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  Although they try to be perfect, they can only do their best,

      Sometimes no matter how hard they try, they will often fail the test.

         A mother is only human and what she deems right one day

       May seem to us the opposite, so we have to have our say

       We forget the special birthday treat, the pantomine and the theatre seat.

         The way she worried when we were ill, loved us then and always will,

        When we hurt she felt our pain,  her love for us will never wane

         She dressed us, fed us, kept us warm, sheltered us in any storm.

        One day you’ll find that it is true, although mum loves and cares for you,

          When children feel some days are rough their memories lie to make life tough,

              So banish bad days one by one,  make quite sure dark thoughts are gone,

               And show your mum you love her, for you only have one mother.





                                                                    Copyright July 2010

                                                                    Carole A.M. Johnson.

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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