..............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1712 May 13 - John Langstaffe = Elizabeth Croft, both of this parish.....St. A, A., Co. D.
1712 May 28 - Thomas Langstaff=Ruth Henderson, widow, of West Auckland.............St. Hel., Co.D.
1713 Apr. 7 - John Bardon = Eliz. Longstaff.............Aycliffe, Co. Durham.
1713 May 5 - John Clark = Mary Langstaffe, both of this parish..........St. A. A., Co. D.
1713 June 4 - Lawrence Langstaffe = Margrett Langstaffe both of Mickleton.....Rom., Co. Y.
1713 Aug. 1 - Jeremiah Longstaff, of Mickleton, co. York., gent. and Anne Morresby, widow. He of the parish of Romboldkirk, she of St. John, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.............Marr.Bond, Durham.
1713 Aug. 1 - Jeremiah Longstaff, of the parish of Rumboldkirk, in the diocese of York, = Anne Moeresbye, of the chapelry of St. John, in Newcastle................Durham Cathedral.
1713 Aug. 1 - Henry Langstaffe, of West Auckland, yeoman, and Elizabeth Sedgwick, spr. He of St. Helen’s Auckland, she of Staindrop. Surety, William Longstaff.............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1713 Aug. 1 - Henry Langstaffe of the parish of St. Hellen,in Aukland,= Elizabeth Sedgwick of the parish of Staindropp.............Durham Cathedral.
1713 Sep. 1 - Geo. Beedell = Elizabeth Longstaff, of Kelton...................Rom., Co. Y.
1713 Oct. 1 - Nicholas Rayne = Anne Longstaff............................Stockton, Co. D.
1713 Dec.21 - Thomas Longstaff,of Darlington = Anne Boyd, of Houghton..Houghton, S.,Co. D.
1713 Dec.28 - Gilbert Longstaff = Isabel Ramsay.....................South Shields, Co., D.

* Probably the year of this marriage is wrong.

P.187 - (xi) - Appendix I.

1714 Nov.17[?] William Longstaff = Mary Young................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1715 Aug. 14 Lancelot Newby, of Barnard Castle + Mary Longstaff, of Cotherstone. Lyc..............Rom., Co. Y.
1715 Nov. 8 - John Langstaffe = Ann Asquith of Cockerton....................Darl., Co. D.
1715-6 Jan.26 Wm. Raine de Conies, Mickleton = Margaret Langstaff.............Rom., Co. Y.
1716 June 10 - Francis Langstaffe = Mary Hodgson of Richmond.................Bowes, Co. Y.
1716 Nov. 11 - Ralph Longstaff = Dorothy Wain, both of Bedale...............Bedale, Co, Y.
1716-7 Jan.28 Robert Langstaffe, shoemaker, = Sarah Trotter of Cockerton....Darl., Co. D.
1717 Apr. 29 - Wm. Langstaffe = Elizabeth Forrest, native of Darlington......Darl., Co. D.
1717 May 19 - Richard Burdon = Ann Longstaff, both of Houghton.............Denton, Co. D.
1717 Oct. 13 - Will. Edrinton + Margaret Langstaffe, both of this parish......St.A.A.,C.D.
1718 Nov. 13 - John Longstaffe = Mary Westmoreland........................Whorlton, Co. D.
1719 May 5 - James Longstaff = Mary Carlill..............................Denton, Co. D.
1719 Sep. 27 - Rob. Longstaff = Dorithy Browne.......................South Shields, Co. D.
1719-20 Jan.26.John Longstaff of Darlington = Ann Wardon of Hetton.....Houghton, S.,Co. D.
1720 May 19 - Thos. Addison, of Unthank, yeoman, = Eleanor Langstaff.........Rom., Co. Y.
1720 May 23 - Simond Longstaff, yeoman= Mary Wholeton, with Banns............Rom., Co. Y.
1720 Jun.15 - William Langstaffe of Kelton, yeoman = Catherine Raine, with Banns............Rom., Co. Y.
1720 Sep. 8 - Francis Langstaffe of Richmond, ffellmonger, and Ruth Smalpage of the same, spr., aged 22 or thereabouts.............Marr. Bond, Ripon.
1721 Jun.15 - William Langstaffe of Romaldkirk, yeoman, = Margaret Kipling with Banns..............Rom., Co. Y.
1721-2 Jan.16.John Longstaff of Kelton = Mary Raine, Banns. Rom., Co. Y..................
1722 Jun. 5 - John Langstaffe of Birkhat = Elizabeth Stoddart, with Banns.....Rom., Co. Y.
1722 Sep. 2 - Simon Longstaff = Phillis Coats, both of Panns..........Bp.Wearmouth, Co. D.
1723 Apr. 3 - John Dixon of Haughton, near [Darlington] and Mary Longstaff of Staindrop, spr. To be married at Staindrop............Marr. Bond. Durham.
1723 May 16 - John Langstaffe of Lune, yeoman = Elizabeth Wall. Banns certified by y’ curate of Stanhope.............Rom., Co. Y.
1723 Jun. 3 - John Bernard Gilpin of Scaleby& Matilda Longstaff, spr..,Marr.Bond,Carlisle.
1723 Jun. 3 - William Gilpin, of Scaleby and Margaret Longstaff........Marr.Bond,Carlisle.
1723 Dec.26 - Richard Longstaff of Great Ayton, married Elizabeth Boot.Great Ayton, Co. D.
1724 May 8 - James Langstaffe = Mary Swinbanke, of Bildershaw........St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1724 May 25 - George Longstaff = Mary Bowman, by lycence............Kirkby Stephen, Co. W.
1724 Sep.22 - Robert Langstaffe = Anne [?Lamstaff], native of Darlington......Darl. Co. D.

  P.188 (xii) Appendix I. 

1724 Oct.17 - Anthony Taylor of Foul Ford, Co. Durham, & Elizabeth Langstaff, of Hamsterley, spinster, to be married in the Cathedral Church of Durham.............Marr.Bond, Durham.
1724 Oct.18 - Anthony Taylor = Eliz. Langstaffe, of y’ Chappelry of Witton Gilbert............Dioc. Durham. Durham Cathedral.
1725 Mar.31 - Robert Stobs, of St. Andrew’s,Co. Durham = Margaret Langstaffe of Mickleton. Lic.............Rom., Co. Y.
1725 Jun.20 - John Longstaffe = Jane Gibbon...................................Ham., Co. D.
1725 Nov.10 - Anthony Langstaff = Anne Lamb, of Houghton le Spring.....Houghton S., Co. D.
1726 Jun.11 - Joseph Oysten = Katherin Longstaff, of West Auckland....St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1726 Dec.26 - James Weatherburn and Mary Longstaff...................South Shields, Co. D.
1726 Dec.30 - George Longstaffe, of Monkwearmouth, master mariner & Marie Burn, of the same place, spinster. To be married at Monkwearmouth.............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1726-7 Jan.1. William Longstaff = Ann Wilkinson......................South Shields, Co. D.
1726-7 Jan.15.Geo. Langstaffe, of Soulsby = Agnes Horne of Black Horse, in Lune, B...........Rom., Co. Y.
1727 Jun. 8 - Wm. Langstaff = Anne Dowson, both of y’ parish.............St. A. A., Co. D.

King George 11 

1727 Jun.29 - John Longstaffe = Agnes Hastwell, widow...............Kirkby Stephen, Co. W.
1727 Aug. 8 - James Fae = Hannah Longstaff..........................South Shields, Co. D.
1728 May 21 - Wm. Raine [o’dukes,] senior, of Mickleton = Agnes Langstaffe. B...Rom.Co. Y.
1728-9 Feb.11.Robert Longstaff, son and heir apparent, of William Langstaff, of East
Layton, yeoman, and Mary Wilson, daughter of Ralph Wilson, of Mansfield, yeoman. Marriage
Settlement...........................................................North Riding Records.
1729 May 4 - John Langstaffe = Ruth Collin, of Darlington...................Darl., Co. D.
1730 May 3 - Robert Longstaffe = Mary Brown..........................St. Nicholas Durham.
1730 Oct.11 - Thomas Longstaff = Ann Beckworth..............................Escomb, Co. D.
1732 Apr.17 - Jno. Langstaft, [possibly Langstaff, Langslast or Langshaft] = Ann Wood wik,
[possibly Woodwith] lic.....................................................Rokeby, Co. Y.
1732 May 28 - William Longstaff = Sarah Peacock..............................Arken, Co. Y.
1732 Dec.15 - Thomas Parnaby = Elizabeth Langstaffe, both of y’ p........St. A. A., Co. D.
1733 Apr. 4 - William Gibbon = Jane Longstaffe of Coxhouse............St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1734 Nov. 5 - William Arrowsmith = Anne Longstaffe, both of this p.......St. A. A., Co. D.
1734 Dec.23 - Wm. Thompson = Margaret Longstaffe, both of this p.........St. A. A., Co. D.
1735 Jun.23 - Thomas Longstaffe = Ann Hird...................................Arken, Co. Y.
1735 Jul.10 - Henry Cummin = Mary Langstaffe, both of this p.............St. A. A., Co. D.
1735 Jul.17 - George Langstaff, of Eaym, Co. Derby, gent., bachelor, 36, and Mary Finney
of Rowden, York Diocese, widow, 30. To be Married at Rowden, Bolster Stone or Hunslet
chapels..................................................................Marr. Bond, York.

