Tall Trees and Tiny Acorns
Are you feeling rather guilty, has your home seen better days?
Do you sit at your computer as the home sweet home decays?
Have you done the ironing or removed those garden weeds?
Or are you very busy digging deep for ancient seeds?
Is that faithful old computer, shining clean and bright,
Because you clean its windows, every morning , noon and night?
Have bought it's little sister to fit nicely on your lap,
While in bed you surf the internet, or in case you need to nap?
Do you feel a little guilty, does the poor dog need to walk?
Does, he circle the computer to complain in doggy talk?
Are the dishes piled unwashed, from the ceiling to floor?
Will you do the work tomorrow, cos your fingertips are sore?
Have you now forgotten that the living need some love?
Are they jealous of the time you spend, with ancestors above?
Do you know you are addicted, to genealogy and such?
Your computer is your best friend and you love her far too much.
Carole A.M. Johnson
February 2003