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Boughs of Holly



We decorate with boughs of holly,
Christmas spirit, Christmas folly,
Good will to all men and festive bliss.
Christmas greetings and a mistletoe kiss,
Gold foil garlands, silver bells, 
cinnamon and other Christmas smells.
The Christmas tree in pride of place,
brings forth a smile to light each face.
A fairy here and an angel there,
children are helping everywhere.
With tinsel drapes, the tree excels,
on children’s faces, excitement tells.
Once more we tell the Christmas story,
of the baby’s birth, of Christmas glory.
Christmas Choirs with tuneful voicing,
sing of heralds and great rejoicing.
All too soon it is twelfth night,
remove each garland and fairy light.
First the cards and last the tree,
we're feeling sad, for what must be.
We think about the year ahead,
experience the unknown dread.
The bubble bursts, the time has flown,
we now must face the great unknown.
May the year ahead for each be jolly,
Until again we deck with boughs of holly.

         Copyright Dec. 2002. 
          Carole A.M. Johnson

I Will Always Love You - Pierre Belmonde
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