P.189 - (xiii) - Appendix I.

1735 Oct.25 - Jeremiah Langstaff, of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne, yeoman, and Margery Tindall, spinster. He of the parish of St. Nicholas, Newcastle, she of the parish of
Giggleswick, of the diocese of York. To be married in St. Nicholas Church aforesaid............
.......................................................................Marr. Bond, Durham.
1735 Oct.28 - Jeremiah Langstaff = Margery Tindall, spinster..St.Nicholas, Newcastle/Tyne.
1736 Jun. 3 - Thomas Langstaffe = Mary Wellfoot, both of this p..........St. A. A., Co. D.
1736 8mo. 6 - Joseph Smith, of Holbeck = Sarah Langstaffe dau. of Joseph Langstaffe,
clothier, of Holbeck; married at Leeds...............................York Quaker Register.
1736 Oct.30 - Robert Langstaff & Ann Davison, of the chapelry of St. Andrew, Auckland.............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1737 Apr.21 - Daniel Fowler, of Bucknall = Mrs. Susan Longstaff, of Wispington................Waddingworth, Co. L.
1737 Apr.21 - Thomas Heath = Hannah Langstaffe, both of this p...............A. A., Co. D.
1737 May 1 - John Langstaff = Elizabeth Walker..........................Cockfield, Co. D.
1737 Aug.25 - John Langstaff, of the p. Of Kirkby Stephen = Mary Pletts, of Blands.............Crosby Garrett, Co. W.
1737 Dec. 6 - George Longstaff, of the p. of Tynemouth, & Christian Hamilton, of the p. of Yearsden.[?]*............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1738 Jun.22 - Thos., son of William Thompson = Mary, dau. of John Langstaffe, both of Mickleton. Banns............Rom., Co. Y.
1738 Jun.25 - William Ludgator, wid., = Ann Langstaff, sp.......... St. Geo. H. S. Co. Mx.
1738 Jun.25 - [?38-39 Jan. 26] Robert Watson of Staindrop, in the diocese of Durham,& Anne Langstaff, of the parish of St. John, in the diocese of Chester, were married by virtue of a Licence.............Startforth, Co. Y. 
1738 Aug.29 - Nathaniel Jones = Hannah Langstaffe, both of this p........St. A. A., Co. D.
1738 Dec.25 - Robert Watson aged 27, batchelour, & Ann Longstaff aged 23, spinster, at parish church of Startforth, Co. York, and diocese of Chester...........Marr. Bond, Ripon.
1739 May 5 - Mathew Langstaffe = Ann Thompson of Kelton.....................Rom., Co. Y.
1739 Aug. 8 - William Longstaff, tailor, = Ann Walker of Darlington..........Darl., Co. D.
1739 Nov. 8 - Thomas Parkin = Margaret Langstaffe of Mickleton................Rom., Co. Y.
1740 Apr.21 - [?or 29] Thomas Longstaff, of Staindrop, yeoman,& Mary Linn, of the same
parish, spinster. To be married at Staindrop or Cockfield. He is aged 26, she is 22.............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1740 Aug. 4 - Thomas Robson, of Romaldchurch = Catherine Langstaff......St.Oswald, Durham.
1740 Jun.14 - John Langstaff,+ of Hury[?] in the parish of Romaldkirk, Co.York, and
diocese of Chester, aet 35,& Jane Robson of Baldersdale, of parish, co., and diocese a
foresaid, aged 23, at parish church of Brignall.........................Marr. Bond, Ripon.
1740 Aug. 4 - Thomas Robson of Romaldchurch = Catherine Langstaff......St. Oswald, Durham.

+For issue of this match, see Pedigree No. 20.
* Probably Earsden - C. Johnson.

P.190 - (xiv) - Appendix I. 

1740 Sep.25 - William Longstaffe of Monkwearmouth parish, widower, and Susanna Stephenson, of that parish, spinster, his age not given, hers 27. To be married at Monkwearmouth..............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1741 Jun.23 - John Langstaffe = Hannah Wellfoot, both of this p..........St. A. A., Co. D.
1741 9mo. 4 - John Lister of Holbeck = Martha Langstaffe, dau. of Joseph Langstaffe of Holbeck; married at Meadow Lane, Leeds..............York Quaker Reg.
1741 Oct.27 - Wm. Richard, of the p. of St. Dennis, York, = Ann Langstaff, of this p............Rom., Co. Y.
1742 Jul.27 - John Talbot = Margaret Langstaffe, both of this p...........St. A A., Co. D.
1742 Aug. 5 - Thomas Langstaff, of Rothbury, Northumberland, Excise Officer, and Elizabeth Park, spinster, of Rothbury..............Marr. Bond, Durham.
1742 Sep.23 - William Langstaffe & Eleanor Stringer, both of this p......St. A. A., Co. D.
1743 Nov.30 - George Langstaffe, of this parish = Elizabeth Sidgwick, of St. Hellen, Auckland............Ham., Co. D.
1744 May 12 - John Pinkney = Ann Langstaffe, both of this p..............St. A. A., Co. D.
1744 May 21 - John Bainbridge = Mary Langstaff, both of this p. B.............Rom., Co. D.
1744 Nov.15 - John Garland = Anne Longstaff, single persons........Halton Holegate, Co. L.745 Jun.17 - William Longstaff = Francis Chapman.............Darl., Co. D.
1745-6 Feb.9. Thomas Longstaff = Mary Dobinson, both of this p. B.....St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1746 Sep.15 - William Langstaffe, of West Scrafton, Co. York, aged above 32, batchelor, & Elizabeth Lodge, of Outershaw, Co. York, aged above 34, spinster, at Parish Church of Coverham............Marr. Bond, Ripon.
1747 Oct.22 - John Longstaff = Mary Hodge, both of Cockerton.................Darl., Co. D.
1747-8 Feb. 6.Michael Bell = Sarah Longstaff. Licence.....................Whickham, Co. D.
1747-8 Feb.13.George Langstaff, of the Chappelry of St. Hellens, Auckland, Batchelor, and Mary Shotton, of the college in Durham. He aged 28 years, she 22 years. To be married in 
the Chapel of St. Hellens, Auckland, or the Cathedral Church of Durham.............Marr.Bond, Durham.
1747-8 Feb.13.George Langstaffe, of Bishop Aukland = Mary Shotton, of y’college in Durham; by Dr. Sharp.............Durham Cathedral.
1748 Jul.20 - William Pricklove, batchelor, = Barbara Longstaff, sp. By Licence of the
Archbp. of Canterbury...........St. Geo. H. S. Co. Mx.
1748 Aug.16 - John Langstaffe = Mary Horn, both of this p. B..................Rom., Co. D.
1748-9 Jan.24.Thomas Talentire = Elizabeth Langstaff both of this p......St. A. A., Co. D.
1749 May 1 - Wm. Langstaffe = Ann Alderson, both of this p. B...............Rom., Co. Y.
1749 May 25 - John Longstaff = Barbara Chisman, both of this p........St. Hel., A., Co, D.
1749 Sep 9 - John Havelock, of Lambsley, Co. Durham, millwright, and Elizabeth Langstaff, both aged 23 years. To be married at Lamesley Chapel..................Marr. Bond., Durham.
1749 Dec. 4 - William Langstaff, Clerk, Vicar of Marsk = Mary Weddell of Bubwith. Lic.............York Minster.
1749 Dec.26 - Thomas Langstaffe = Mary Henderson, both of this parish....St. A, A., Co. D.
1750 Apr.16 - Joseph Langstaffe = Sarah Cummin, both of this p..........St. A. A., Co. D.
1750 May 2 - John Langstaffe = Mary Lazenby, both of this p........St. A. A., Co, Durham.
1750 May 31 - John Langstaffe = Jane Blake, of Field Head, Nubiggen......Middleton, Co. D.

P.191 - (xv) - Appendix I.

1750 Aug.10 - George Longstaff = Elizabeth Shaw.........................Brancepeth, Co. D.
1750 Oct.29 - Rodger Bainbrigg -= Agnes Langstaff, both of this p. B..........Rom., Co. Y.
1750 Dec.29 - William Longstaff married Elizabeth Edmeston, both of Great Ayton...........
..........................................................................York Marr. Bond.
1751 May 7 - John Langstaffe = Rosamond Wall, both of this p............St. A. A., Co. D.
1751 Jun.4 - William Longstaffe of Bedale = Ellen Eshelby, of Branton Green, B...............Aldborough Transcript, Co. Y.
1751 Jun.25 - John Hutchinson = Elizabeth Langstaffe, both of this p.B........Rom., Co. Y.
1751 Jul.30 - William Robert = Ann Longstaff, both of Sedgefield....... Sedgefield, Co. D.


