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Candles are glowing,
Logs are burning,
Tree lights are aglow,
Tangerines and chestnuts roasting,
Outside is white with snow.
Christmas carols, Christmas cards,
Hot punch and ginger wine,
The holly and the mistletoe,
And Auld Langs Ayne.


     Copyright Dec. 2002 
      Carole A.M. Johnson





Snowflakes and icicles, tis that time of year,
Fairy lights and candleglow, bright Christmas cheer,
Remember the Christ Child, the light of mankind,
His cradle, a manger, in a stable, straw lined. 
Christmas Day memories should last your life through,
Like the holly and the ivy, evergreen for you.


             Copyright Dec. 2002 
             Carole A.M. Johnson

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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