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Christmas Spirit


I love The Christmas Season, I always have done so,

I love to dress the Christmas tree and add that festive glow,

With fairy lights and baubles and green holly garlands too,

I love the Christmas seasonas much as children do.


It is then that I remember those Christmas Spirit’s past,

When family were children, those were memories made to last,

The excitement on their faces as that special day drew near,

Each singing Christmas carols, adding further Christmas cheer.


A visit to my children’s school, was a special time for me,

Those happy smiling faces and  the sweet Nativity,

Children acting out  the play, as little classmates sing,

Watching  that first Christmas was a very special thing.


Icing on the Christmas cakes, snow carpeting the ground,

The final touch of winter glory, giving beauty all around

Mother Nature's landscape, frosting on the glass,

That wondeful Winter artistry, no artist can surpass.


Such beauty is just perfect for a holy Christmas day,

All children are delighted, if with snowballs they can play,

Delighted little faces, when they opened each new present,

Faces filled with happiness, to say the least, most pleasant.


Lunch with my family, each and everyone together,

Crowns and Christmas crackers, those memories last for ever

Turkey and roast potatoes, that very special course,

Followed by a tasty helping of Christmas pud with brandy sauce,


As the years have rolled on by, I see another generation,

Christmas with my grandchildren, just fills me with elation,

When I see those children happy,I still feel ten feet tall,

For it adds to my pleasure,to make each Christmas best of all.





Carole Johnson.

Copyright. July 2000

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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