1752 Jun.10 - Rev. Mr. Christopher Gregson, of Ovingham, = Miss Margaret Langstaff, of
Mickleton. Lic.............Rom., Co. Y.
1752 Jun.29 - George Longstaff of the parish of Romaldkirk, yeoman, & Sarah Addison, of 
the same place, spinster................................................Marr. Bond, Ripon.
1752 Jul.20 - George Langstaffe of St.Martin’s Vintry, London = Jane Walker, of St.Mary’s Castle Gate, York. Lic.............York Minster.
1752 Aug.22 - John Longstaff = Miriam Andrew..............................Aycliffe, Co. D. 1752 Oct.19 - Christopher Langstaff = Winefred Warcup, of St James, Westminster..............St. Geo.Chapel, Mayfair, Co. Mx.
1753 Feb.11 - Joseph West = Ann Langstaffe, of St. Andrew’s Holborn...................St. Geo. Chapel, Mayfair, Co. Mx.
1753 Jun. 1 - William Longstaff, of the parish of St. Helen, Auckland = Elizabeth Wallace, of this parish.............St. A. A., Co. D.
1753 Sep. 2 - John Longstaff = Agnes Bales, of this p. B......................Rom., Co. Y.
1754 Apr. 5 - John Langstaffe = Mary Sanderson, both of this p. B.............Rom., Co. Y.
1754 Dec. 9 - George Leighton of Escomb,=Elizabeth Longstaff, of this p...St.Hel.A.,Co. D.
1755 Jul. 7 - John Goundrey of Kirkby Ravensworth, [near Richmond] = Elizabeth Longstaff, ys parish, by banns............Startforth, Co. Y.
1755 Jul.20 - John Longstaff, of this parish, single man, = Frances Toyn of the parish of Edlington, spr. B...........Haltham, Super Bais, Co. L.
1755 Aug.24 - William Gibbon = Katherine Longstaff, both of this parish.,[Catherine signed with an X] Witnesses; John Wade, Thomas Gibbon............Ham.’ Co. D.
1755 Oct. 2 - Wm. Hutchinson, of this parish, = Mary Langstaff, of Brough, B....Rom, Co.D.
1756 Sep.18 - William Longstaff, abd Dorothy Hewitt [?How], both of this p. By banns.[both sign with marks]............St. Hel., A., Co., D.
1756 Nov.11 - Joshua Longstaff, = Mary Read, both of this chapelry. Witn. William Fletcher, Peter Firbank............Barn,C., Co., D.
1756 Dec.27 - John Hird, = Ann Longstaff....................................Arken., Co. Y.
1757 May 26 - John Langstaffe = Christian Sayre both of this parish, B........Rom, Co. Y.
(See Above: Both of Lartington, Romaldkirk - Later of Bowes, Yks. (Carole Johnson)
1757 Jun.12 - Joseph Langstaff = Elizabeth Chapman, both of this chapelry. Witness, Robert
Gaskin, George Chapman B........... Barn, C., Co. D.

P.192 - (xvi) - Appendix I.

1758 May 20 - John Langstaff, yeoman = Grace Rudd, spr., both of this p. Lic..Rom., Co. Y.
1758 Nov.26 - James Sheill = Magdelan Langstaff, both of this p. Banns, Oct. 22, 29, and Nov. 5. Witn.: John Talbot, William Wascoe..........St. A. A., Co. D.
1759 Feb.26 - Thomas Longstaff = Margaret Bainbridge, both of this chapelry, Witn.: Thomas Longstaff, Phillip Hutchinson. B...............Barn. C., Co. D.
1759 May 13 - Thomas Dent = Hannah Longstaff, of this p., by banns............Rom., Co. Y.

King George 111.

1761 Feb. 1 - John Peareth, of Marsk= Margaret Longstaff, of Romaldkirk. B.....Rom., Co. D.
1761 Feb. 2 - William Kipling = Mary Longstaff..............................Arken., Co. Y.
1761 Jul.31 - Richard Langstaff = Deborah Plumpton, both of this p. Lic. Witn: William Bailes, John White. junr. Richard L. described in banns as of p. Of Sunderland..............St. Nicholas, Durham.
1761 Sep.27 - Enoch Atkinson = Mary Longstaff...............................Arken., Co. Y.
1761 Oct.31 - John Ord, of the p. of Whickham, Co. Durham., aged 28, bachelor, = Elianor Langstaffe, of this p. spinster..........Ovingham, Co. Northumberland.
1762 Jan. 1 - Joseph Longtaff = Phillis Caghill,both of this chapelry. Witn.: James Lonesdil, Peter Firbank. B..............Barn. C., Co. D.
1762 Jan.11 - John Patton, of thisp. = Elizabeth Langstaff, of Staindrop, Lic. Witn. Robt. Watson, Ann Watson, Robt. Firbank..............Gainford, Co. D.
1762 Jul.29 - Edward Longstaff = Elizabeth Butcher, both of Roughton. Witn.: John Butcher, William Frith............Roughton, Co. L.
1762 Nov.23 - John Langstaff of Skeeley,[? Skeeby] Grange, in the p. of Gilling, yeoman, and Elizabeth Bainbridge, of the same, spinsrer, both aged 21, to be married at Gilling...............Marr. Bond. Ripon.
1762 Dec.19 - George Langstaff = Elizabeth Kilburn, both of this p.George Langstaff, one of the witnesses. Banns..............Ham., Co. D.
1763 Jun.19 - Edward Oxnard = Mary Langstaffe, both of Mickleton. L..........Rom., Co. Y.
1764 Mar. 6 - William Longstaff = Ann Barningham............................Arken., Co. Y.
1764 May 10 - John Langstaff = Elizabeth Blenkiron..........................Cowton, Co. Y.
1764 Jun. 4 - George Langstaff & Ann Morgan, both of this p., were married in this Church, by banns, with the consent of parents, this 4 day of June 1764.[Ann signs with a mark]Banns published,May, 20, May 27, and June 10..............Ham., Co. D.
1764 Jun.11 - George Langstaffe, the younger = Isabel Gibbon, [mark] of this p.Banns published, May 27, June 3, June 10...............Ham., Co. D.
1765 May 3 - George Langstaffe of St. Andrew, Auckland,merchant, aet 24 and upwards, a bachelor, ( his father living) and Mary Buck, of St. Andrew, Auckland, spinster, aet 20 and upwards...............Marr. Bond. Durham.
1765 May 4 - George Langstaff = Mary Buck, both of this p., by licence. Witn.Jno. Gartham, William Wascoe......................................................... St. A. A., Co. D.

P.193 - (xvii) - Appendix I

1765 May 30 - Thomas Pratt = Elizabeth Longstaff, Licence. Witn.: John Longstaff, William
Wascoe...................................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1765 Jun.13 - Edward Keightley, bachelor = Martha Langstaff, widow, by licence............
....................................................................St. Geo. H. S. Co. Mx.
1765 Sep.16 - Thomas Langstaff = Hannah Frost................................Arken. Co. Y.
1765 Oct.17 - Mr. Joseph Langstaffe, gentleman, of Newcastle, = Mary Hutchinson, of
Romaldkirk, by licence........................................................Rom., Co. D.
1765 Nov.21 - John Longstaff [mark] = Eleonor Peverell [mark] both of this p. B. Witn.:
William Wascoe, Francis Johnson..........................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1766 Jun. 6 - John Longstaff = Rebecca Taylor, spr., both of of Rougham....Rougham, Co. L.
1766 Jul. 9 - William Hodgson = Eleanor Longstaff, both of this chapelry. B. Witn.:Thom.
Longstaff, Peter Firbank..................................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1766 Aug. 3 - William Longstaff = Margaret Kypling..........................Arken., Co. Y.
1766 Aug.24 - Christopher Langstaff = Jane Kipling, both of this p. by banns. A witness,
George Langstaff........................................................Startforth, Co. Y.
1767 Feb.26 - Rev. William Longstaff, Clerk of the p. of Sedgefield = Mary Hilton, of this
p. Lic. Witn.: Ra. Bowser, Eliz. Jeffreys, R. Nelson.................St. Nicholas, Durham.
1767 Apr.21 - John Langstaff = Elizabeth Gibbon [signs with mark]...........Ham., Co. D.
1767 May 10 - James Patton = Eleanor Longstaff[mark]. Witn.:William Gibbon, Sarah Morgan,
Geo. Longstaff................................................................Ham., Co. D.
1767 Jun.16 - Richard Parrinder = Sarah Longstaff. Lic. Witn.: John Brackenbury, William 
Crow.................................................................Raithby, Co. Lincoln.
1767 Jul.21 - George Langstaff = Margaret Parker, both of this p. B.Witn.: George
Langstaff, Tho. Graham...................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1767 Nov.21 - Thomas Langstaff = Anne Elliot[mark], both of this p. B. Witn.:James Hudson,
Wm. Wascoe...............................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1768 May 12 - William Newton, of the parish of Cockfield = Elizabeth Longstaff of this p.
......................................................................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1768 Dec.14 - John Sadler = Elizabeth Davison, Witn.:John Dods, Thomas Longstaff..........
..........................................................................Whickham, Co. D.
1769 May 26 - Thomas Walton = Anne Longestaffe, both of this p...........Middleton, Co. D.
1770 May 15 - Thomas Scott [mark] = Frances Longstaff [mark]], both of this p. B. Witn.:
Michael Middleton, Wm. Wascoe............................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1770 Sep. 3 - William Longstaff = Deborah Galloway..........................Arken., Co. Y.
1771 Mar.25 - Robert Longstaff = Anne Shepherd, both of this p. B. Witn.: Geo. Longstaff,
John Longstaff...........................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1772 Feb.20 - Robert Wilkinson, of Catterick, Co. York.,mark] = Elizabeth Longstaff. Witn.:
Geo. Longstaff, Jun., James Patton............................................Ham., Co. D.
1772 May 23 - Robert Forster = Sarah Longstaff, both of this p. B. Witn.: Thomas Vickers,
Frances Tallentire........................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1772 Jul. 5 - Thomas Dargue = Jane Longstaff, both of this p..........St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1772 Jul. 5 - Thomas Langstaffe = Hannah Raine, both of this p. B.............Rom., Co. Y.
1773 May 15 - Robert Raine = Anne Bussey, John Langstaff, a witness...........Rom., Co. Y.
1774 Oct.13 - George Bellwood = Jane Longstaff, both of this Chapelry. B. Witn.:Geo.
Longstaff, James Vart......................................................Barn.C., Co. D.

