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If I Could Live My Life Again 

If I could live my life again,
in another time, in another place,
If I could choose who I would be,
a different person with a different face,
Would it perhaps be Genevieve,
the Great King Arthur's queen?
Would it be Arthur or Lancelot,
with whom I'd complete my dream?

Perhaps I'd be Shakespeare's daughter!
Would he give me a part in a play?
I could be Romeo's Juliet 
and perform in that classic one day,
I think I might like to be Marion,
the sweetheart of brave Robin Hood,
Steal from the rich and give to the poor,
hoping it's all for the good.

Mark Anthony's Cleopatra,
would that be the life for me?
Cleopatra died for the love
of her Mark Anthony,
What about King Henry?
I would never be his queen!
I'd rather be his daughter Bess,
than be part of a chopping routine.

For my knight in shining armour,
who would I really choose?
Should I go back to Lancelot,
and ask him for his views,
I really do know who my love,
I do not need a clue,
It seems that I was meant to love,
no one else but you.

You were greater than King Arthur,
the king who conquered my heart,
Of Romeo, Robin Hood and Lancelot, 
you had the most gallant part,
In legend, truth or fairytale, 
there is none more legendary,
There is no other time or place,
which was ever meant for me.

I could never live my life again,
I'd live each day the very same,
Nothing could change, I know its true,
in any era I'd find you,
I would not change a single thing 
I was always meant to wear your ring,
The only things I would have changed,
Were planned in heaven and prearranged.


© 2000 Carole A. M. Johnson

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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