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Illusions of Grandeur

While researching my own genealogy,
I decided I needed an apology,
I should have been to the manor born
but my silver spoon was tarnished and worn,
Where has the wealth of my forefather's gone?
I know it was passed down, from father to son,
With land and tenement they did endeavour,
to provide for their heirs and assigns forever.

Grandmother received some heirs and graces,
she was always the lady but not of high places,
Where is the mansion which is rightfully mine?
Where are my servants? Lost in Time!
I should have been wealthy and grand,
with huge diamond rings on my hand,
With my savoir-faire and my coiff'eured hair,
I would fit in just anywhere.

I would own a yacht to sail the sea,
and a private plane to transport me,
There would be a Rolls Royce and a Jaguar
A liveried chauffeur to drive the car,
A luxurious four poster bed,
where breakfast is served and newspaper's read,
I would live to spend to my hearts content,
live the great life of sweet merriment.

I would have stood with societies cream,
It seems great grandfather followed my dream,
Good luck to him is what I now say 
when he lived it up in his bygone day,
It's too late now to join the jet set,
though there's plenty of life in this lady yet,
It seems to me I will always be,
Not too poor, 
Just ordinary.


© 2000 Carole A. M. Johnson

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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