P.194 - (xviii) - Appendix I.

1774 Dec.26 - John Longstaffe of Kirby Stephen = Jane Hunter of this p. B.....Rom., Co. Y.
1775 Jul. 3 - Robert Giles = Mary Longstaff.........................St. Geo. H. S. Co. Mx.
1776 Apr.28 - George Clark = Ann Langstaff, both of this p. B. [both sign with marks]
Witn.: Francis Johnson...................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1776 Jun. 4 - Thomas Heslop, of the p. Of St. John, Stanwick, Yorkshire,=Mary Longstaff of
this p................................................................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1776 Jun. 8 - Jonathon Longstaff = Mary Curry, both of this p. B.Witn.:John Emerson Currah,
Ralph Wall. [Bride signs Currah]..........................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1776 Jul. 2 - Lake Pearson [mark] = Elizabeth Longstaff, both of this p. B.Witn.: Francis
Johnson, Oswald Pearson..................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1777 Apr. 8 - Elizabeth Longstaff marries John Scott...................Great Ayton, Co. D.
1776 Sep. 8 - John Longstaff = Ann Burtrey, both of this p. Witn.: Francis Johnson. [both
sign by marks]...........................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1777 Jan.19, 20, and Feb.2,Banns were called between Thomas Liddle & Hannah Longstaff, but
were forbid by the mother, the surviving parent, on account of her sons nonage............
.....................................................................St. Nicholas, Durham.
1777 Apr. 8 - Elizabeth Longstaff marries John Scott...................Great Ayton, Co. D.
1777 Apr.22 - Joseph Leech, of Mansfield = Margaret Longstaff. Lic....St.Mary, Nottingham.
1777 Jun. 7 - George Longstaff = Mary Oliver, both of this p. B. Witn.: Mark Oliver, John 
White................................................................St. Nicholas, Durham.
1777 Sep.16 - John Brissenden = Ann Longstaff.......................St. Geo. H. S. Co. Mx.
1777 Dec.22 - Richard Lucas = Elizabeth Langstaff...................St. Geo. H. S. Co. Mx.
1778 Feb. 5 - Thomas Monnseer = Ann Longstaff, both of this p.........St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1778 Jun..2 - William Pearson = Elizabeth Longstaff, both of this chapelry....Esh., Co. D.
1778 Nov.17 - Henry Longstaff = Margaret Walker.*...........................Stain., Co. D.
1779 Feb. 7 - Simon Longstaffe = Elizabeth Schollick, both of this p. B.......Rom., Co. Y.
1779 Apr.15 - George Langstaff = Mary Bushey, both of this p. B..............Rom., Co. D.
1779 Jul.23 - William Aude [mark] = Anne Longstaff [mark], both of this p. B. Witn.: James
Brown, Thos Maughan......................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1880 Nov.23 - Thomas Langstoffe = Mary Jackson, both of this p. B.............Rom., Co. Y.
1781 Jun. 6 - Thomas Longstaffe = Frances Pinkney, both of this p. B.........Rom., Co. Y.
1781 Jun.16 - William Langstaffe, of Brough = Betty Pinkney of this p. B......Rom., Co. Y.
1781 Jul. 2 - John Longstaff = Anne Willson, both of this p. B..............Escomb, Co. D.
1781 Aug.20 - Thomas Longstaff = Ellinor Oliver, both of this p.......St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1781 Oct.17 - George Longstaff = Mary Peacock................................Bowes, Co. D.
1781 Nov. 3 - Thomas Langstaff, of East Thickley, in the p. Of St. Andrew's Auckland,
husbandsman, batchelor, & Hannah Elliot, of Cockfield, spr, to be married at St.Andrew,
Auckland. He is 30, she is 22........................................Marr. Bond, Durham.
1781 Nov.25 - Thomas Ware = Easter Longstaff, both of this p. Witn.: Thomas Blenkinsop,
Thom. Longstaff...........................................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1782 Mar.21 - Joseph Langstaff = Sarah Winter, both of this p. B. Witn.: Thomas Winter,
Francis Johnson.........................................................St., A. A., Co. D.
1782 Mar.24 - Joseph Appleby, tailor, = Jane Longstaff, both of St. John, Delpike’s. B.
..........................................................Holy Trinity, Goodramgate, York.

P.195 - (xix) - Appendix I.

1782 Mar.31 - Edward Stable = Mary Longstaff, both of this p. B...............Rom., Co. Y.
1782 Apr. 8 - Joseph Gregory, [mark]= Hannah Longstaff [mark], both of this p. B. Witn.:
Margret Hendersone, Francis Johnson......................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1782 May 19 - Thomas Longstaff = Elizabeth Hopper. Witn.: Ambrose Hopper, John Dods,
Francis Johnson...........................................................Whickham, Co. D.
1782 Aug.[?20]Thomas Longstaff = Margaret Gibbon, both of this p......St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1782 Aug.20 - Mathew Longstaff = Hannah Newby, both of this p.........St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1782 Dec.26 - William Dent = Elizabeth Langstaff, both of this p. Witn.: William
Langstaff.....................................................................Rom., Co. Y.
1783 May 17 - Paxton Taylor, of Easington,& Elizabeth Wheatley, of Bishop Auckland, Witn.:
William Longstaff, Francis Johnson.......................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1783 Jun.15 - Thomas Cummins = Eleanor Longstaff, both of the p. Witn.: Francis Johnson.
[both sign with marks]...................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1783 Sep. 1 - John Sawer = Mary Langstaff..........................St. Geo., H.S.,Co. Mx.
1783 Sep.21 - William Langstaff = Ann Bell, both of this p. B. Witn.: Thomas Kircup,
John Hizon...........................................................St. Nicholas, Durham.
1783 Nov. 2, 9, 16. Publication of Banns of Ralph Longstaff of Allendale & Jane Watson of 
this parish...............................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1783 Nov.29 - William Longstaff = Margaret Wall, both of this p. By licence. Witn.: James 
Langstaff, Thos. Wall....................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1784 May 3 - John Langstaff, officer of Excise,= Sarah Stockley.Lic...Bingham, Co. Notts.
1784 May 22 - William Langstaff = Ann Dent, both of this p. B. Witn.: Thomas Langstaff....
..............................................................................Rom., Co. Y.
1784 Jun. 7 - Joseph Simpson = Ann Longstaff, Witn.: James Longstaff, Martha Longstaff,
George Longstaff......................................................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1784 Oct. 7 - John Dunn = Elizabeth Langstaff....................St. Geo., H. S., Co. Mx.
1785 Sep.19 - Alexis Monro = Sarah Longstaff, both of this p. B.Witn.: Charles Hunter,
Thomas Winter............................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1785 Sep.19 - Christopher Dent = Peggy Longstaff, both of this p. B...........Rom., Co. D.
1785 Oct.17 - William Bowes = Mary Longstaff, both of this p. Lic. Witn.: Ephraim Hall,
Joseph Currah.............................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1785 Nov.21 - Simon Longstaff = Jane Wycliffe, both of this Chapelry. B. Witn.: John 
Firbank, Thos. Wilson.....................................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1786 May 2 - Edward Harrison, of Brough, Co. Westmorland = Nancy Longstaff,of this p.Lic.
..............................................................................Rom., Co. Y.
1786 Jun. 6 - Thomas Crow, of the p. of Hagworthingham, a widower = Alice Longstaff of the
p. of Roughton, spinster..................................................Roughton, Co. L.
1787 Jan.31 - Michael Longstaff, of Hamsterley = Mary Hodgson of this p. Witn.: George 
Longstaff, Elizabeth Longstaff, Anthony Todd..........................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1787 Apr. 9 - John Langstaffe = Ann Raine, both of this p....................Rom., Co. Y.
1787 Apr.17 - George Longstaff, of this parish = Elizabeth Dixon, of Cockfield by licence.
Witn.: John Greenwell, Elizabeth Longstaff, Thomas Gibbon.............St. Hel., A., Co. D.

P.196 - (xix) - Appendix I.

