Tall Trees and Tiny Acorns

Imagination's Artistry
Imagination's artistry paints perspective in the mind,
Sketches the fantastic where reason's eyes are blind.
Walks the paths of mystery, its sorcery unknown,
Travels through the spectrum, in another world or zone.
Imagination's dragon will breathe the breath of life,
Fire the mind of wonder, teeth sharper than a knife.
Expose the vivid colours like a super nova star,
And trip the light fantastic in its dream world Shangri-La.
Imaginations wonderland builds castles in the air,
Castles in ruination, tall towers built to scare,
The mystical, the magical, is drawn from deep within,
With the flourish of a brushstroke, let her artistry begin.
Imaginations artistry paints its canvas with foresight,
Invents a world of wonder, daydreaming day or night.
With the visionary magic in the labyrinths of the mind,
The artist paints her fantasy, her sorcery for mankind.
Copyright June 2004
Carole A.M. Johnson
This Background Features The Imaginitive Encaustic Artistry Of Cynthia Adams.
Cynthia has given me sole right to use and publish her artwork to my website.
The above poem was written and dedicated to Cynthia and her Art.
Her artwork is copyright and as such, may not be used on other websites without my consent and that of the artist.