1788 Mar. 5 - Joseph Hurst Lowe, of the p. of St. Mary’s in the town and county of
Nottingham = Elizabeth Longstaff of this p. Lic. Witn.: George Whitfield, Francis Johnson.
........................................................................St., A. A., Co. D.
1788 May 18 - John Longstaff = Elizabeth Hering, both of this p. B. Witn.: Richard Smith,
Thomas Rickerby....................................................Kirk Merrington, Co. D.
1788 Sep.11 - John Robson, of St. Andrew’s = Ann Langstaff....................Ham., Co. D.
1788 Nov. 8 - William Longstaff of the p. of Roughton = Lydia Camm, of this p. Lic. Witn.:
Thos. Brooks, William Kirkby............................................Wispington, Co. L.
1789 Jun.23 - William Taylor, of Staindrop = Elizabeth Longstaff, of this p. Lic. Witn.:
George Langstaff, J. [?] William Langstaff, Mary Dixon. [?]..............St. A. A., Co. D.
1789 Aug.30 - Thomas Peacock = Margaret Langstaff.................St. Geo., H. H., Co. Mx.
1789 Oct.11 - William Longstaff = Margaret Langstaff. [?]....... St. Geo., H. S., Co. Mx.
1789 Oct.16 - William Langstaff = Jane Robson, both of this p. B.............Rom., Co. D.
1790 Apr.11 - John Langstaffe = Elizabeth Raine, both of this p. Witn.: Thomas Langstaff..
B.............................................................................Rom., Co. D.
1790 May 4 - Rev. Mr. Cook, Vicar of Rillington, Co. York. = Miss Langstaff, dau. of the
late Rev. Mr. Tho. Langstaff, of Normanby, Co. York. At Normanby..........................
...............................................................Gent. Mag., Vol. 1x p.568.
1790 May 25 - James Longstaff marries Elizabeth Linsey.................Great Ayton, Co. D.
1790 May 29 - James Longstaff, of St. Andrew’s, Auckland = Ann Lambton of Heighington.
Witn.: John Applegarth, George Longstaff,Francis Longstaff.............Heighington, Co. D.
1790 May 31 - John Henderson = Ann Langstaff, both of this p..................Ham., Co. D.
1790 Jun.30 - Thomas Longstaff = Elizabeth Robinson, both of this p...........Rom., Co. Y.
1790 Dec. 6 - Jonathan Longstaff, of Bowes, son of John Longstaff by his wife Christian Sayre married Mary Herd, of Arkengarthdale.........................................Arken. Co. Y.
1791 May 12 - Richard Longstaff of Hamsterley = Elizabeth Maddison, of this p. B. Witn.:
John Henderson, John Rain.................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1791 Jul.10 - George Oakly, of St. Paul., Covent Garden, = Isabellah Langstaff, of this p.
Spr., a minor, by licence and with consent of her mother, Ann Langstaff, widow............
..................................................................St. Geo., H. S., Co. Mx.
1792 Jan.29 - Robert Langstaff, bach = Mary Brunskill, spr. both of this p.B.. Rom. Co. Y.
1792 Jun. 2 - John Elliot = Mary Longstaff, both of this p. B. Witn. William Bowes,
Mathew Longstaff..........................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1792 Sep. 2 - Joseph Langstaff, of Mitford, Co. Northumberland, bach.,= Elizabeth Tinkler,
of Romaldkirk, spr., by licence...............................................Rom., Co. Y.
1793 Apr.24 - George Langstaff = Charlotte Ann Caldwell, both of this p. B.Witn.:
Catherine Langstaff, Isabella Cleffaday..................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1793 Apr.29 - Philip Longstaff = Jane Colpitts, both of this chapelry. B. Witn.: William 
Colpitts, Margaret Longstaff..............................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1793 May 13 - John Longstaff = Mary Stephenson.......[See Entry Below]..... Bowes, Co. D.
1793 May 30 - John Longstaffe of Bowes, son of John Longstaff by his wife Christian Sayre, married Mary Stephenson. (See above: Bowes Parish Register gives the date as May 30) Bowes, Yks.
1794 May 12 - Thomas Dowson = Mary Longstaff, both of this p. Witn.: Sarah Langstaff,
Thomas Langstaff..............................................................Ham., Co. D.
1794 Jun. 8 - John Longstaff = Mary Dixon [mark], both of this p. B. Witn.: Timothy [?]
Harrison, Francis Johnson................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1794 Sep.30 - Mathew Langstaff = Sarah Greenwell, both of this p. Lic. Witn.:David Jackson,
Francis Johnson..........................................................St. A. A., Co. D.

P.197 - (xxi) - Appendix I.

1794 Nov.23 - Timothy Ederington = Mary Longstaff, both of this chapelry, B. Witn.: John
Firbank, John Westwick....................................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1795 Apr.11 - James Clark = Catherine Langstaff...............................Ham., Co. D.
1796 Apr.30 - George Longstaff = Mary Bainbridge, both of this p. Witn.:William Armstrong,
John Longstaff............................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1796 Nov.23 - John Longstaff, bach’ = Tamar Morrow, spr’, both of this p. B...Rom., Co. D.
1797 Jan.23 - Jonathon Langstaffe, bach’= Francis Vickers, spr’, both of this p...........
..............................................................................Rom., Co. Y.
1797 May 13 - Geo. Langstaff, witness to the marriage of William Emmerson, and Ann Hodgson.
..............................................................................Ham., Co. D.
1797 Jul. 8 - John Hunter = Jane Longstaff, both of this p. B. Witn.: Isabella Smith, John
Smith................................................................St. Nicholas, Durham.
1797 Sep. 7 - William Longstaff, batchelor = Elizabeth Vasey, spinster, both of this
chapelry. Lic. Witn.: Ambrose Smith, Hannah Lockey........................Barn. C., Co. D.
1798 Jan.27 - Robert Bowman, bach.= Phillis Langstaff, spr. both of this p. B.Rom., Co. D.
[1799 The banns of marriage between George Dixon, one of the people called Quakers, of this
p. and Margaret Longstaff, of the p. of St. Helen, Auckland, were thrice legally published
in this church, on the 3rd, 10th, and 17th days of Feb., by me Thomas Price, Minister.....
........................................................................Staindrop, Co. D.]
1799 Mar.16 - John Longstaff = Ann Wilkinson...........................Great Ayton, Co. D.
1799 Jun. 3 - Joseph Thirkell = Jane Langstaff, both of this chapelry. Witn.: Thomas
Langstaff, John Longstaff.................................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1799 Jul. 1 - John Watson = Elizabeth Longstaff, both of this p. Lic. Witn.: John Watson,
Mary Vickers..............................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1800 Jan.20 - Thomas White, of Winster, Co. Derby, gentleman, [21] bachelor, & Mary Ann
Langstaff, of Andover,[20] spinster, with consent of her father, Thomas Longstaff, of the
same, chemist. To be married at Andover............................Marr. Bond, Winchester.
1800 May 17 - Jane Longstaff, dau. of John Longstaff by his wife Christian Sayre, married Jonathan Stephenson of Bowes..............................................................
1800 Nov.14 - Andrew Allison = Margaret Langstaff, both of this p. Licence................
......................................................................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1802 May 25 - Edward Woodhouse = Catherine Longstaff, both of this p. Lic. Witn.: Jane
Pringle, Mary Woodhouse, Wm. Hen. Pringle................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1802 May 25 - Robert Laverick = Elizabeth Longstaff, both of this p. B. Witn.: George
Laverick, Joseph Emmerson..........................................Kirk Merrington, Co. D.
1802 Nov.24 - William Barker, of Harwood, blacksmith = Mary Longstaff,[mark] of Adel,
spinster. Witn.: Samuell Whithead, John Dawson...............................Adel, Co. Y.
1803 Aug.15 - Henry Bearpark = Jane Langstaff......................St. Geo. H. S., Co. Mx.
1804 Feb. 6 - John Longstaff = Margaret Chalder.............................Arken., Co. Y.
1804 May 17 - William Short = Margaret Stevenson, both of this p. Witn.: William Lawson,
Ann Longstaff..........................................................Long Newton, Co. D.
1805 Mar. 5 - John Wright = Isabella Langstaff, both of this chapelry. Lic. Witn.: Jackson
Heslop, Henry Wright......................................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1805 May 10 [?14] - Thomas Longstaff of the parish of Staindrop = Jane Suddick of this p..
......................................................................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1805 Jul. 6 - Richard Longstaff of Bowes, Farmer,= Ann Meggison of this p. Lic. Witnesses:
Elizabeth Thomas, Thos. Stockdale.............................Middleton St. George, Co. D.
P.198 - (xxii) - Appendix I. 

1805 Nov.15 - John Wilkins = Ann Longstaff.......................St. Geo., H. S., Co. Mx.
1805 Dec.22 - John Ball ,of Andover, gentleman, 21, widower & Jane Langstaff, of the same
21, spinster, to be married at Andover............................Marr. Bond, Winchester.
1806 Jan.27 - Ralph Langstaff = Elizabeth Fell, [mark] both of this p. B. Witn.: Jane
Langstaff, Michell Langstaff, Wm. Fell..................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1806 May 26 - John Stokeld, of this chapelry = Jane Langstaff, of Staindrop. Witn.:
Jonathon Loftus, Mary Wycliff............................................Barn, C., Co. D.
1806 Nov.29 - Michael Longstaff, of St. Andrew, Auckland = Mary Dawson, of this p. B.
Witn.: John Wade, Eliz. Wade, Cuthbert Graham............................Gainford, Co. D.
1807 Feb. 8, 15, 22 -Banns of John Langstaff, of Netherdale, Co. York, and Nancy Hodgson,
spr’,of this p...........................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1807 Mar.23 - William Coulthard, of St. Nicholas, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, = Mary Longstaff,
of this p. Lic. Witn.: William Newton, Hannah Bowes......................Stanhope, Co. D.
1808 Feb.13 - Thomas Gowland = Mary Longstaff, both of this p. B. Witn.: John Longstaff,
Chris. Gowland...........................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1818 Feb.29 - John Langstaff = Eleanor Sanderson........................St. A. A., Co. D.
1808 Mar.29 - John Walker, of St Clement Danes, Middlesex, bachelor, above 21 years = 
Hannah Longstaff, of same place, spinster, above 21 years. To be married there...........
.................................................................Faculty Office, Licence.
1808 May 6 - Thomas Langstaff, bach’=Elizabeth Jones, spr’ both of this p...............
.......................................................................Bisham, Co. Berks.
1808 May 19 - John Langstaff = Sarah Raine, Lic. Witn.: Mary Middleton, Edward Raine....
..........................................................................Winston, Co. D.
1808 Oct.20 - Addison Longstaff = Elizabeth Chalder........................Arken., Co. D.
1808 Nov.26 - Robert Longstaff, of the p. of St. Andrew, Auckland = Jane Postgate, of this p.
B. Witn.: Robert Postgate, Thos, Kay...............................Kirk Merrington, Co. D.
1809 May 15 - George Longstaff, of Bowes, son of John Longstaff, by his wife, Christian Sayre,
married Elizabeth Sayer of Lunedale, Yks. ......................................Bowes, Yks.
1809 Jun. 6 - Thomas Longstaff married Elizabeth Sowler................Great Ayton, Co. D.
1809 Jul.18 - Samuel Price, of Ruddington = Sarah Augusta Longstaff Moore. Lic...........
......................................................................Bingham, Co. Notts.
1809 Aug.10 - John Langstaffe = Phoebe Vickers, both of this p. B. Witn.:Joseph Maddison,
Mary Vickers.............................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1809 Sep. 4 - George Joslin [?Joblin] = Jane Langstaff, both of this chapelry, B.Witn.:
John Bland, John Firbank.................................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1809 Oct.31 - William Longstaff, of Ledger Hall, in this p. bach, = Elizabeth Arrowsmith,
of same p. spinster. B......................................................Rom., Co. Y.
1809 Dec.17 - Thomas Longstaff, of Romaldkirk, gent, = Ann Robinson of Middleton-in-
Teasdale, Lic. Witn.:William Langstaff, Jonathon Horn...................Middleton, Co. D.
1810 Mar. 4 - Joseph Farrow[?]. Of Chester le street = Barbara Longstaff. Witn.: William
Langstaff, Jane Langstaff, Robert Langstaff..............................St. A. C. Co. D.


1811 Feb.13 - Thomas Smith = Jane Langstaff, both of this p. Witn.: William Longstaff,
Michael Longstaff.......................................................St. A. A., Co. L.
P.199 - (xxiii) - Appendix I.
1811 Dec.25 - Jonathon How = Elizabeth Longstaff, both of this p.....St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1812 Feb.27 - Henry Faulkner = Jane Longstaff....................St. Geo., H. S., Co. Mx.
1812 Apr.13 - Thomas Marley = Sarah Longstaff, both of this p. Lic. Witn.: William
Greenwell, Elizabeth Greenwell, Jane Marley.............................St. A. A., Co. D.
1812 Apr.20 - James Longstaff, son of John Longstaff & Christian Sayre of Bowes, married 
Jane Walker of Egglestone, Middleton, Yks...................................Bowes, Co. Y.
1812 Nov.13 - Henry Longstaff = Sarah Nattres, both of this p........St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1812 Nov.26 - John Langstaffe = Mary Thompson...............................Bowes. Co. Y.
1812 Dec. 5 - Thomas Allison[he signs Allinson] = Elizabeth Longstaff, both of this p. B.
Witn.:Phillis Longstaff, Thomas Colling..................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1813 July 3 - Owen Longstaff = Lucy Ullathorne. Lic........St. Giles, Bloomsbury, Co. Mx.
1815 Feb.25 - John Longstaff = Agnes Lowes, both of this p. Witn.: John Longstaff, Phoebe
Vickers..................................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1815 Jun. 1 - John Wilkinson, batchelor = Ann Longstaff, spinster, both of this chapelry.
B. Witn.: John Loadman, Sarah Hutchinson, John Firbank...................Barn. C., Co. D.
1815 Jul. 8 - George Langstaffe, of Romaldkirk, batchelor, = Ann Hodgson, spinster of
this p. B..............................................................Startforth, Co. Y.
1815 Jul. 8 - John Langstaff, batchelor = Jane Raine, spinster, both of this p...........
...........................................................................Stain., Co. D.
1815 Aug.12 - John Longstaff, of Alston, Co. Cumberland = Hannah Elliot, of this p. Wtn.:
George Graham, Mary Walton...............................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1815 Oct. 7 - Thomas Langstaffe, of Bowbank in this p. = Sarah Garget, of Stotley, in 
Middleton in Teesdale........................................................Rom., Co. Y.
1815 Nov.26 - Matthew Walton = Margaret Langstaff [mark], both of this p. B.Witn.:
John Watson,[mark] Jonathon Horn, Clerk.................................Middleton, Co. D.
1816 Apr.15 - Thomas Longstaff = Elizabeth Parnaby, both of this p. B. Witn.: Henry
Longstaff, William Parnaby..............................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1816 May 15 - James Marriner widower, = Alice Langstaff, widow, both of this p. B. Witn.:
Thos Dixon, Ann Adamson,Cuth’ Graham.....................................Gainford, Co. D.
1816 May 18 - Robert Addison, bach’r. & farmer = Elizabeth Langstaff, spr. Both of this 
chapelry. Lic. Witn.: John Langstaff, Isabella Langstaff.................Barn. C., Co. D.
1816 May 30 - Henry Langstaff = Isabella Longstaff [both sign Longstaff], both of this p.
Lic. Witn.: Margaret Smith, Francis Johnson.............................St. A. A., Co. D.
1816 Aug.12 - John Humphries = Mary Langstaff Robson, both of this p. B. Witn.: Thomas 
Downes, Francis Johnson.................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1816 Oct.21 - John Finlay = Sarah Longstaff, both of this p..........St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1816 Nov. 2 - James Kilvington, of the chapelry of Earsdon, Co. Northumberland = Phillis
Longstaff, of this p. Lic. Witn.: William Kilvington, Nancy Longstaff....Stanhope, Co. D.
1816 Nov.19 - John Hogg, of Gainford = Ann Longstaff, of this p. Witn.: Joseph Longstaff.
........................................................................Staindrop, Co. D.
1817 Feb.14 - William Longstaff, of Rainton = Dinah Blenk.............St. Oswald, Durham.

P.200 - (xxiv1) - Appendix I.

1817 May 17 - James Stubbs, bach’r. & flaxdresser = Elizabeth Longstaff, widow, both of
this chapelry. B. Witn.: William Robson, Mary Stobbart.................Barn. C., Co. D.
1818 Dec. 5 - Stephen Waite = Hannah Langstaff [mark], both of this p. B. Witn.: Ann
Westgarth, Michel Longstaff.............................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1819 Mar. 1 - Joseph Longstaff = Isabella Brown, both of this p. Witn.: William Lee, Mary
Brown....................................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1819 May 8 - George Langstaff = Sarah Wilson, of this p................Staindrop, Co. D.
1819 Dec.27 - John Langstaff = Jane Shaw, both of this p. B. Witn.: Sarah Shaw, George
Shaw....................................................................St. A. A., Co. D.

King George 1V.

1820 Jun.10 - Shepherd Longstaff[mark]= Mary Bainbridge, both of this p. B. Witn.:William
Dixon [mark] Francis Bainbridge.........................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1820 Oct.15 - John Longstaffe = Mary Wilkinson.............................Arken., Co. Y.
1820 Nov.27 - William John Wade, of this p. Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. = Julia
Longstaff, of St Andrew, Auckland, and the chapelry of Hamsterley. Lic. Witn.: Margaret
Dixon, William Henry Dixon, Sarah Dixon, Joseph Dixon, John Greenwell...Staindrop, Co. D.
1821 Feb.26 - John Robinson [mark], of Darlington = Margaret Longstaff, [mark] of this p.
Lic. Witn.: John Smith, Francis Johnson...............................St. A. A., Co. D.
1821 Apr. 1 - John Langstaffe = Maria Bunker......................St. Geo. H. S., Co. Mx.
1821 Aug.13 - George Langstaff [mark], of Middleton, = Ann Allinson [mark, of Forest in 
this p. B. Witn.: William Sowerby......................................Middleton, Co. D.
1821 Nov. 9 - John Longstaff = Ann Gibson, both of this p. B. Witn.: Margaret Currey,
Lowinger Hall...........................................................,Stanhope, Co. D.
1821 Dec.31 - William Longstaff, of Winston, bach. & mason = Lydia Harrison spinster of
this chapelry. B. Witn.: Ann Harrison, John Brass....................... Barn. C., Co. D.
1822 May 15 - Joseph Langstaff, of Staindrop = Eleanor Mitchinson [mark], of this p.
Witn.: Mary Smith, Catherine Longstaff, John Hogg....................... Gainford, Co. D.
1822 Jun. 1 - Thomas Langstaff [mark], of Middleton = Jane Beadle [mark], of Holwick par.
of Romaldkirk. B. Witn.: Matthew Walton.................................Middleton, Co. D.
1822 Oct.26 - George Longstaff, bach’r. & carrier = Jane Gofton, both of this chapelry.
Witn.: Robert Howson, Ann Gofton.........................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1822 Nov.30 - Thomas Langstaff, of Staindrop = Mary Smith of this p. B. Witn.: George
Appleby, Cuthbert Graham.................................................Gainford, Co. D.
1823 May 17 - Thomas Todd = Catherine Longstaff............................Witton, Co. D.
1823 Jun.14 - Joseph Langstaffe = Ann Dent, of this p........................Rom., Co. D.
1823 Nov. 8 - Mathew Langstaff = Margaret Jackson.........................Witton, Co. D.
1823 Dec. 25 - Robert Robinson [mark], bach’r.= Mary Longstaff [mark] spr.Both of this p.
B. Witn.: Ann Robinson, Francis Johnson.................................St. A. A., Co. D.

P.201 - (xxiv2) - Appendix I.

1824 Feb.12 - Mathew Longstaff = Hannah Roddam, both of this p. Witn.: William Roddam,
Anthony Lowis............................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1824 Apr.26 - Thomas Longstaff=Mary Henderson. Witn.:John Longstaff.. St. Hel.,A., Co. D.
1824 May 15 - Francis Willans [mark], of this p.= Jane Longstaff [mark], of Mansfield p.
Co. York. B. Witn. Ann Willans, John Rose, Joseph Ray.................. Gainford, Co. D.
1824 Jul. 3 - John Foster[mark], widower = Ann Longstaff [mark] spinster, both of this p.
B.Witn.: Henry Smurthwaite, John Lindsley...............................St. A. A., Co. D.
1824 Oct.11 - John Scott, of Brignall, Co. York, widower & husbandsman, = Mary Langstaff,
of this chapelry, spr. Lic. Witn.: Robert Baker, Margaret Hammond.......Barn. C., Co. D.
1824 Nov.14 - John Longstaff = Mary Metcalfe..........................Great Ayton, Co. D.
1825 Jan.12 - Joseph Langstaff, bach.= Ann Payne, spr. Lic........St. Geo. H. S., Co. Mx.
1825 Jan.13 - John Longstaff = Jane Peart of this p......................Stanhope, Co. D.
1825 May 16 - Francis Longstaffe [mark], of this p. = Ann Bowser, of Staindrop, B. Witn.:
Margaret Huitson, Cuthbert Graham........................................Gainford, Co, D.
1825 May 23 - Mary Longstaff, dau. of John Longstaff & Mary Stephenson of Bowes married John Penrith of Exelby ...............................................Bowes, Yks.
1825 May 25 - George Longstaff, widower, son of John Longstaff & his wife, Christian Sayre of Bowes, married Elizabeth Pinkney of Bowes.............................................
1825 Jun. 4 - George Longstaff = Mary Wilson, both of this p.........St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1825 Jun. 4 - John Langstaffe, of Mickleton = Margaret Wilkinson, of the same............
.............................................................................Rom., Co. Y.
1825 Oct.22 - John Featherston = Mary Longstaff, both of this p..........Stanhope, Co. D.
1826 Jan.23 - Christopher Longstaff [mark], bach’r. = Elizabeth Jackson, spr. Both of
this p. Witn.:Daniel Robinson Borrowdale, Francis Bluett................St. A. A., Co. D.
1826 Mar.18 - Joseph Robinson, of Whorlton Chapelry, bachelor and husbandsman = Jane 
Langstaff, of this chapelry, spinster. Lic. Witn.: Thos. Parkin, Philip Langstaff.......
.........................................................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1826 Apr.16 - Joseph Dent = Mary Langstaffe, both of this p. Lic.......Startforth, Co. Y.
1826 May 23 - William Langstaffe = Ann Bushby, both of this p................Rom., Co. Y.
1826 Oct.21 - Thomas Raine = Mary Langstaffe, both of this p.................Rom., Co. Y.
1826 Oct.25 - Thomas Langstaffe = Hannah Jackson, both of this p.............Rom., Co. Y.
1827 Apr.10 - Matthew Langstaff, [mark] bach’r. =Nancy Bainbridge, widow, both of this p.
B. Witn.: Sarah Bell....................................................Middleton, Co. D.
1827 May 26 - Joseph Longstaff [mark] = Mary Wate [mark], both of Barnard Castle 
Chapelry,in this p. Banns, 6, 13, 20 May. Witn.: Geo. Wate, Elizabeth Peart [?]*,
Cuth. Graham............................................................Gainford, Co. D.
1827 Jun.26 - John Alcock = Martha Longstaff...............................Arken., Co. Y.
1827 Sep.12 - Joseph Langstaff, bach’r. & cordwainer = Esther Marshall, sp’r. Both of
this chapelry. Witn.: Thomas Brass, Joseph Stephenson....................Barn. C., Co. D.
1827 Oct. 1 - John Rhodes, bach’r, & blacksmith = Elizabeth Longstaff, sp’r. Both of this
chapelry. B. Witn.: Thomas Ewart, Margaret Longstaff.....................Barn. C., Co. D.
1827 Nov.28 - Francis Shield, widower & yeoman = Elizabeth Longstaff, sp’r. Both of
this chapelry. Lic. Witn.: John Stephenson, Eleanor Longstaff........Barn. C., Co. D.

* Author appears to have been unsure of this surname! Is it possibly Pears ? C. Johnson. P.202 - (xxiv3) - Appendix I.

1827 Dec.24 - James Bainbridge = Ann Longstaff [mark], both of this p. B. Witn.: Elizabeth
Reay, James Hutchinson...................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1828 May 17 - Thomas Langstaff = Mary Stevens...............................Witton, Co. D.
1828 May 22 - Elizabeth Longstaff married Edward Bousfield.............Great Ayton, Co. D.
1828 May 31 - Jacob Solomon= Margaret Longstaffe, both of Barnard Castle Chapelry, in this
p. B. Witn.: Geo. Gibbons, Cuth. Graham..................................Gainford, Co. D.
1828 Jun.14 - Isaac Hetherington, of Middleton=Anne Longstaff, both of this p..Rom. Co. Y.
1828 Jul. 6 - John Robinson, widower = Jane Langstaff.......................Witton, Co. D.
1828 Oct.11 - Henry Longstaff [mark],widower,= Mary Old [mark], widow. Both of this p.
B. Witnesses: James Jopling, James Hutchinson........................... St. A. A., Co. D.
1828 Dec.19 - John Langstaff = Elizabeth Robinson...........................Arken., Co. Y.
1829 Mar.23 - Mary Penrith, widow, aged 44 years, dau. of John Longstaff & Mary Stephenson
of Bowes, married George Heslop, bachelor, aged 24 years, son of George Heslop and Jane Wilson
of Gilmonby.......................................................................Bowes, Yks.
1829 Oct.22 - Thomas Raine = Phillis Longstaffe, both of Barnard Castle Chapelry, in this 
p. B. Witn.: Joseph Longstaff, Ann Longstaff.............................Gainford, Co. D.
1830 Jan. 3 - John Hutchinson, of Whitburn, bach’ and husbandsman = Margaret Langstaff of
this chapelry.spr’, Lic. Witn.: Philip Langstaff, Joseph Stephenson......Barn. C., Co. D.

King William 1V.

1830 Jun.26 - John Coates = Ruth Longstaff, both of this p....................Rom., Co. Y.
1830 Jun.26 - Philip Longstaff, bach’ = Jane Parnaby, spr’, both of this p. Lic. Witn.:
Michaell Longstaff, James Hutchinson.....................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1830 Oct.11 - John Langstaff = Elizabeth Tallentire, both of this p...........Rom., Co. Y.
1830 Dec.27 - Thomas Wilkinson Longstaff = Diana Brown, both of Great Ayton...............
...........................................................St. Giles, Cripplegate, London.
1831 Feb.19 - Joseph Longstaff, bach’ = Elizabeth Richardson [mark], spr’, both of this p.
B. Witn.: Ann Bradley, John Kindle.[?]...................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1831 Mar.22 - James Longstaff = Margaret Alcock.............................Arken., Co. Y.
1831 Oct.16 - John Simpson of Grinton = Hannah Longstaff....................Arken., Co. Y.
1832 Apr.25 - George Coulthard, of Hamsterley, Durham = Ann Langstaff, of Mickleton. Lic.
Witn.: John Greenwell, Ann Langstaff, William Dent, George Langstaff..........Rom., Co. Y.
1832 Jun. 1 - James Beal = Elizabeth Longstaff.....................St. Geo. H. S., Co. Mx.
1832 Jul. 7 - Richard Longstaff, bach’ = Mary Bainbridge, spr’, both of this p. B. Witn.:
Francis Bainbridge,Robert Longstaff, Elizabeth Blanchard, Elizabeth Bainbridge............
.........................................................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1832 Aug. 7 - Smart Atkinson, of Jarrow, bach’ & farmer = Mary Langstaff, of this
chapelry, spr’, Lic. Witn.: Philip Langstaff, Ann Langstaff...............Barn. C., Co. D.
1832 Nov. 7 - Jonathon Thompson, bach’ = Jane Longstaff, spr’, of this p. B. Witn.: Robert
Longstaff, James Hutchinson..............................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1832 Nov.24 - Robert Longstaff, bach’ = Ann Best [mark], spr’, both of this p. B. Witn.:
William Shotton, George Thompson.........................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1832 Dec.13 - James Birkett, bach’ & weaver = Elizabeth Longstaff, spr’, both of this
chapelry. B. Witn.: Joseph Stephenson, Watson Taylor......................Barn. C., Co. D.
P.203 - (xxiv4) - Appendix I.

1832 Dec.31 - William Morton = Sarah Longstaffe, both of Barnard Castle Chapelry.B. Witn.:
Henry Lamb, Thomas Lamb...................................................Gainford, Co. D.
1833 Feb.13 - John Dawson, of Stockton, bach’, & blockmaker = Margaret Langstaff, of this
chapelry, spr. & a minor. Lic. Witn.:John Robinson Davis, Donkin Dover, Joseph Stephenson.
With consent of Mary Longstaff, the mother................................Barn. C., Co. D.
1833 Mar. 9 - Jane Longstaff = John Storey.............................Great Ayton, Co. D.
1833 Oct.15 - George Dixon Longstaff, of Holy Trinity, Hull, bachelor. aged 21 & upwards
[actually 34] and Maria Blundell, of Sculcoates p., aged 21 and upwards [actually 21].....
...................................................................Marr. Allegation, York.
1833 Oct.17 - George Dixon Longstaff = Maria Blundell................Sculcoates, Co. Y.
1833 Nov.13 - John Longstaff = Jane Metcalfe................................Arken., Co. Y.
1833 Dec. 3 - John Longstaff = Hannah Pearson, both of this p.........St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1834 May 20 - Joseph Halker = Margaret Longstaff............................Arken., Co. Y.
1834 Sep.20 - John Collinson, of Hartlepool, bach’r. = Mary Longstaff, of this p. Spr’, B.
Witn.: John Longstaff, Robert Briggs.....................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1834 Oct. 8 - William Askey, bach’r. & labourer = Mary Longstaff, sp’r. both of this
chapelry. Witn.: George Dobson, William Wrightson.........................Barn. C., Co. D.
1835 Aug. 4 - John Longstaff, of St. Andew, Auckland = Mary Todd. Witn.: Mary Longstaff,
George Jackson........................................................St. Hel., A., Co. D.
1835 Nov. 7 - Joseph Langstaff = Frances Vasey, both of Barnard Castle Chapelry. B. Witn.:
Mary Clarkson, Jos. Vasey.................................................Gainford, Co. D.
1836 Dec.10 - George Longstaff, bach’r. = Jane Jopling, sp’r., both of this p. B. Witn.:
Thomas Jopling, Mary Longstaff...........................................St. A. A., Co. D.
1837 Mar.27 - Ambrose Burnett = Ann Langstaff, both of Barnard, Castle Chapelry, in this
p. B. Witn. Frances Langstaff, Joseph Langstaff...........................Barn. C., Co. D.
1837 May 28 - Publication of Banns, of George Langstaff & Mary Raine, both of this p......
.........................................................................Cockfield, Co. D.

Queen Victoria.

1837 Jul.29 - Ralph Longstaff, of Crosshill, Stanhope; father’s name, Ralph Longstaff, jo-
iner,= Margaret Vickers, widow, father’s name, Thomas Fairlem, labourer...Stanhope, Co. D.
1839 Jun.24 - Thomas Langstaff = Mary Hind, both of this p....................Rom., Co. Y.
1840 Mar.14 - John Longstaff = Elizabeth Horne, both of this p................Rom., Co. Y.
1840 Jun.27 - James Longstaff, son of Jonathan Longstaff & Mary Herd = Annas Lockey, both 
of Bowes, Yorkshire............................................................Bowes, Yks.
1841 Nov.27 - John Lowes Longstaff, miner, of Stanhope; father’s name: John Longstaff,
miner,= Sarah Middleton[?], of Stanhope; father’s name, Thomas Johnson, farmer...Stanhope, Co.D.
1842 Jan. 6 - Francis Longstaff, widower, accountant, of Bishop Wearmouth; father’s name,
John Longstaff, yeoman, = Elizabeth Henderson, spinster, of Rogerley Hall; father’s name,
Joshua Henderson, farmer..................................................Stanhope, Co. D.
1844 May 16 - Joseph Longstaff & Mary Bailes married, both of Great Ayton ................
.............................................................Crakehall, Nr. Bedale, Co. Y.
1844 Oct. 9 - John Charles Longstaffe = Lucy Ullathorne. R. C. Chapel..Scarborough, Co. Y.
1846 Dec. 3 - Jonathan Longstaff, son of Jonathan Longstaff and Mary Herd of Bowes, married Jane Watson of Arkengarthdale, dau. of John Watson by his wife, Elizabeth Watson.
Bride & Groom were both of full age.......................................................
age. Witnesses: John Etherington, Mary Longstaff......................... Barn. C. Co. D.
1847 Apr. 7 - John Marley, of Darlington = Eliza Longstaff, of Rainton....Houghton, Co. D.
1856 May 25 - Ann Longstaff, of Shoreditch, and William Eugenius Hay, of Surrey, married.
.............................................................St. John The Baptist, Hoxton.
1858 Sep.27 - Thomas Wilkinson Longstaff, married Susannah Matilda Hartga, at St. Philip's
Church.............................................................Bethnall Green, London.

P.204 - (xxiv5) - Appendix I.

1869 Oct 28 - John Longstaff = Jane Eleanor Dodds.........................Bromley, Co. Mx.
1873 Apr.17 - Llewellyn Wood Longstaff, of Hull = Mary Lydia Sawyer, of Southampton.......
...................................................................Southampton, Co. Hants.
1873 Apr 18 - Robert Longstaff = Caroline May Myddelton..............Misterton, Co. Notts.
1875 Feb.25 - John Holt = Eliza Ball Longstaff......................Misterton, Co. Notts.
1875 Apr. 1 - George Blundell Longstaff = Sarah Leam Dixon, both of Wandsworth............
......................................................................Brixton, Co. Surrey.
1875 Jun.22 - John Ball Longstaff = Lucie Antionette Juset [?]Juvet!.....Stixwould, Co. L.
1881 Dec.26 - Joseph Longstaff of Great Ayton, & Alice Ann Atkinson, of Stockton, marr. at
Stockton Parish Church....................................................Stockton on Tees
1883 Aug. 4 - Matilda Susannah Longstaff = John Alfred Stacey..All Sts. Church, Haggeston.
1884 Dec. - Jonathan Longstaff of Eldon, & Margaret Brown, of East Layton, Darl.
1895 Jun. 8 - George William Longstaff,[26] of Summerhouse, Co. Durham, = Emma Walker,[20]
of Ferryhill, Co. Durham, Witnesses: Thomas Bradley, Mary Walker..............Darl. Co. D.
1900 Feb. 3 - Arthur Loftus Onslow, of Wandsworth p. = Mabel Longstaff, of Putney p.......
.....................................................Holy Trinity, Wandsworth, Co. Surrey.
1903 Sep.26 - Ann Longstaff marries Arthur George Page, at St. Peter's Church.............
..................................................................Bethnsall Green, London.
1906 Jan.14 - Henry Longstaff = Rachel Nicklesburg at St. Andrew's Church, Halcomb Street,  Hoxton.................Shoreditch, London.
1906 Aug.29 - George Blundell Longstaff, widower, marries Mary Jane Donald...........All Saints, Boltongate, Cumberland.
1909 Apr.10 - Alfred Lewis Longstaff of Haggeston, London, marries Caroline Allard, at St. Barnabas Church......Hackney, London.
1914 Jun.13 - Evelyn Alice Longstaff m. Gervase Clifford Slawson, of Princetown, Dartmoor.  St. Andrew's Church, Steyning, Sussex.
Jan-Mar 1924 - Jonathan Longstaff, the son of George William Longstaff & Emma Walker of Middlesbrough, married Margaret Pears, dau. of Jackson Pears & Margaret Templeton of Newcastle, previously Upperby, Carlisle, Eng. Marr. 15 Sep. 1888.

1928 Dec. 8 - Florence Lillian Longstaff m. Albert Fleming, she of Hagerston, he of London .... St. Andrew's Church, Walthamslow.
1943 Feb.15 - Audrey Elizabeth Longstaff, dau. of Jonathan Longstaff & Margaret Pears, of Newcastle upon Tyne, married Sidney Leslie Chittem, son of James Chittem & Ellen Shelley 
of Staffordshire, Eng..........Newcastle upon Tyne, Eng.















I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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